The GT5 Garage Editor Thread.

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You are just gonna love GE especially if your a car collector wanting to complete your garage your way...

Lancia DELTA HF Integrale Evoluzione '91 Rally Car Reflex Purple-5.jpg
Lancia DELTA HF Integrale Evoluzione '91 Rally Car Reflex Purple-3.jpg
You just have to double click the tune sheet area and you can adjust the heights there on any car any way you wish... Experiment with it to get the desired effect you wish... looking at the regular GT5 adjustments helps so either go above those numbers or below depending on if a gasser, 4 wheeler, or slammer. No one needs to hybrid other cars to the car you are modifying if they simply use the multi area. The other adjustments such as with body code, color and paint codes can give you just about anything your missing you want in your garage including those impossible to get now...
I already know about the tune sheet. And sorry to ask but if I alter it through the GE and checked it in the game, will it revert back to default? Because that happened before when I did a suspension swap. Still have no time to try it out yet.
If you're running the proper version 2.11 it should and will not revert back. However, if you go to the settings to check it then it could revert back, so do your mods first in GT5 and settings then use GE only and don't use the GT5 settings after that. I hope this helps ya...
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Just came across something today and wonder if anyone knows more about it ? When you use the GE secret menu option, and as most know, you can select 20 favorite circuit tracks. What I noticed today is that the secret menu allows a selection of 4 different Top Gear circuits of which one of them is with weather. Oddly when limiting to the 20 max courses that you can select and then going to arcade mode only one is there. If you select only the Top Gear weather one and limit it in the special menu to that single circuit which you can do with the special settings option it will not show that circuit and freeze up the game when going to arcade. Trying to explain as best as I can and hope you understand what I refer to here...
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Everything loads up in GE but Everything is greyed out and I can't click on anything. Do I need to go back to a certain update?
I used GE before but a friend set it up on another PC. Any help, can we talk about this here?
Now GE won't even open...
What update are you on? Some have said it does this on 2.17, but if you go back to a previous update, it'll work. I recommend 2.11 over any other update.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Everything loads up in GE but Everything is greyed out and I can't click on anything. Do I need to go back to a certain update?
I used GE before but a friend set it up on another PC. Any help, can we talk about this here?
Now GE won't even open...
If its greyed out on your PC you need to press on File to open up your Garage and then press on your save file, and then it will work. You do I need to go back to a certain update to open up the GE, because I can open it up on any update.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Everything loads up in GE but Everything is greyed out and I can't click on anything. Do I need to go back to a certain update?
I used GE before but a friend set it up on another PC. Any help, can we talk about this here?
Now GE won't even open...
Have you tried re-downloading it again? Maybe it'd work if you do.
If its greyed out on your PC you need to press on File to open up your Garage and then press on your save file, and then it will work. You do I need to go back to a certain update to open up the GE, because I can open it up on any update.
I know. When I do, day, credits etc load but I can't do anything. I'm gonna try reinstalling GE and going back to 2.11(currently 2.17). Thanks y'all.
I know. When I do, day, credits etc load but I can't do anything. I'm gonna try reinstalling GE and going back to 2.11(currently 2.17). Thanks y'all.
It is strange I can open up the GE on 2.17, but 2.11 update it the best. The link should work if you done it right, and lets us know how you get on.
Does anyone here know where or if GE 1.3.1 has something that tells whether racing modification is applied or not? I noticed years ago if you do anything to your car at all with GE, it will let you go into the racing modification tab at GT Auto regardless if your car actually has it or not. If you perform it on one that does not have it though, nothing really happens.

However, my Veyron for some reason is sitting at 1218HP when it should be at 1256HP like my others and I figured out recently it was because I did this years ago and I am wanting to revert it.
Got GE to work, tried a different USB and redownload GE.
Now to figure out how to use GE without having to go through Win Zip every time without it just opening as a small blank square.
Thanks y'all!

Edit: I give up.
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Got GE to work, tried a different USB and redownload GE.
Now to figure out how to use GE without having to go through Win Zip every time without it just opening as a small blank square.
Thanks y'all!

Edit: I give up.
what is the problem with WinZip ?.
I need to re-download GE again after my PC just wiped off my old files from my original hard drive during recovery. I've had that for five years already. How unfortunate I am seeing it happen all of a sudden. :guilty:
Here's something incredibly useful I just noticed with GE 1.3.1. If you ever click a dropdown arrow and want to find something quickly, but it has so many options to choose from, just press a key on the keyboard and it will take you to the closest thing on the list that starts with that letter. Each time you press it, it will take you to the next one that starts with that letter.

It's really useful when you want to find a specific paint. 👍 It helped me find chrome orange in that massive list of paints, but it ain't just limited to paints though. This can be applied throughout the editor.
If you ever click a dropdown arrow and want to find something quickly, but it has so many options to choose from, just press a key on the keyboard and it will take you to the closest thing on the list that starts with that letter. Each time you press it, it will take you to the next one that starts with that letter.

That's actually standard dropdown box functionality - tons of programs will do that. It's a useful thing to know outside of save editing too!
what is the problem with WinZip ?.
Trying to figure out how I can make it an icon on desktop I don't know if it'd help(Im also running out of days on the free WinZip). It either crashes or opens a tiny tab that's blank. I've still had no success in anything. Something as simple as more credits(even under the max limit) I get a "save data corrupted" thing on the PS3.

When I get GE open through WinZip, I copy the save to USB on the PS3, wait for the light on the stick to stop blinking, pull it out and put it in PC, wait for the light to stop blinking again, open garage in GE, add some credits, get update successful, close garage, wait for light to stop blinking, click safely remove USB on my PC, wait for light and remove, plug in PS3, delete old save and copy new one, open GT5 and get save file is corrupted please try another file and then get prompted to use backup save...
When I get GE open through WinZip, I copy the save to USB on the PS3, wait for the light on the stick to stop blinking, pull it out and put it in PC, wait for the light to stop blinking again, open garage in GE, add some credits, get update successful, close garage, wait for light to stop blinking, click safely remove USB on my PC, wait for light and remove, plug in PS3, delete old save and copy new one, open GT5 and get save file is corrupted please try another file and then get prompted to use backup save...
You must be doing something wrong when you are transferring the save, or you brought something on GE that makes the save to get corrupt. There are some things on GE that causes the save to get corrupt, like certain cars.
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You must be doing something wrong when you are transferring the save, or you brought something on GE that makes the save to get corrupt. There are some things on GE that causes the save to get corrupt, like certain cars.
Not saving also corrupts the data as well. I sometimes forget to save after a while in the process of hybriding, but at least GT5 has backup save, which is real nice to have.
Here's something incredibly useful I just noticed with GE 1.3.1. If you ever click a dropdown arrow and want to find something quickly, but it has so many options to choose from, just press a key on the keyboard and it will take you to the closest thing on the list that starts with that letter. Each time you press it, it will take you to the next one that starts with that letter.

It's really useful when you want to find a specific paint. 👍 It helped me find chrome orange in that massive list of paints, but it ain't just limited to paints though. This can be applied throughout the editor.

I have used this a ton!!! Thank goodness for this feature, saves me so much time as I use the GE to paint all my cars because it's so much faster that that spray booth and doesn't require any paint chips what so ever. Everyone playing GT5 should use the GE, it's a no-brainer.

Here is a fail safe procedure that I use when editing any game save with the Editor:

1.) Always CLOSE the GARAGE before exiting the GE and removing your thumb drive.

2.) If you forget, you often can re-open it and do it correctly so long as you don't do anything else.

3. ) Once you close the garage, restart the GE and re-open your garage. If corrupted it won't open.

4.) Once you know your game save is in good shape, you may have a problem copying it to PS3.

5.) If this happens you will be prompted to delete the "bad" data and use the PS3 backup file.

6.) Do NOT delete the edited data that you know isn't corrupted, despite what the PS3 says.

7.) Turn off the PS3 and restart it. Remove thumb drive and reinsert it firmly and retry again.

8.) The USB port may become loose over time so be gentle, it may take several tries to work.

9.) Always keep extra back-up copies of your game save (thumb drives are cheap!) just in case.

These steps will save you much time and frustration when editing game saves.

EDIT: The GE also saves backups, we just need to copy the folder to a thumb drive in the PS3 / SAVEDATA folder and change the name to match a regular game save.
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You must be doing something wrong when you are transferring the save, or you brought something on GE that makes the save to get corrupt. There are some things on GE that causes the save to get corrupt, like certain cars.
Maybe he wasn't able to close the GE properly by clicking the "Exit Garage" (iirc), hence the save data became corrupted.