Just because it doesn't hand out money on golden platters doesn't mean its broken. Some of us likethe way it is because it makes the campaign last longer and its more fun for people like me
Not to be hugely rude, but there's always going to be someone who likes it. That one person enjoys something isn't an argument that it couldn't be improved. I've not argued that the game should "hand out money on golden platters", there's enjoyment value to be had from receiving something that you worked for. But it's also a game that is made to appeal to a wide audience, and just because a small proportion enjoy a very grindy game doesn't mean that the experience wouldn't be improved for a lot more other people by changing it.
If you read further down the thread than the post you quoted you'll see this outlined in more detail.
There will always be people wanting to earn the dough as quickly and efficiently as possible, no matter how good or bad the in-game economy is. So I'm sure no matter what, this thread will serve those who need/want.
Ideally, everything you do would earn you money at roughly the same rate so you could just choose to do what you find most fun. In that case this threat would be redundant. It seems unlikely that will be the case from what I've seen so far so you're probably right, but we can always hope.
Personally, I like there to be some grind, it makes collecting the expensive cars have more significance. With that said, I agree that GT Sport took the grind too far and I'm hoping for a better balanced economy in GT7, while still making you sweat a bit to afford the unicorns.
It depends how you define grind. If "grind" is simply doing a certain amount of racing/gameplay in order to get to a rare or expensive item, then sure. If "grind" is repeating content over and over, then that feels to me like poor game design.
Basic psychology shows that most people find repeating the same task over and over to be not terribly fun, and so the default should be to provide the player with a range of tasks that they can complete in order to meet their goals in an efficient way.
I’m still hoping for higher payout seasonal events like we had back in 5/6
The high payout seasonals were a bandaid fix to a problem that shouldn't have existed. If you remember what the GT5 economy was like before they patched seasonals in, it was dire. Honestly, it was a reasonable fix for a game that had already shipped, but it's a shame that they continued using the bandaid instead of addressing the fundamental problem that led to requiring it.
That said, modern game design also really likes these daily/weekly/monthly rewards, and so I could see relatively lucrative seasonals being included as part of the design to psychologically tie people to logging into the game regularly. If hitting them regularly is required to progress through the game/afford cars at a reasonable rate though, it'll start to look a lot like F2P manipulative ********. They should be a bonus for those who log in regularly, not a punishment for those who don't.