The GTP Rolex Sports Car Series S4! Polar And Mustard Champs!

I could race but I honestly can't be bothered tonight, that and I have done no practise. Leave the last spot for Cnd.

Cnd has a spot, we need you!!!!!!!!

Just start! We need the 16 car grid!!!!

I could race but I honestly can't be bothered tonight, that and I have done no practise. Leave the last spot for Cnd.

There are two spots, polar's a bad liar.

DP = 5
GT = 8 (Full house!)

P.S., Don't you dare honk during my videos. I will tell polar to give that 30000 point penalty.
Sorry I couldn't come my internet box is going coo-coo and It was working when you guys were racing, then I thought i'll enter the room so I can race report but THE ROOM IS FULL :(.
I will need to see both restarts, possible jumps.

Sounds easy enough, I might've missed one of the starts, (a bit unclear from the interior of a car parked ~ 150 feet away from the start/finish.)

We'll see, though. The starts looked beautiful from where I was, every time.
Sounds easy enough, I might've missed one of the starts, (a bit unclear from the interior of a car parked ~ 150 feet away from the start/finish.)

We'll see, though. The starts looked beautiful from where I was, every time.


Save it! Then I can see it via Skype!
Race Report from the Paddock

Race Reporter: Hello race fans and welcome back to the GTP Rolex Sports Car Series at Fuji. The racing has been really intense but there seem to be issues with internet connections. I am here with RedBullRider20 who has pulled off the track. Redbull, what happened?

Redbullrider20: Well to be honest I'm not really sure what happened. I made some silly mistakes and overshot some corners but there was an issue with lag and I got a black flag. So I guess it was my fault. My connection is usually reliable but I guess I got the short end tonight. My apologies to the fellow racers and I hope I will be back next week.

Race Reporter: Well there you have it folks. Redbullrider20, black flagged in his second RSCS start. Thanks for your time RedBull and good luck in the coming weeks.

RedBullRider20: Thanks. (walks back to R.V.)
Good race. I'm sorry my connection was crap. I think I stopped lagging after red bull left :( I hope we don't have connectivity problems.
Everything snowballed from that problem, cnd. That was the dirtiest racing I've seen in GT. Also, they know they are, but time after time running past the green strip out of Turns 16 AND Turn 1 really warrants some kind of penalty.
Everything snowballed from that problem, cnd. That was the dirtiest racing I've seen in GT. Also, they know they are, but time after time running past the green strip out of Turns 16 AND Turn 1 really warrants some kind of penalty.

ITCC Season II rules? Polar?
I'm going to watch the replay. I know I went out a few times but I was trying my best not to. And as far as the dirty racing, it did start to get a little rough down in turn 1 when we are all in a pack. But that didn't surprise me, I just tried to hit the brakes at the right point to avoid crashing into anyone. There were a few occasions at that spot and in the chicane where had to swerve under braking to avoid running into the back of other cars, including my teammate. :P Sorry for the bumps Rich. Anyway, I'm sure it will be looked at and if any penalties are given out then oh well, that's racing. But for the most part I thought the racing tonight was really good.
Sincere apologies to everyone. Nothing was intentional of me considering I couldn't see half of you. But if I affected your race in a negative way I would just like to express that I would never do anything intentional.

Ant and I had a great little battle there at the end. Our pace was basically identical.

Yea, I wish I could have been there with you guys!

And Points!!!



You're good RB, nothing ya can do with lag 👍