I'd say it's more like alternative lifestyle, and it's business of the people who are involved, no-one elses. I don't see it as deviant, since it has existed even before the freaking Ancient Greeks! And when someone says that it's against nature, then why doesn't nature try to get rid of homosexuality? Because it can't. It's not a sickness, since it cannot be cured. It's part of the nature, just like a Platypus is. It's just a preference, result of multiple experiments person might have done with both genders.
People who think that it should be cured, should be cured as well, especially if they're narrow-minded ones who cling to Bible or some other racistic ideology to support their claims.
Let's see.. IF I would be homosexual, and in relationship when some religious nutjob would come over and start foaming about it and telling that I could be cured with the holy spirit, I'd remind him about few things Jesus said about love, and then simply keep his nose out of things that doesn't really belong to him.