The GTPlanet world map 04/16/2014 update

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO
I have also paid tribute to Jordan the site owner by getting a unique color to signify where it all started in the great state of Kentucky.
Was his name-o.
EDIT-Are you meant to tell us when we have been counted or not?

No need for that. I've got everything under control. I think...:nervous:

In lieu of the info about Kentucky, what happens if it just happens to get more than 10 people?

Will Kentuckians feel cheated by not changing colors? Since I haven't had an official check in of one, we may never know.
Chris from Kentucky here!!

Is Jordan really from KY? It's not a very populated state. Wonder from which side he resides.
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Posting. Wanting to be counted.

Another Scot from Scotland here. Och aye the noo, and all that.
Offtopic: Why are some of the USA states so square?
Some borders are based on rivers, others, as you've noticed, are based on latitude and longitude.


And what daan said.