The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Putin trying to save his reputation.

"sorry guys, there is no food on the shelves, but let us all get drunk as hell"
There's more than enough food, trust me.
When a Russian man wants to boose, he doesn't need a specific reason. ;)

Actually, that headline on BBC is a bit misleading.
Basically, what I've heard of, the government updates the list of diseases that restrict from driving a car. This list now includes such diseases as epilepsy, monochromacy, psychic disorders, organic brain damages, schizophrenia, some kinds of phobias. But somehow, they also included sexual disorders that are classified by ICD-10, like: exhibitionism, pedophilia, voyeurism, masochism, transsexualism and fetishism.

The real question is, how the hell can 'sex disorders' obstruct driving a car. It must be foot fetishists who crash cars so often. :lol:

Also, an article on Propagandaschau about the "transsexual drivers law" (German readers may check it out): https://propagandaschau.wordpress.c...russland-kein-fuhrerschein-fur-transsexuelle/
Isn't that... I don't know... As broad as it can possibly be? Or am I misunderstanding the way fetish is meant here?
There's fetishism and there's sexual fetishism. The sexual fetishism is what people think when "fetish" pops up.

Fetishism is the belief of an object to have supernatural power (or has power to over others). Sexual fetishism is just liking body parts for... sexual pleasure.
Kansas lifted discrimination protections yesterday. One republican said she doubted it would change anything. Rumor is the governor's popularity is low so he's trying to gain support as the majority of rural Americans dislike homosexuality. I am interested though, if any state employees will be fired or if its possible to gauge any effect. No reason was given other than all other classes are protected besides homosexuals so I'm assuming its a power play to try and raise approval his ratings.
Take Action: Two justices should recuse themselves from ‘gay’ marriage cases
Created On: Friday, September 26, 2014 4:12 PM
Last Update: Friday, January 16, 2015 3:41 PM

U.S. Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse themselves from any cases involving the homosexual marriage issue on the basis that they have conducted same-sex marriage ceremonies.

The justices announced last Friday they will review an appellate ruling that upheld bans on same-sex unions in four states. The case will be argued in April and a decision is expected by late June.

Justice Kagan performed a September 21 same-sex marriage for her former law clerk and his partner Patrick Pearsall in Maryland. Justice Ginsburg performed a same-sex marriage at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington DC in August 2013.

Both of these justices' personal and private actions actively endorsing gay marriage clearly indicate how they would vote on same-sex marriage cases before the Supreme Court.

Congress has directed that federal judicial officers must disqualify themselves from hearing cases in specified circumstances. Title 28, Section 455 of the United States Code states "any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned."

Both Kagan and Ginsburg have not only been partial to same-sex marriage, they have proven themselves to be activists in favor of it!

In order to ensure the Court's integrity and impartiality, Justices Kagan and Ginsburg must recuse themselves from same-sex marriage cases.


Congress has an obligation to Americans that members of the Supreme Court are held to the highest standard of integrity. The law demands it and the people deserve it.

Urge your members of Congress to privately and publicly call on Justices Kagan and Ginsburg to properly and legally recuse themselves from cases involving same-sex marriage.
There's fetishism and there's sexual fetishism. The sexual fetishism is what people think when "fetish" pops up.

Fetishism is the belief of an object to have supernatural power (or has power to over others). Sexual fetishism is just liking body parts for... sexual pleasure.
More specifically, sexual fetishism is when you get sexually turned on by parts of the body (or not even the body of a human at all) that aren't directly related to procreation, such as feet. If you get sexually aroused just because of someone's hair or eye color, that would also be fetishism.
@Danny, by their rationale all judges should recuse themselves as this most recent appellate ruling will be the last they have crossing their path. They have refused to hear appeals where same sex marriage was allowed, which basically gives it a confirmation by the Supreme Court. The idiots from Kentucky pushing this one all the way up should know that they will lose. Unfortunately, our governor thinks that this is a good use of money when he spends all his time hiding behind the budget crisis excuse for why nothing is ever working in our state.
@Danny, by their rationale all judges should recuse themselves as this most recent appellate ruling will be the last they have crossing their path. They have refused to hear appeals where same sex marriage was allowed, which basically gives it a confirmation by the Supreme Court. The idiots from Kentucky pushing this one all the way up should know that they will lose. Unfortunately, our governor thinks that this is a good use of money when he spends all his time hiding behind the budget crisis excuse for why nothing is ever working in our state.
I actually think it is constitutional to ban gay marriage by an individual state (not federally as in DOMA), not because its right but because our constitution does not protect marriage anywhere in any of the clauses. However legalizing inter racial marriage legally should have legalized gay marriage, this is the opinion of some and it seems valid in theory. DOMA by this logic violates the constitution as well ironically. "right to pursue happiness" and "right to privacy" are the closest I can think of in terms of gay rights. Now the sodomy laws that were overturned in 2003 may be uncontitutional, that is a close one....most of the conservative radio personalities like Rush made a hissy fit back then. I'm old enought to remember when homosexuality was legalized in the 14 states that banned it. My state overturned the law on its own via elected officials.

Anyways the interesting thing about homosexuality being outlawed is this: The supreme court decision only covers adults 18 and over. Two gay 17 year olds who are found to be sexually active could technically be arrested and charged for sodomy and this carries with it lifetime registry on the sex offender federal list. What interests me is who has fallen victim to this loophole judges are able to use, it has been documented. BUT>> it is a great example of what states WOULD intend to do with gays IF there had been no SCOTUS decision on the matter. Registry, movement restriction, GPS, banned from using the internet, unemployment (inevitable considering the social stigma) and possible suicide or homelessness. Interesting because this punishment in theory is far harsher than any punishment the USA has ever carried out against gays, even harsher than the FBI blacklist of the 1950s or the castration carried out at the turn of the 20th century.
I actually think it is constitutional to ban gay marriage by an individual state (not federally as in DOMA),
I don't think that any government anywhere should be involved in any marriages being legal or illegal. It's none of their gorram business.

And the Kentucky case started as a case where they refused to recognize marriages in other states. That does fall under equal protection. If I go across the river to a casino my state officials can't arrest me for illegal gambling and confiscate my winnings when I come home. Kentucky should not be able to revoke marriage status just because you are in the state.

An important point about this case is that you will not see Kentucky's attorney general involved. After they lost their last ruling he refused to defend the state any longer on this case. He claims it's because he refuses to defend discrimination, but he defended it up until a year ago. My guess is that he doesn't want to be the guy to lose this case and be seen as a failed AG, as this is the highest profile case he has ever worked on. It could be that he is seeking higher political office (his name is rumored for a gubernatorial run) but he already defended the case and that will stick to him in a primary.
I don't think that any government anywhere should be involved in any marriages being legal or illegal. It's none of their gorram business.

And the Kentucky case started as a case where they refused to recognize marriages in other states. That does fall under equal protection. If I go across the river to a casino my state officials can't arrest me for illegal gambling and confiscate my winnings when I come home. Kentucky should not be able to revoke marriage status just because you are in the state.

An important point about this case is that you will not see Kentucky's attorney general involved. After they lost their last ruling he refused to defend the state any longer on this case. He claims it's because he refuses to defend discrimination, but he defended it up until a year ago. My guess is that he doesn't want to be the guy to lose this case and be seen as a failed AG, as this is the highest profile case he has ever worked on. It could be that he is seeking higher political office (his name is rumored for a gubernatorial run) but he already defended the case and that will stick to him in a primary.
Gay marriage aside for a moment, you can't escape the fact that if being married qualifies you for certain government benefits that you don't get while single, then it certainly is the government's business to ensure that people aren't scamming the system to gain an advantage. Gay marriage is a whole different thing IMO, more of a human rights issue, because once it's accepted as a natural human right for any two or more humans to form a legal union, then the marriage part comes as a natural extension of that. IMO anyway.