The GT7 Livery Editor Competition #47: Cartificial Intelligence (CLOSED)

  • Thread starter MatskiMonk
Just realised the closing date for this was wrong by a couple of days... you have till a week on Sunday to get your entries in.. only 4 entries so far.
I started in good spirit but now too much is coming in between. Still hoping to finish it, but I can't promise right now.
Hope more people will join just like the last competition because this is a very fun one.
Just realised the closing date for this was wrong by a couple of days... you have till a week on Sunday to get your entries in.. only 4 entries so far.
I had some ideas and some good images provided by the AI that are unfortunately a bit too hard for me to make. Still trying, but I can't make any promises.
Hey guys, I think next time we should do an one-off Eddie Jordan special in honor of the yellow rock and roll man himself! Already been thinking some cool ideas based on the yellow era! 💛

The winner of this competition can pick it for the next one. I'm trying not to be too rigid with the theme options, but I'd like to keep the same schedule with the winners deciding the theme. It gets messy otherwise.
I can already say that I'm not going to make it, just been too busy lately. Too bad because if I would have pulled it of, it would have been cool I think.
I got some very impressive results on ImageFx, too impressive to tackle though, so I've been trying @Tuning_Maniac 's Neon Sunset. It's presentable, about 90% there but as usual the last 10% are the tricky bits. Need to focus on those and resist the urge to junk parts of it, but should have something. I thought I wanted to do a Synthwave livery but I'm not sure I like it now I've done it, lol

Respect @MatskiMonk for picking up the LEC btw, in addition to all the other help you give on here :cheers: :gtpflag:

Struggled a bit with this one but I wanted to submit something even if I'm not completely happy with it.

Here's the source image:


No, this doesn't really look like an MC20 GT2 even though I specifically (and repeatedly) asked ChatGTP for it :crazy: I flip-flopped between ChatGPT and Google's image creation - Google seemed to be better and coming out with a car that looked like the car I'd asked for, but the liveries it produced were pretty damn basic, whereas ChatGPT could produce exciting liveries but took massive liberties with the car shapes. I settled on this as a compromise, hopefully it's within acceptable bounds for this competition but will accept if not.

In ChatGPT's defence though, that's one sexy looking car it hallucinated.

I've tried to keep the design faithful while also adapting it to the MC20's actual body shape. Not much more to say about it tbh as really the machine had all the creative input :lol:
I've been trying @Tuning_Maniac 's Neon Sunset. It's presentable, about 90% there but as usual the last 10% are the tricky bits. Need to focus on those and resist the urge to junk parts of it, but should have something. I thought I wanted to do a Synthwave livery but I'm not sure I like it now I've done it, lol
I nearly did that, it's a fun livery and I'm fortunate in that standard gradient work is fine in Corel. Fingers crossed you get it done 👍

Respect @MatskiMonk for picking up the LEC btw, in addition to all the other help you give on here
Thanks, but what's absolutely killing me at the moment is the 13 or so liveries I'm trying to work on.





Took me a while to get the AI to make me some nice design that I could reproduce in game. In the end, after multiple prompts, I settled for this: a 911 sponsored by Canonical and Ubuntu.

Took some liberties with the sponsors and specially the front design: the RSR's hood is a nightmare of crevices and holes. In the end, I am happy with the results.


  • ubuntu.png
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  • 2.png
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PS4 base

First time for me to consult artificial intelligence when it comes to design creation.
I went with ChatGPT for text definition and dropped the results into DeepAI.
Started with a Porsche 911 and finished with a Zakspeed Ford Mustang Gr.4.
All I can say is that my AI-entry isn’t the worst I’ve ever done. On the other hand it would hardly be found outstanding or brilliant.
Anyway I have fun to compete with you guys – as always. Keep these comps going please!

Source image:
Thank you (I think :D) @Tuning_Maniac for the original AI livery image, I went with the Jag to help the front graphic fit. There is a Synthwave artist called Sunset Neon, and I was going to go with that... until I listened to some of his tracks; Hair Metal is 80's, but I'm happy to avoid it. Some may feel the same about this livery, but I decided to go for it and stick a dolphin on there along with most other Synthwave cliches:cool:. The only hope for it at this point is to go even further, and if I had time I'd redo the right and make it a night scene with neon palm trees, sunset and moon, or at least upgrade the frequency response blocks to something more exciting, I might get time to do that for tomorrow, watch this space... or don't, lol

I put the original image in the Final Entry, but not everyone has, and also I can see now that the description is included too, I can tidy any of that up if it makes your life easier @MatskiMonk
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