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@LMSCorvetteGT2 go ahead
You can argue it's because it's a strict society, you can argue their parents taught them wrong, whatever it doesn't change anything. It happens. It's a risk. I'd rather not take it. Deal with it.
Not here. Never.
You don't have to assume, you can ask.
That's just outright hilarious. Do you know anything about Bahrain? Like, at all? US soldiers are NOT on active duty here. As soon as they leave their base, they're civillians. They're not here to help, they're here BEING helped. Way to be thankful for the hospitality.
@LMSCorvetteGT2 go ahead
You'd let the guy die while you're nitpicking his word because they were in accurate.Actually I'm fond of accuracy in most parts of my life. Weird logical fallacy aside, I still don't really know why being beaten up by a Chinese man is relevant.
Good job missing the point once again.Uhhh-huh.
So when you make the point that 0% of girls on the planet go through puberty before 9 because none of the 100 girls you asked told you that they had and I mention that this isn't a statistically significant sample size (I didn't even mention the facts that you're using poor scientific method [your study isn't even blind, never mind double-blind] and you're recording heresay rather than objective fact)... I'm not arguing the point?
you sound like a kid that just finished a math class and thinks he's a genius because he can multiply. Did anyone tell you that before? I'm not even trying to insult you. I'm serious.I don't care about any of those things apart from the accuracy - who you are matters so much less than what you say. I guess you don't care about the accuracy either, which explains why you're having a lot of trouble.
If it's so difficult why have you been making such claims? Was the American research's sample size big enough for the whole world?It's actually quite difficult to do, but readily available statistics in the US put the age at first menstruation at nearly 1 in 2 before they are 11 (with a median age at 12.4 - it seems that latecomers are rarer and much, much later). It's a higher rate at a younger age in particularly black populations in developed western countries and it seems to be a lower rate at an older age in Asian ones.
Without going into details, because I owe it to the people involved, I'll just say that I've seen it happen in different families. They were even the kind of family that are "too" open about sex. Take from that what you want.Explain how. Best you've managed so far is "innocence". Kids don't function that way - if you tell them that the penis goes in the vagina to make babies, they laugh about it. They don't instantly try to find something to screw.
You can argue it's because it's a strict society, you can argue their parents taught them wrong, whatever it doesn't change anything. It happens. It's a risk. I'd rather not take it. Deal with it.
At the age of 9-10 for a girl, it's less of a risk to me than the aforementioned one.And you risk being so late that you've caused damage.
Ha, it's actually less likely to happen in Bahrain than Britian. How many non-police were killed in Bahrain because of a terrorist bomb in the past? 0, as far as I can remember. How many American soldiers were killed here? 0.It's non-zero. The same as it is in Britain.
So being rude to a black guy because he might be a criminal isn't racist, it's just a precaution. Got it 👍They didn't treat you differently -
Please tell me how they'd stop the shrapnel from going through their ass, with a stare.Actually it would. Racial profiling governs the profilers' behaviour too.Yes.
And he hasn't treated me badly solely because of my race/beard? I wasn't trying to govern his thought. I think all kinds of **** about everybody I see. I don't treat them differently unless they've proven my initial thoughts, unlike them.Let's be fair, it's racist to see someone of another race and think ill of them on that basis alone, but if you don't behave any differently towards them, how will anyone know? The key to racism isn't being thought police, but managing behaviour. A racist is a guy who treats people of different races differently - typically badly, but not always - because of their race.
I've been saying this since I was a kid. I hate censorship, and I think people getting offended over words is incredibly immature. Since you agree with me, and you happen to be an administrator, is it okay if I use the N word on here from now on?Apparently the N-word is only racist now if you're of a different race - which seems curiously racist, as it applies different standards to people of different races.
But let's look at it. If I call someone a nobhead, a numpty, a nincompoop or a nutsack it's pretty insulting. If I call them a "the N word" is it more insulting or is it just another insulting word? What if I'm also black? What if they aren't - what if I call a white guy "the N word"? What if a white guy calls a black guy a numpty just because he's black?
It seems like it's not the word that's racist, it's the guy using it - and he doesn't need to use that word or any other to be a racist. He's just unpleasant because he's insulting people.
but an awful lot of guys have been killed by an awful lot of "insurgents" that just so happen to match your ethnological background
Not here. Never.
(one assumes).
You don't have to assume, you can ask.
What other reasons are there?They're treating you with a little wariness that is also unpleasant, but it's not because you're of that background alone.
In fact the reason they're there at all is to help the civilian population that are all of that background.
That's just outright hilarious. Do you know anything about Bahrain? Like, at all? US soldiers are NOT on active duty here. As soon as they leave their base, they're civillians. They're not here to help, they're here BEING helped. Way to be thankful for the hospitality.
The number of irony-filled posts in this forum is too damn high.