The GTPlanet world map 04/16/2014 update

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO
Okay, so I've reorganized the points into continents (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Antarctica), so finding a point might be a little easier.

I've also color coded the population as follows:
  • 1-5: Blue
  • 6-10: Green
  • 11-25: Yellow
  • 26-50: Orange
  • 51-100: Red
  • 100-n: Purple
The color of the point is influenced by the points contained in the region it represents. For example, 3 people are listed under Brazil, but its color is yellow. This is because the states and cities within Brazil also contribute to its population count, which puts it in the range of 11-25.

In addition to changing how the color is treated, I have changed the shapes of the points to reflect the associated region:
  • Countries are now squares.
  • Things smaller than countries but larger than cities (states, provinces, etc.) are now diamonds.
  • Cities are now circles.
Some areas in Europe might have incorrect shapes due to me not knowing enough about the political boundaries of those regions/provinces (mainly France, Germany, Belgium, and the United Kingdom).

For faster, easier reference, I've made this graphic legend to try and help remember the different shapes and colors:

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Still not seeing Shemland represented...
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I think the representation of countries is entirely up to Google at this point. I haven't tried editing the name of a place yet, so maybe after class I can do some testing.
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EDIT: It seems my session hasn't saved in a while... (since page 41, post 1208 :mad::mad::mad:) I'm going to try fiddling around and see if I get the most recent data without losing progress.

445 days later and I'm all caught up now*. All I have to do is reorganize the points in alphabetical order, but before I do that though, I want to ask a question. I can't nest the points any further than they already are (North America, Europe, Oceania, etc.), so should I list the squares alphabetically first, then the diamonds, then the circles? That way it might make it easier to find a specific country/state/city among other similar ones rather than a giant list of everything in that region.

Also, Shemland and Steve-land are now accurately represented. :)

* On page 47, people became impatient and began making their own lists of people (only in the United States). I went though most of the names, but didn't mark several because I couldn't verify a current name or precise location (no user tag). I don't feel like searching up all those members to get that information either. I also have to go through and change the colors again.

This is the new link: New Link

EDIT II: New key

key ii.png
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I have moved from Wales and I now live in Bratislava, Slovakia. Just... if you want it up to date.
Updated to here.

I think I will try to set a schedule on how frequently I check this thread so people can have expectations on when a map update will come around. Right now I'm able to check it everyday, but I have no job and am not in school, so I have time to do so. Tomorrow I will be starting school, and with that comes a job search, so my time will be quickly diverted elsewhere for a few months at least. For this week I will try to check it everyday, then it might go to every other day and I'll see how that goes. If it's not too active, then I'll go to weekly updates; maybe Fridays?