The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 416 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Homosexuality is actually illegal in some states. I'd say that more than categorizes it as restricted. Few areas have provisions for homosexual marriage, or adoption etc. etc.


While I'm sure that's true, I'd say it doesn't really categorise the US as a country where homosexuality is illegal, especially where there's such a high social acceptance of homosexuals in entertainment and sports.
*removed* I really have no grasp of American geography...

Well, humankind has a history of homosexuality, therefore it is deviant of physical nature but not of the social aspect. It was religion that originally oppressed it. Incest frequently occurs with abusive parents nowadays, therefore Diego had a reason to perceive it as something common to them. Only in Egypt had it been practiced and publicly disclosed (but in the royal family).

I lost track of this argument somewhere. Is the thread still devoted to arguing whether homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle or a serious societal problem, or has it gone to arguing if incest is similar to homosexuality? How often does the former option in the latter inference occur?
I haven't a problem with homosexuality whatsoever, I don't think of homosexual people any other than I do of heterosexual people and frankly, I couldn't care less about what they do or not do.

Pretty much sums up how I feel about homosexuality.
I'd say it's more like alternative lifestyle, and it's business of the people who are involved, no-one elses. I don't see it as deviant, since it has existed even before the freaking Ancient Greeks! And when someone says that it's against nature, then why doesn't nature try to get rid of homosexuality? Because it can't. It's not a sickness, since it cannot be cured. It's part of the nature, just like a Platypus is. It's just a preference, result of multiple experiments person might have done with both genders.

People who think that it should be cured, should be cured as well, especially if they're narrow-minded ones who cling to Bible or some other racistic ideology to support their claims.

Let's see.. IF I would be homosexual, and in relationship when some religious nutjob would come over and start foaming about it and telling that I could be cured with the holy spirit, I'd remind him about few things Jesus said about love, and then simply keep his nose out of things that doesn't really belong to him.
for all we know, Jesus could've been gay.

I mean, how many men do you knwo who've reached the tender age of 33 and have never had any known girlfriends and hang around with nothing but men who adore him.
my uncle? though, he's drunkard and way past fifty, and AFAIK he's still virgin and lives with his mom/ my grandma.. a genuine Finnish backroom boy. Although, I know for sure that he gets more pity than adoring and admiration :lol:
for all we know, Jesus could've been gay.

I mean, how many men do you knwo who've reached the tender age of 33 and have never had any known girlfriends and hang around with nothing but men who adore him.

What, with that fine-*** Mary Magdalene hanging around? You KNOW he had to break him off a piece of that!

No. Not since this morning.

I miss undergrad :sly:

But seriously, remove the idea of Jesus as divine from the equation, and all sorts of fascinating possibilities come into play. Despite the fact that I don't think of him as the son of god, he's still one of the most interesting figures in human history.
I'm sorry....that was a dumb comment on my part. I just got done working out and all the blood isn't in my head yet....

As far as Jesus showing love, you guys are right. But as I have stated before, you can love someone but not love what they do. You can accept someone but not accept their actions. The Bible makes it very clear we should love our neighbor as ourself. That we should try to be as Christ like as possible. Just a little note for those that aren't familiar, Jesus got mad in a temple because they were trading goods and gambling. He over turned tables and ran people out of there for bringing shame to God's house. Jesus loved those people enough to die for them, but as a father loves his children, doesn't have to love all the things they do.
The problem I've always held with that viewpoint is one that (I think) milefile brought up waaaaay back in the thread.

While it may feel more comfortable for a Christian to believe that he is "accepting" his neighbor but not his actions, he, by doing so, severely limits how honest and productive a relationship he can have with that neighbor. There's still an inherent attitude of moral high-ground that the other party will always know is there.

In the case of homosexuality, something that (whether biological or environmental) is immutable, this comes off as pity:

"I accept you, Bob, as a homosexual, but I believe that this facet of you dooms you to damnation." Obviously the Christian doesn't make the statement in such harsh terms, but the underlying idea is understood. Can you see how that would be just as, if not more offensive? It would seem ALMOST prefereable to give a direct and honest opinion based on a personally determined belief, rather than something that you accept because its written in a millenia-old text of doubtful origin: "Bob, I do not like the fact that you are gay; I don't want to associate with you."
to be honest, I'm 32... and I haven't smoked pot since I was 25, so I was also making fun of the comment, Pako... I know you're not such a hardass. Matter of fact, I was actually pretty psyched by your sarcastic comment 👍
It would seem ALMOST prefereable to give a direct and honest opinion based on a personally determined belief, rather than something that you accept because its written in a millenia-old text of doubtful origin: "Bob, I do not like the fact that you are gay; I don't want to associate with you."

This got me thinking...

If the bible didn't say that homosexuals and shellfish eaters were evil sinners.... if the bible instead said that homosexuals were good and righteous and to be praised. Would you change your tune? If the bible said that you should be homosexual and that heterosexual couples were the sinners who needed to be saved from eternal damnation. Would you become homosexual?
This got me thinking...

If the bible didn't say that homosexuals and shellfish eaters were evil sinners.... if the bible instead said that homosexuals were good and righteous and to be praised. Would you change your tune? If the bible said that you should be homosexual and that heterosexual couples were the sinners who needed to be saved from eternal damnation. Would you become homosexual?

If I disagreed with the Bible, I would have a problem following the suggestions in it.

If my grandma had balls, she would be my grandpa. To further expand on that, if my grandma was also my grandpa, I would not be here right now... I'm thankful my grandma didn't have balls.
to be honest, I'm 32... and I haven't smoked pot since I was 25, so I was also making fun of the comment, Pako... I know you're not such a hardass. Matter of fact, I was actually pretty psyched by your sarcastic comment 👍

OK, cool! ;)
If I disagreed with the Bible, I would have a problem following the suggestions in it.

Even if you were raised from birth to believe its teachings? I don't mean to imply that you have no sense of critical judgement, but let's take a less extreme example.

Assume for a moment that the bible maintained exactly its current form except that its writers (or God if you prefer) replaced a few (vague and questionable) negative references to homosexuality with positive or neutral references, and that throughout history this was how the bible was known. Given that the remainder of the bible still maintained the same ideals, would you still disagree with it as a whole? If not, would you disagree with that one particular facet of it?

<edit> Building on this:

Assuming, as all evidence suggests, that homosexuality is an immutable trait (no matter its cause), do you not question the "loving" nature of a god that would afflict one man with this trait that somehow damns him, and leave the next alone? I guess you could say it's the question of Job rephrased, but it seems topical, and of serious concern.
If I disagreed with the Bible, I would have a problem following the suggestions in it.

Are you saying that if the bible didn't condemn homosexuality you wouldn't be Christian? Or that you would accept homosexuals fully if they weren't condemned in the bible?
Here's my "two cents"

I personally don't have any problems with homosexuality. I use to have a bunch of gay/bi/lesbian friends, even to the point of one of them having a crush on me. My only gripe is how people treat them like second class citzens. IMO this is the next stage (on top of another developing one) civil right movement. My other gripe is how quick people are ready to condem them to hell because of what it says in the bible. If that is the case then shellfish eaters,people with tattooes,people who had premarrige sex,etc. will all automatically go to hell. To tell the truth, it's not even in our power to tell who goes to hell or not, that's God job.

*P.S.- I'm Bible ignorant and I just only read this page..... flame and bash me away :)
I use to have a bunch of gay/bi/lesbian friends, even to the point of one of them having a crush on me.
Used to? Did they abandon you when they found out you were some &#8220;icky&#8221; straight person? :lol:
Used to? Did they abandon you when they found out you were some &#8220;icky&#8221; straight person? :lol:

"He's a BREEDER! Commence the shunning process!" :sly:

But seriously, it does show a commendable level of maturity for a seventeen year old not to react harshly to discovering a friend harbors a same-sex crush. When I was seventeen(ish), I saw the same situation play out with two close friends, with UGLY results.
*P.S.- I'm Bible ignorant and I just only read this page..... flame and bash me away :)

and your from South Carolina??! holy crap, I just saw Hitler buying Ice Skates, cause hell musta froze over.

What, with that fine-*** Mary Magdalene hanging around? You KNOW he had to break him off a piece of that!
What, with that fine-*** Mary Magdalene hanging around? You KNOW he had to break him off a piece of that!

Well, obviously she must've been pretty hot, with him being the most famous person in the world and all. He could've got any chick he wanted.
I reckon it is pretty difficult to justify having a problem with bisexuality and not homosexuality...
Not really, bi-sexuals are just greedy!

Actually, from what I've seen of friends who were bi-sexual, it was merely the first step in becoming homosexual. This is probably mostly due to them all being adolescents at the time and not being sure so taking the middle ground at first.