The GT Sport Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter ukfan758
Everyone, keep in mind that you're looking at a beta version of a game (where the graphics aren't really finalized) over a stream with H.264 compression. Admittedly, H.264 is the best compression, but it's still compression. There are still artifacts.
Graphics are pretty locked in when it comes to betas, it's usually the features that change more often than not as well as optimization of gameplay features, netcode, and online optimization.
What bothers me the most is that they DO have good ideas, they CAN deliver.
I think it's more a case of; if they do actually deliver something new, people get thrilled as it's been a decade in the works :lol:. Forza 4 had a great livery editor for example and that was already 5 years ago...

They just get entangled in poor management and product development, bend over their knees at whatever dumb design choice made by Sony and end up ruining a good game.
Doesn't matter if Sony would decide the direction or PD could do it themselves, they wouldn't be able to manage anyway.

Imagine the $$$ that are pumped into this studio on a yearly base, and then look at the end result and you'll know enough. Other studios can only dream of this but even still they do release games that are of a much higher standard quality wise.
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My main whine at this point is that a game that's trying to emulate Sport forgets the most important and key part that makes it great; The fans.

Look at the end of that Manufacturers cup event, we finally get a race win animation that is pathetically paraded in front of about 25 spectators, most of whom aren't even looking at the race winner or cheering. Just standing there, static. As if they've watched paint dry.

The stands are empty, no crowd noise or cheering. Barely any flags and about as much atmosphere as a pile of mud.

A great man once said that football would be nothing without the fans, the same goes for every sport and Motorsport. GT Sport feels like a cold embrace, with all its positive steps in presentation, the feeling of being there on a race day watching a world tournament final is not there and the game suffers for it.
I think it's more a case of; if they do actually deliver something new people get thrilled as it's been a decade in the works :lol:. Forza 4 had a great livery editor for example and that was already 5 years ago...

Doesn't matter if Sony would decide the direction or PD could do it themselves, they wouldn't be able to manage anyway.

Imagine the $$$ that are pumped into this studio on a yearly base, and then look at the end result and you'll know enough. Other studios can only dream of this but even still they do release games that are of a much higher standard quality wise.

Completely agree with you.

I've been playing a bit of Forza at a mate's place, (GASP! Forza! I know, I was a bit shocked the first time I played too...) and I'm amazed at the amount of things that game gets right and GT doesn't, the customization options are very impressive and their criteria for choosing cars is much better than PD's (although, alas!, no Patentwagen, no K-cars, etc.). Forza gave me in very few minutes joys that GT never could: like driving a 13B-swapped twin-turbo NA Miata.

And it's not just T10. Take S3E for instance, their AI is very good and the sounds are the best of the industry. Of course, I have no exact numbers, but it's obvious that their budget is only a shadow of what PD gets. Take PCars, the detail of their cars is absolutely amazing and begs the question if PD is without a contest in this area (pro tip: they are not).

I can't believe people are celebrating that GTS is getting a livery editor. Is getting a feature that other games have had since years ago something to be proud of? Bear in mind that even the old, clunky and critically busted NFS: ProStreet did and much more extensively that we've seen so far (although, I have to say I kinda like NFS:PS it in a twisted way).
@CarBastard luckily AC is coming to consoles. It won't have the fancy presentation and glorious photo mode, but it will deliver great FFB, physics, graphics, sounds and overall racing.

FM is going a big backwards too IMO, graphics are still gorgeous but when it comes to realistic racing they seem to be taking the dumbed down approach now as Joe average doesn't care too much about it anyway.

Anyhow point being is that your cup of tea is out there, all you need to do is take the leap and purchase it :P
...Gotta say, my biggest disappointment was the car count - 137 seem a bit paltry. Honestly, I expected at least 150+.

The new Tokyo track looks bland too - should've just updated R246. Maybe they did - will wait and see.

And the flag system - dunno whether it's because they were showing off an early "50% lol" build or not, but it looked rather suspect too.

Lots to sort out in coming months, PDI.
My main whine at this point is that a game that's trying to emulate Sport forgets the most important and key part that makes it great; The fans.

Look at the end of that Manufacturers cup event, we finally get a race win animation that is pathetically paraded in front of about 25 spectators, most of whom aren't even looking at the race winner or cheering. Just standing there, static. As if they've watched paint dry.

The stands are empty, no crowd noise or cheering. Barely any flags and about as much atmosphere as a pile of mud.

A great man once said that football would be nothing without the fans, the same goes for every sport and Motorsport. GT Sport feels like a cold embrace, with all its positive steps in presentation, the feeling of being there on a race day watching a world tournament final is not there and the game suffers for it.

I've been saying that months ago this is my first time back on here in awhile, but this is why I moved on from GT after GT6 cause they couldn't get this stuff right.

Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere!!!! Literally it's one thing even NFS 3: Hot Pursuit got right(YEAH PS1 NFS:3 that game).

Just like I'd tell people in other threads Grid Autosport isn't the best racing game in the world, but it's leagues better than GT6 was for me. People always praise GT6 physics nothing wrong with that, but the rest of the game is bland as heck. The breaking point for me regarding GT6 was going to do a seasonal with NSX long time ago, and driving the course, and then I realized this **** is boring as **** and then proceeded to promptly trade in the game.

Codemasters games(as I have yet to play outside of that) feel extremely alive they at least pull me into their world, and make me believe I'm racing this car. Simple things like people taking photos, engine noises from across the track at random places(if a car is far away from you on another side of the track you can hear it), and people running off the track if they get too close. Releasing ballons, and a helicopter flying in the air etc.

I just described Grid, DiRT, and F1 games.
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My biggest bugbear is the environments still look barren, clinical and lifeless and it have been like that since the start of GT. There is no heat haze, particle effects in the air, leaves or debris blowing around etc. The tracks/tarmac are still too clean and so are the buildings and structures. The crowds are also lifeless and repetitive in their movements.

It's like they have yet again spent all their time modelling the cars and very little on making the 'world' feel alive. Look at other games and the trackside elements look so much better and real.

I agree, it looks sterile and too clinical in its deployment. Cars get dirty, they shake, things move about generating a life like vibe. I love GT and I'll buy it but these things need to be resolved for the betterment of the game.
Everyone, keep in mind that you're looking at a beta version of a game (where the graphics aren't really finalized) over a stream with H.264 compression. Admittedly, H.264 is the best compression, but it's still compression. There are still artifacts.

The graphics for me are not the problem. Sure there are issues here and there, but they look about what I expected. The problem for me is that the gameplay, as we've seen it so far, hasn't moved on. If the graphics were at GT6 level, and the HUD was not different, I'd struggle to see any differences. The only things I can think of that were new was the safety car start of the oval race and the pointless course caution in the ring race.

The Tokyo track I found strange more than anything. It wasn't the type of track I'd expect to see added to an FIA, eSports game. It's a classic old PD type fantasy track with no safety measures, no proper barriers, nothing to make it seem realistic. For sure, FIA are not going to be endorsing it. There is a death defying drop at the start line, with just a 6ft wall between it and the drivers.

Who knows, maybe at E3 we will see great weather simulation, tyre wear, physical and mechanical damage and a whole lot more but for now, gameplay wise, it didn't look like much of a step up over GT6. For some that may be fine but for me, it's disappointing, I wanted and expected to see more.

The lack of any new real world track was also a disappointment but again, perhaps they are being saved for E3 and beyond.
I get most of the skepticism, except with regard to graphics. A sim running at 60 FPS, with this many cars on screen and on hardware that is — in the grand scheme of things — rather underpowered, is not going to look jawdropping. Just good. It's why the hate for Driveclub's 30 FPS was so totally ridiculous and ignorant.

That said, I guess we were all half-hoping Polyphony would tap into the mythical secrets of the PS4, as first-party devs occasionally do. Evidently that hasn't happened. What we're getting is a sim that looks marginally better than Project Cars on the same platform. Alright.

It'll be interesting (and maddening) to see what the PS4K brings.
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Honestly, saying the reveal is underwhelming is an understatement, aside from that Scapes photo mode thing nothing looked interesting or impressive at all, same sounds, same graphics. The content numbers are pretty low for something releasing 3 years into PS4's life, Forza 6 has 600+ cars and 28 tracks already here in my hands, why should I pay my attention to GTS at all?

I agree with you Sim. not that I am that invested in GT anymore, but I was hoping they might give me a reason to think about getting a PS4, they did not. Forza has got SO much more that interests me, and to think we complained about what 300 cars? In any event, Horizon 3 and Assetto will be out soon so there is no reason for me to sweat it. PD is really putting themselves behind the eight ball by not blowing the faithful away after all this time. Well, I hope they ramp it up quickly. I started out with 16 million credits and a BOATLOAD of great cars in F6 by the way PD :).
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So my only crying will be the Tokyo Expressway. The course is FICTIONAL, and not a faithful real life recreation. The real course is just right outside their office (literally a few metres from Tokyo R246), and they have the resources to model it. I was dismayed it was not the full complete C1 loop. It does go to the Tomei Expressway but then it throws in a bunch of mixed sections and suddenly the next lap begins. PD still have time to make the real C1 course, I am going to demand the real C1 for GT7 then.

Otherwise GTS is looking to be revolutionary, and I think I could live with this course.
- Biggest complaint by far is this was not worth 3 years of waiting. If this was GT7 with a full car and track list I could stomach the underwhelming improvements, but its not. Its an eSports game that PD will spend the next 2 years patching and working on which will disrupt GT7's progress which means best case scenario we'll get GT7 Q4 2018 50% complete full of bugs. And look. The PS5 will be almost here by then. We'll have another situation of a new GT game launching on old hardware when new hardware is released. This is seriously screwed up.

PD has dug themselves into a hole and it seems like they arent interesting in trying to get out of it. At some point they're going to have to just stop spending so much time trying to fix their incomplete games and focus on making the next one correctly the first time, at launch.

Best case scenario they support GTS with patches updates etc for 6 months, then focus on GT7 100% and get it out Spring 2018.

- Super premium built from scratch just for the PS4? ....... Thanks Kaz, guess we'll be able to see ...what werent we not able to see on the PS3 premiums? .... Its not like they needed to do this to give all the cars proper damage modeling or something, because from the looks of it damage is not available.

- Collision physics still look circa 1998. Very few things can suck you out of the realism of a race then having a car bounce off barriers like a hollow fisher price toy. Beyond that, bad collision physics are strong evidence of a very flawed physics engine. If a car's weight and inertia is properly modeled when it crashes it's shifting weight should produce a somewhat realistic looking crash more times then not. The idea the chassis of the cars in GT still behave like brick sleds tells me they're still using a primitive physics engine that would be more suitable to an arcade racer.

- The City track looked awful. Horrible, bland layout, way too narrow for any sort of real racing, and it looked like a human hadnt lived there in years outside of the flagman who had been frozen in time by aliens. Dreadful. It only exists to showcase the game's graphics. What a shame.

- What is the point of the oval course? I like NASCAR and oval racing, but a n00b friendly 20 lane wide knock off of Bristol Motorspeedway is not what I wanted to see.

With that said...this unveil confirms to me Gran Turismo is no longer a AAA franchise. AAA budget yes, but in terms of gameplay no. Its like the Call of Duty of racing games. If I look at it that way it'll be worth $40 this fall. Once you stop expecting GT to be elite like it was 10+ years ago and accept its new place as an also ran, you wont feel so disappointed and will accept the game for what it is.
You know what really irks me about this... I missed the live stream, and don't care. I don't have a PS4, and don't care. This game has a launch date, and I don't care. This is the first GT that has released that I haven't been geeked about. I remember getting hyped reading about the first GT in PSM, and every sequel there after. Until GT6 happened. GT5 was excusable. Gt6 was disrespectful to fans IMHO. Lazy trash slung out to cash in on the last bit of the PS3s life. GTS, from what I've heard, seems to be following suit. In the end, only time will tell.
Worst Gran Turismo trailer in GT's history. Bunch of amateurishly cut random replay captures with name tags above cars whilst using an incredibly old build of Nurburgring complete with walls of 2D low-res placeholder trees.
I think Polyphony should have skipped Gran Turismo 6 and started working on Gran Turismo 7 or whatever. Polyphony should have had a Gran Turismo game ready to go, as soon as the Playstation 4 came out in 2013, regardless if it hurt Driveclub. Whatever Polyphony is doing, isn't working very well. I understand how much work goes into creating car models, tracks etc, however, Forza has released a new game every 2 years, and they are really great games. It really saddens me to see my favorite racing series fall into obscurity like this. Gran Turismo Sport looks like a good game, but I really wanted Gran Turismo 7, and that may not be released until like 2018. :(