The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Something called the McClintock effect could, I believed cause synchronicity... but the Wiki says the research was criticised and that a 2013 study cast doubt on it.

From an evolutionary standpoint it makes sense. All of the women are available to compete for mates at the same time - prevents "lesser" women from being mated with just because the better one is off limits. Also helps maintain pair bonding - because men are liable to wander in a week.
From an evolutionary standpoint it makes sense. All of the women are available to compete for mates at the same time - prevents "lesser" women from being mated with just because the better one is off limits. Also helps maintain pair bonding - because men are liable to wander in a week.

That's the thing; it's such a believable theory that's compelling in all kinds of cultural and biological ways. I think it's actually true with no basis other than sheer instinct. Citation unavailable :)

Here's the wiki on Menstrual Asynchrony, an interesting citation is #84 "Estrous asynchrony causes low birth rates in wild female chimpanzees".
From an evolutionary standpoint it makes sense. All of the women are available to compete for mates at the same time - prevents "lesser" women from being mated with just because the better one is off limits. Also helps maintain pair bonding - because men are liable to wander in a week.

There are arguments for both ways.

Being sychronised means that each woman essentially gets her own man, giving advantages in the amount of time spent on her and her family. That's an advantage.

Being non-synchronised means that each woman has less competition for the males with the best genes in the group. Her children potentially end up genetically better off and thus more fit. That's an advantage.

Whether either of those advantages are actual effects, or are strong enough to actually show up in the chaos of a real world situation is not clear. Studies appear to give at best mixed results, and those results seem to be very open to criticism and interpretation.
Homosexuality doesn't bother me in the slightest, life is short and brutal, everyone should find the love they want and need without being target of harassment and humiliation.
Homosexual people should have the same legal rights as any other person.

That being said I don't really understand homosexuality, in my opinion a man and a women are a perfect match, they produce offspring naturally and complete one another with their different gender-specific traits and abilities.
Like I said, I don't understand it, but if some people are super happy with a same sex partner, more power to them! .
That being said I don't really understand homosexuality, in my opinion a man and a women are a perfect match, they produce offspring naturally and complete one another with their different gender-specific traits and abilities.
Like I said, I don't understand it, but if some people are super happy with a same sex partner, more power to them! .

To be honest, I don't know either. I don't know anyone understands it, much like for the other things people prefer in life. Why am I into men and women? Why do I like cars and gaming so much as I do?

Maybe you're born with it, maybe it develops with puberty. I have no idea. Maybe scientists will figure it out eventually. Or maybe it's better if they don't.
To be honest, I don't know either. I don't know anyone understands it, much like for the other things people prefer in life. Why am I into men and women? Why do I like cars and gaming so much as I do?
To be perfectly honest, I DO know why I love certain things and why I love my hobbies, I have a rational reason for most of it.

I'm one of those persons who needs to find a practical and rational reason / use to like something.
To be perfectly honest, I DO know why I love certain things and why I love my hobbies, I have a rational reason for most of it.

I'm one of those persons who needs to find a practical and rational reason to like something.
Producing children isn't all that practical. People spend money to avoid that, it's a problem you don't have in homosexual couples. Also, what's so complimentary about men and women compared to same sex relationships? Many people grow up with friends of their own sex.
To be perfectly honest, I DO know why I love certain things and why I love my hobbies, I have a rational reason for most of it.

I'm one of those persons who needs to find a practical reason before liking something.

And I'm someone who prefers to go on gut feeling since that's been working out for me pretty well in most cases. Sure, it's also the thing that got me into my current situation, but I don't need an explanation for everything in my life. I think about other stuff way too much already.

Think of it as love then (Between a man and a woman). It's hard/impossible to explain at times. Now take that feeling for a girl and imagine having it for a guy.

But... Maybe you also know why you like your type of women and i'm just an indecisive person :odd:
Also, what's so complimentary about men and women compared to same sex relationships? .

Off the top of my head:

I know several male-female couples where the partners complement each other through gender-specific traits. For example, a man is strong(er) and can help with gardening, lifting heavy objects when moving, is generally better in rapairing mechanical things, can defend the partner etc.
The woman in the relationship is far better in social networking and is also better in organizing things, help the man in the relationship to better understand express his feelings...etc.

There are many many more things, but I'm at work and busy right now. :crazy:

This sounds very clichè, but I see it every day in the relationships my friends have.
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These traits apply on the whole, but not necessarily when it comes to individuals. Some bits of it may also go out the window when you can request specialist assistance (like calling a professional gardener, or mover, or mechanic)
Some bits of it may also go out the window when you can request specialist assistance (like calling a professional gardener, or mover, or mechanic)
Yes, you can always pay people to do things for you but this costs tons of money. I know a lesbian couple and moving cost them a small fortune, they did have to pay the people to do the hauling, the transportation, everything. And I wont even get started with the car...
Als I'm not sure what they'd do when they're beeing attacked or harassed by a physically superior aggressor and nobody is there to help.

Its little things like that.

Again, I'm not trying to say that the conventional partnership of a man and a woman is superior, not at all, all I'm trying to do here is make people understand why I don't really understand homosexuality.
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That sounds like a normal moving situation, most of the time I see people pay to have it done because it's simply a chore to do it all yourself. This regardless of family make up. Also, if you wanted to lessen your burden but didn't want to pay a professional, you could try asking friends/family for help.

I'm not claiming that you're trying to make heterosexual couples appear superior, I'm just giving counter examples to the idea that it's more logical. A couple doesn't need to be completely self sufficient and ultimately a relationship is about relationship. Logically, that would take precedence over anything else.
I know several male-female couples where the partners complement each other through gender-specific traits. For example, a man is strong(er) and can help with gardening, lifting heavy objects when moving, is generally better in rapairing mechanical things, can defend the partner etc.

The woman in the relationship is far better in social networking and is also better in organizing things, help the man in the relationship to better understand express his feelings...

You do know that besides the "stronger than a female" trait, everything you've named can be done by each gender just as well, right?

And the notion that women are the ones that help express feelings is wrong. The people that have helped me express myself have pretty much all been male. And the one that helped me with it first was my dad. Everything you've named so far is what I would call stereotyping.
You do know that besides the "stronger than a female" trait, everything you've named can be done by each gender just as well, right?
He didn't say they couldn't. Men and women are physiologically different. Physiology does not stop at physical design. It affects psychology and emotions. Skill sets may cross over all the time, but that doesn't mean that on average one group may be a better fit for some things than the other.

And the notion that women are the ones that help express feelings is wrong. The people that have helped me express myself have pretty much all been male. And the one that helped me with it first was my dad. Everything you've named so far is what I would call stereotyping.
Exceptions to rules are not disproving rules. Women on average are the more nurturing sex. It is an evolutionary necessity as the physical makeup of the female body and the needs of the infant caused the mother to stay home while men hunted.

We have overcome the need to rely upon that primitive necessity, but it still remains a part of us. It is the same as a sense of fear caused by unexpected darkness, certain sounds, or creep, crawly, slithering creatures. That fear kept our ancestors out of harms way more often than not. Now it just freaks is out inside our secure and warm homes.

We won't overcome our evolutionary nature 100%. There is even a field called evolutionary sociology that studies behaviors that are controlled by biology.
I'm sorry I didn't write my responses to him as a biology report, professor. :rolleyes:

Yes, I know there's evolutionary differences between males and females. But that doesn't mean a same-sex relationship is more difficult than a heterosexual one.
I'm sorry I didn't write my responses to him as a biology report, professor. :rolleyes:

Yes, I know there's evolutionary differences between males and females. But that doesn't mean a same-sex relationship is more difficult than a heterosexual one.

But it doesn't mean it isn't either. So it means... erm, well, not much :)

You do know that besides the "stronger than a female" trait, everything you've named can be done by each gender just as well, right?

The "stronger than a female" trait is also erroneous, according to your own example; some women are stronger than some men. And everything can be done be either gender, just not always.
But it doesn't mean it isn't either. So it means... erm, well, not much :)

The "stronger than a female" trait is also erroneous, according to your own example; some women are stronger than some men. And everything can be done be either gender, just not always.

Just means that every couple has their own troubles :lol:

And yes, you're right. I made a mistake with saying that. With the horrible shape i'm in I'd say the average girl/woman is stronger than me :lol: Let's just keep it at everyone's unique. Everybody wins.
I doubt us humans will completely understand sexuality.

Heterosexuals can say they don't understand homosexuality and vice versa, but can either one understand bisexuality, asexuality, cisexuality (BS naming really), and so on? Can you explain it? Science can only go so far outside of genetics.
Someone posted a pretty serious coming out video to the /r/gaybros subreddit, and it was cross-posted to /r/videos, and it's now sitting on the front page.

Language warning.

I feel sick after watching that. My heart is still pounding as I'm typing this. How could anyone treat their children like this? How can you say you love your kid when you do this to them? Absolutely horrible. I hope the man excels in his future, unlike his family.
That video is one of the saddest things I've watched.
We don't get to choose our family just like we don't get to choose our sexuality.
I only hope that this guy gets all the love, support & understanding he needs from people who actually love him for who he is, not who he sleeps with.
If I could meet him, I'd give him a big hug and help him anyway I could.
It really is videos and stories like those that make me grateful for how uneventful coming out was for me. No yelling, no violence, no friendships loss, either. I'm just glad to know that the guy in the video has a place to go to (he's the boyfriend of the OP who posted the video).
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It's just horrible that reactions from family members such as the ones in the video often lead to LGBT teenagers killing themselves*.

*I strictly chose not to say "committing suicide" because suicide is not a crime anymore and "committing" implies someone doing something illegal.
Nothing makes me feel better than seeing people wrongly cite the Bible to defend their ignorance and bigotry.

Sadly, this is how it goes far too often in some places in this country. My cousin's wife had no contact with her family for five years after they both came out. That has slowly improved in recent years. Fortunately, my cousin and her wife received nothing but welcome by my family, even by those who felt it conflicted with their religious beliefs.
I didn't have to come out to my Mother, she knew & I believe if anyone does, it'll be your own Mother.
My brother found out by walking in on me with my BF when we thought we had the place to ourselves. Fortunately he didn't flip out & is ok with it.
Dad & I have had a strained relationship since I was little. He was a violent alcoholic & used to beat up on us all. I came out to him shortly before Mum died. He said he'd never understand why or condone it but it's something we just don't talk about.
I've come to realize that we only get one Mother & one Father so try and find the good that's within.