Here's something incredibly useful I just noticed with GE 1.3.1. If you ever click a dropdown arrow and want to find something quickly, but it has so many options to choose from, just press a key on the keyboard and it will take you to the closest thing on the list that starts with that letter. Each time you press it, it will take you to the next one that starts with that letter.
It's really useful when you want to find a specific paint. 👍 It helped me find chrome orange in that massive list of paints, but it ain't just limited to paints though. This can be applied throughout the editor.
I have used this a ton!!! Thank goodness for this feature, saves me so much time as I use the GE to paint all my cars because it's so much faster that that spray booth and doesn't require any paint chips what so ever. Everyone playing GT5 should use the GE, it's a no-brainer.
Here is a fail safe procedure that I use when editing any game save with the Editor:
1.) Always CLOSE the GARAGE before exiting the GE and removing your thumb drive.
2.) If you forget, you often can re-open it and do it correctly so long as you don't do anything else.
3. ) Once you close the garage, restart the GE and re-open your garage. If corrupted it won't open.
4.) Once you know your game save is in good shape, you may have a problem copying it to PS3.
5.) If this happens you will be prompted to delete the "bad" data and use the PS3 backup file.
6.) Do NOT delete the edited data that you know isn't corrupted, despite what the PS3 says.
7.) Turn off the PS3 and restart it. Remove thumb drive and reinsert it firmly and retry again.
8.) The USB port may become loose over time so be gentle, it may take several tries to work.
9.) Always keep extra back-up copies of your game save (thumb drives are cheap!) just in case.
These steps will save you much time and frustration when editing game saves.
EDIT: The GE also saves backups, we just need to copy the folder to a thumb drive in the PS3 / SAVEDATA folder and change the name to match a regular game save.