The hardest part of these kinds of threads is coming up with a better way of doing it than the actual developers. Sure, I can suggest they fix things all day long but I don't really have any grandiose schemes for how certain aspects could be better. I do have a list of miscellaneous things that I would like improved for the next game, though.
- I for one don't really care about the game becoming more realistic or whatnot, because there are other games for that. GT needs to continue being accessable to the masses like it always has been.
- Better AI difficulty. Every Gran Turismo game's hardest AI has been too easy for veteran racers.
- Maximum grid capacity increased to 26+ for the next game. (I think this will be a given with the PS5's firepower.)
- Should come with the territory of more powerful hardware, but a full day/night cycle and rain while hopefully retaining Sport's beautiful graphics.
- A rebalanced economy. Reduce the prices of classic cars and create series around them.
- I'd like the return of modifiable aero parts. Not the huge grotesque LB stuff, but some functional rear wings and canards for every car that actually improve downforce. Maybe have those parts be removable for races that require specific tuning requirements.
SPLIT THE CLASSES (hopefully this will come with more cars being featured in these new sub-classes)
- Remove the Group C cars from Group 1.
- Remove GT1 cars from Group 3
- Re-balance or split the Group 2 class.
- Remove the FWD cars from Group 4 and create a separate TCR class.
- Returning cars need to be categorized properly. For example, if the DTM cars from the early 2000s come back, they need their own class.
- I'd like to see a more expansive list of options for Arcade Mode. Penalties, multi-class, championships, race weekends, the works.
- Online shuffle mode with the option of either GT4 cars, TCR cars or N300-tier cars.
- If we're going to be keeping rallycross, please for the love of Kaz, let there be more than two cars on the track at a time.
- Oh yeah, just for the hell of it, bring back the GT5 B-Spec with the hireable drivers. Sometimes you'd just rather watch the race than drive in it yourself.
- I'd like the return of special manufacturer races and challenges that you can only access through the dealerships/brand centrals.
- The livery editor is cool and all, but some people are just garbage at it, some editable templates would be nice for beginners.
- The ability to change the location and size of mandatory number plates on cars.
- The ability for AI cars to use custom liveries either from your own library or the internet. Forza has this capability already.
- A better filter/report function on the community. I still see a lot of NSFW stuff slipping through. Same goes for the reporting on people being idiots online in lobbies and Sport Mode. (I'm still seeing quite a bit of Pronhub in Sport Mode)
- For sure, editable window banners.
- This would be fun, but a "PlayStation Icons" stickerset that features tonnes of logos and characters from past and present PlayStation exclusives. So like the teams from Wipeout, or some LBP-style decals, and some logos and patterns from other series like Uncharted, Infamous, Ratchet and Clank, etc. Also some logos and patterns inspired by all the different PlayStation Consoles as well.
- Just came up with this, but PD should have a couple presets for a "Duel Mode" in online lobbies. For example, the computer picks the duel (Evo vs WRX, 908 vs R10 TDI, 458 vs MP4-12C, Clio vs 208 GTI etc.) and half the lobby gets either car assigned to them at random.
- Clantags straight from Call of Duty, along with the return of communities from GT6 for organizing teams and events within the game itself.
- I'd like to see more varied locations for original tracks. Not every original track needs to be in Europe or Japan. Maybe an original track in South America, or a track somewhere in Africa even.
That's about everything I can think of for now. I really hope PD can strike a good balance between the old and new styles of Gran Turismo for this game. They have quite the challenge on their hands if they want to make both a good single-player racing game and a viable platform for continuing the E-Sport trend.