The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Interested. How many of you think it's worse because they're fat? Of those people, who would be willing to say that it was worse for two men, as opposed to a man and a woman? Not so much that you would think that. More whether or not you'd be willing to say it if you thought it.

I'm confident that I'd be willing to say it for truth's sake, but for me I think it genuinely comes down to my perception of more or less clean. Rightly or wrongly, my perception is that fat people are less clean.

It's good to make sure that we're applying our standards evenly.
Hand inside the pants is unacceptable even if they're the two most attractive people in the world.

But yes, if I'm judging on my personal "ew" factor scale, two fat people doing that is worse than two slender and attractive people. For me, two fat men would not be as bad, but two fat women probably would be worse. Couldn't give you a rational reason why, that's just the first thought that goes through my head.

I could probably give you a list for all combinations of sexualities, ages, weights and any other factors as to which grosses me out more at first glance, but it's of little interest to anyone but me.

If I'm making a reasoned decision about the couple, I can take that into account and do my best to be rational and not let my instincts influence something they shouldn't. But I don't believe that there's anyone on the planet who doesn't have at least some instinctual preferences for some types of people over others. That's the whole premise of attractiveness in the first place.

The trick is to be honest and self-aware, and behave the way you want to behave, instead of the way your instincts tell you to.
Guys, girls, guy/girl, girl/guy, you just don't finger someones butt in public. I would hope they would be thrown out of whatever establishment they are in.
No, I think you're making that sound worse for the sake of convenient grouping. It may simply be a hand on a cheek, and that hand may only be touching undergarments, rather than skin.
I think he was more covering the general sticking of one's hand down the pants of someone else. To me, that kind of action is disgusting no matter the relationship, sexes or genders involved, or size of the offending individuals. Cleanliness to me isn't just a matter of the person's weight, so I usually judge that on other aspects like the individual's general upkeep of hair and clothing.

I wouldn't want my kids (if I had kids) seeing a couple do that at any public establishment, nor do I want to see it myself. To the contrary of that though, I'm one that doesn't really like PDA from anyone beyond maybe hand-holding or hands around each others waist, but that's just my opinion.
I think this would fit the thread. It's quite an old video but it can help some people changing their views or perspective.

Isn't it interesting how that little boy in the pink shirt kept saying "Oh it's bad" "no it's not right" only then asked why it's bad he only responds "I don't know.."

Whatever gender and orientation that couple are (and at least one seems clearly identifiable as male) that's no way to behave in public.

Waddlosexuality is being forced down our throats etc., like large plate of burgers.
Actually a bit surprised at how genuinely offended you guys seem to be. Same level of repulsion if it was in a bar?

Not that I'd be keen on shaking that arse hand after he'd finished, mind you.
Actually a bit surprised at how genuinely offended you guys seem to be. Same level of repulsion if it was in a bar?

Not that I'd be keen on shaking that arse hand after he'd finished, mind you.

For me it's a perfect illustration of PDA. In otherwords, I don't care how much you think other people want to see you fondle each other, we probably don't.
This just in from Viz;

EDIT: Viz is a spoof magazine for grown ups, or boys over 14. Apologies for any confusion caused :D :D

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Actually a bit surprised at how genuinely offended you guys seem to be. Same level of repulsion if it was in a bar?

Not that I'd be keen on shaking that arse hand after he'd finished, mind you.

I'm not too keen on the photo, there's really no place where I'd expect to see it, but I wouldn't go there if there was such a place.

I don't know what to take away, that they're still married or that divorce is for straight marriages only.
For me it's a perfect illustration of PDA. In otherwords, I don't care how much you think other people want to see you fondle each other, we probably don't.
No matter the people involved, the situation, or even if it is in public, they are getting ready to eat. A hand near anus is a sure fire way to come down with something. The fact it is in public means his hands will touch a menu, the bar, silverware, and his form of payment given to the wait staff. He will spread tiny particles of her feces around the restaurant without ever leaving his seat.

Similarly, I don't want boob sweat or vaginal/penile related particulates spread around.

As for PDA, even hot people doing more than a light peck kiss is just uncomfortable to those around you, particularly losers who couldn't get a date (I speak from experience).

The only time more is acceptable is in places that it is expected, like clubs where bar dancing is common or the Girls Gone Wild guys show up. That is fine, and college-aged me will be there.
Actually a bit surprised at how genuinely offended you guys seem to be. Same level of repulsion if it was in a bar?

Not that I'd be keen on shaking that arse hand after he'd finished, mind you.

There's more and less appropriate places. Given that clubs are basically places to hook up, it's more acceptable to be making public displays there. A bar is somewhat lower down the scale, and depends a lot what sort of bar it is. You'd probably get away with it most of the time if it wasn't too overt or prolonged.

A restaurant is Does he pull his fingers out and then go back to munching on his burger? Ew.
No matter the people involved, the situation, or even if it is in public, they are getting ready to eat. A hand near anus is a sure fire way to come down with something. The fact it is in public means his hands will touch a menu, the bar, silverware, and his form of payment given to the wait staff. He will spread tiny particles of her feces around the restaurant without ever leaving his seat.

Similarly, I don't want boob sweat or vaginal/penile related particulates spread around.

As for PDA, even hot people doing more than a light peck kiss is just uncomfortable to those around you, particularly losers who couldn't get a date (I speak from experience).

The only time more is acceptable is in places that it is expected, like clubs where bar dancing is common or the Girls Gone Wild guys show up. That is fine, and college-aged me will be there.
I think this is a big cultural difference between Europe and, the US, but even though I'm incapable of dating women I don't at all mind PDA. As long as they stay clothed I don't mind. In the US it seems like it's very taboo.

So for me, I've got no problem if two guys kiss in front of me.
I think this is a big cultural difference between Europe and, the US, but even though I'm incapable of dating women I don't at all mind PDA. As long as they stay clothed I don't mind. In the US it seems like it's very taboo.

So for me, I've got no problem if two guys kiss in front of me.
Clothed PDA is not as taboo as we make it out to be. Visit any park on a nice spring day and the couples will be out on a picnic blanket, and few of us would have a problem with that.

But when you are trying to throw a disc toward the basket it is very annoying to have your fairway gain a new moving hazard like that.

What we primarily get here is like that picture, hands in pants in a dining establishment. I once was waiting in line for a rollercoaster and this couple was next to me. The woman was wearing a bikini top and pants, and looked like she had been in the waterpark section not long before. The guy who was with her was standing behind her when he reaches around, gropes her breasts, and starts tweaking her nipples. It is rarely the young couple making goo goo eyes, feeding each other and kissing. They seem to go all or nothing. It skips over "I don't care who knows because we are in love" and straight to "In your face!"

It's the romantic equivalent of blowing smoke in a guy's face.
Clothed PDA is not as taboo as we make it out to be. Visit any park on a nice spring day and the couples will be out on a picnic blanket, and few of us would have a problem with that.

But when you are trying to throw a disc toward the basket it is very annoying to have your fairway gain a new moving hazard like that.

What we primarily get here is like that picture, hands in pants in a dining establishment. I once was waiting in line for a rollercoaster and this couple was next to me. The woman was wearing a bikini top and pants, and looked like she had been in the waterpark section not long before. The guy who was with her was standing behind her when he reaches around, gropes her breasts, and starts tweaking her nipples. It is rarely the young couple making goo goo eyes, feeding each other and kissing. They seem to go all or nothing. It skips over "I don't care who knows because we are in love" and straight to "In your face!"

It's the romantic equivalent of blowing smoke in a guy's face.
I can attest to the nipple tweaking. Working at a public establishment that sees a fair share of teenagers to young adults come through I've seen quite a lot of action that goes beyond the standard. Some older couples have gone beyond as well, but man I've seen practically soft-core porn in some situations.

French kissing, grabbing nether regions by both sexes, and bodily groping is not really publicly appropriate in any situation except for the aforementioned clubs and bars, but especially not at a place that has children constantly running through. But I'm somehow the bad guy for breaking up the make-out session so they'll pay attention to what's at hand. :lol: