The GT5 Garage Editor Thread.

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That looks like Electric Orange

No this is highly reflective and shiny like the Chrome Line cars, which are not chrome colors, but are so named for the chrome lines that form the GT Logo. It's the only other color that is like this and it's an early color, like a test color for the chrome lines. I call it yellow because the chip is yellow and it is more yellow than orange. It's a cool color that can be applied to cars, as there are no Chrome Line Colors, they are hard coded to the car bodies like the race liveries.
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See the Color Codes thread also, I added a couple there to show what the codes are for.
Cool 'No-Name' Green Pearlescent

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Hey guys, i'm back from vacation! Sometime tomorrow i'll try to get that dirt and snow tire tutorial up if I have the chance and I will also do the same for how to get the GTPSP SP Model cars in GT Mode. Hopefully then we can find out what the paint codes are for the Corvette and GT-R. I am not too worried about getting the paint chips for them now, just getting the paint code for them will be good enough for me.
is any mod reading this up for a private conversation about a "GT5 Garage Editor"?
Not sure what you mean by that.

Speaking of which, do you still plan on updating your tool? Their are some things I still wouldn't mind seeing in the next version, including those I mentioned on NGU years ago.
Hopefully then we can find out what the paint codes are for the Corvette and GT-R. I am not too worried about getting the paint chips for them now, just getting the paint code for them will be good enough for me.

I haven't forgot.. still going through colors looking for them. 👍
What I last done was altering the live data to where I can replace a color from the new dealership. I can probably determine it then.
I sure hope so, I have wanted to know the paint codes for these cars for YEARS now. (no joke)

By the way, if for some reason you need to get them into arcade mode, you can just add them to your favorites list after adding them to your garage and then they will show up in arcade mode under the favorites tab.
Hopefully then we can find out what the paint codes are for the Corvette and GT-R. I am not too worried about getting the paint chips for them now, just getting the paint code for them will be good enough for me.

Try the following for the Corvette White:
0x018BCFFF (ID = 3166)

And the following for the GT-R Blue:
0x018BEFFF (ID = 3167)

If I just interpreted the data right, these could be the colors you are looking for. It's been a "while" since I last did anything with GT5 so kinda had to refresh my memory a bit and not sure if I did it correct xD.
Try the following for the Corvette White:
0x018BCFFF (ID = 3166)

And the following for the GT-R Blue:
0x018BEFFF (ID = 3167)

If I just interpreted the data right, these could be the colors you are looking for. It's been a "while" since I last did anything with GT5 so kinda had to refresh my memory a bit and not sure if I did it correct xD.
Just tried them both and I think that's it! :eek: About 90% sure it is. Thanks for sharing! :D

I'm still going to have Jake double check just to make sure because with all the paints in GT5, it's easy to mix them up.
Whats with the obsession about colors? I dont get it
These are colors from the SP model cars from GTPSP. They are completely unobtainable by normal means, I have wanted them for years since they're fairly unique and so I can make premium versions of these cars.
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Not sure what you mean by that.

I meant "mod" as in moderator, from which I thought that it is an acceptable abbreviation here on GTP. Sorry if it was confusing, I should have written moderator instead.

*EDIT* So I'll completely rephrase it:
Would any moderator reading this like to discuss some things about "GT5 Garage Editor" with me in a PM/Private Conversation?

Speaking of which, do you still plan on updating your tool? Their are some things I still wouldn't mind seeing in the next version, including those I mentioned on NGU years ago.

Updating depends on some factors that are completely out of my control.
I meant "mod" as in moderator, from which I thought that it is an acceptable abbreviation here on GTP. Sorry if it was confusing, I should have written moderator instead.

*EDIT* So I'll completely rephrase it:
Would any moderator reading this like to discuss some things about "GT5 Garage Editor" with me in a PM/Private Conversation?
I know what you mean't by "mod", the second part was what I was asking about.
Updating depends on some factors that are completely out of my control.
Sorry to hear. I sincerely hope we can get an update for it. I have a list noteworthy things that are missing in the current version of GE in case you're curious.
Just a useful tip for those that don’t know... especially those getting restarted or just getting premiums.... as GT5 has many models that are both a standard and a premium in GE items the first one listed will always be the premium and the second one listed will always be the standard... haven’t found any exceptions to that if I recall correctly.
Anyone here remember the car color sample and the wheel color sample?


Well I found an old text document on my portable hard drive I made years ago partially explaining how I got them. Eventually I am going to make an in depth tutorial on how to get these, but I need time to experiment and make sure I remember it properly. (GE sadly does not have them listed)

And yes I know we already have some tutorials on the internet showing how to get them. However, the problem I have with them is all they really do is tell you to get a donor car and swap all the parts on it for the parts these cars use and to put it bluntly, what your getting from this is NOT the real deal. If you put the cursor on the car in your garage and press square, the white text box will still show the name of the donor car you used. (And no GE will not fix that)
My method however is not like this and what you get is the real deal and not some fake with swapped parts and it's also less time consuming. ;)
Ya mean these... :D
tell us more about the text box fix !
Well you can't really fix what is in the white text box if you used a donor car like those old tutorials cover, but you won't have that problem at all with my tutorial whenever I post it.

To put it bluntly it involves adding two car tickets with GE, decrypting the save in Bruteforce Save Data, then opening it in HxD and changing the ticket id's to what the car and wheel color samples use. Whenever you open them, you actually get them and the white text box I mentioned earlier will have the cars names like it's supposed to. Meaning what you have is the real deal and not some stupid swap job.

I'll make an in depth tutorial on this later.
Oh... gee sounds to complicated for this ol’ guy... I’ve heard of those hex deals back when, but my 2000 car premium garage is to purty now and I’m to old to change my ways... can’t imagine re-doing all my 2 grand of cars as I’d have to live to 100 to finish I’ll leave all those hex deals for my grandson and all the other young bucks and newbies watch’n out here to figure out... :D;)
To put it bluntly it involves adding two car tickets
By chance you give me what it looks like in hex? I could potentially add tickets that way in a live editing matter, I know GE is a tool, but I kinda want the no name paints in my list. Just DM if you want.
Anyway.. recalling back in the good ol days here’s another tip I remember... some never get the specs right on their new coded car... so here’s another tip... first when buying or getting your donor car do it in “A” setting only... then go to GE and do your body swap... then go back to GT5 and select the car and refresh to the new thumbnail and car... now go to “B” setting and you will see the correct specs for the new car... simply copy “B” setting to the “A and C” settings and you’re good to go.
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Oh... gee sounds to complicated for this ol’ guy...
It's actually not that hard, but I can understand why you would shy away from doing it, I tend to be the same way sometimes.

If you want me to, I can add those two cars to your save game. However if you really do have 2000 cars, you may have to sell two of them to make room for those two because I think GT5's garage limit is 2000.
By chance you give me what it looks like in hex? I could potentially add tickets that way in a live editing matter, I know GE is a tool, but I kinda want the no name paints in my list. Just DM if you want.
I'll PM you about it.
Sony... No room lol ... actually between 1975-1995 cars depending on what other stuff you have, such as horns, paint chips, etc... GE will give ya the boot with 100/200 errors if you attempt saving from that point... so ya have to figure out in advance what tickets you need to get ya to the 2000 car limit without returning to GE after the 1975-1995 cars limit before an error appears...

And ya I have every premium ever which actually total 308 different cars not considering any extra colors... although minor differences in a very few cases. With that said I went to get every color that all the premiums came in which rounds out my premium only garage very close to 2k leaving just a bit of room for hybriding...
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There is a paint limit, I surpassed that once back in the day due to the Garage Editor, but those No Name paints interest me a lot.
I am currently very confused by these discussions on Hybrids, i guess i'm just gonna have to try this for myself.