The GTPlanet world map 04/16/2014 update

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO
Thanks for checking into that for me, Tedehur. Unfortunately I don't have access to a fixed URL so I guess I'll just need someone to update the first post occasionally.

I will update the first post and give the new date when you post a revision. 👍
Added! 👍

I'm never going to get to update the map, am I?
And with 41, England finally changes color!

The 11-15 green should be changed to more of an aquamarine/verdigris color. Needs a hint of blue to make it a better in-between of the other two.
Didn't this thread ownership get changed from Nicksfix to Crooooooooooooooooooooooooooow?

Keep up the good work TB 👍

I had ownership of the F1 caption comp switched to me from TM. It might be an Admin only jobbie (pending the permissions settings Jordan sets up of course), that might be why Tedehur can't see how to do it.
Color change!
New Zealand. :)
New Zealand
New Zealand
And Eleven - color change!
I currently represent Philippines. :)
I think it will have to be more specific to be counted, do you mean England?
As Stevisiov said, to be counted, we need more info, please.
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
Arkansas is up to 2!
Belgium, the yellow triangle in the middle of Europe
And twenty-eight!
B.C, Canada.
Portugal should be a greeny, 11 members :D
That's not how it works. They have to post in here to get counted.
This. 👍
Denmark +1

New map:

Woot! NZ is finally green (on the map, we're all sheep shaggers hippies eco-friendly here :P)