Homosexuality has never made sense to me
Obviously, you are not homosexual. People liking the taste of certain foods makes no sense to me either.
When I was 5/6 my mother told me about homosexuals and it just didn't make sense to me. That part of your body was for a totally different purpose and the whole idea was appalling to me.
Yeah, the whole sex talk confused me too. I mean, that's where I pee from.
Why you would want to satisfy your sexual needs with the same sex doesn't make alot of sense to me and is contrary to nature's natural course.
If by natural course you mean breeding, sure, but when sexual relations are also an emotional expression of love then it seems perfectly natural.
Some believe that if a youth says he has feelings for someone of the same sex he must be gay and that is the lifestyle he should choose.
Of course, that is assuming he chooses who he is attracted to.....
Do youths also at times have feelings for an adult teacher? Is everything a youth, or even an adult thinks/wants right especially if it is contrary to nature?
If they feel something without being coerced into it how is it at odds with nature? If they have an attraction to a teacher and still feel that way when they reach the age at which they are expected to be able to handle their emotions and the consequences of following those emotions then, by all means, let them pursue that relationship.
There are grown man who only want to have sexual relations with little children. They claim they love them, but does that make thier actions right?
I fail to see the connection. Two consensual adults of whatever gender is no where near the same as a minor who cannot think through the outcome of responding to physical or emotional stimulus.
They can do what they want as adults.
I am glad to see you can separate your personal views from your legal views.
However, I disagree with the modern view that people should be encouraged to adopt the homosexual lifestyle if they start to feel feelings for someone of the same sex. Homosexuality is not natural, no matter what you may want to think, and encouraging someone who is thinking unnatural thoughts to act on those thoughts is wrong.
Well, the natural thing is up for debate (as in I disagree with your view), but I have yet to see someone who wasn't trying to take advantage of a youth try to tell them what kind of lifestyle they should pursue.
On the other hand, you also should not tell a youth who believes him/herself to be homosexual that it is wrong and unnatural and they would be wrong to explore that lifestyle as they get older. If someone is having feelings for someone of the same sex the situation should be the same is if it were the opposite sex. They can explore their feelings, but sexual relations are best left until they are older and less likely to be caught up in the thrill and excitement.
The root word of natural is nature.
nat·u·ral Audio Help /ˈnætʃərəl, ˈnætʃrəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nach-er-uhl, nach-ruhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial): a natural bridge.
2. based on the state of things in nature; constituted by nature: Growth is a natural process.
And as Famine pointed out it has been viewed in nature, so I guess you can say that it is natural.
Two creatures of the same sex having sexual relations is contrary to nature. They were not designed that way. Therefore it's not natural.
Yet, they do it.
You know let's lower the legal limit for consensual sex from 18 to 13. Afterall, women can have children at 13 so shouldn't they be ready for sex? And why should age matter? Oh and not just men with 13 year old girls, make sure you allow adult males to have sex with consenting 13 year old males as well.
What pedophilia has to do with homosexuality I cannot fathom. Pedophilia has to do with taking advantage of people without the maturity to think through their emotions properly.
And as you are suddenly talking about legal limits are you now campaigning against homosexuals?
And if before you accuse me of putting words in your mouth I am just asking. If you wish to maintain your stance that it should not be legislated then I suggest you avoid any comparisons to legal limits in other cases as your message gets a bit blurry.
Forget polygamy if I want to have 5 wives buzz off. It's our personal business. We are 6 consenting adults.
Switch the word polygamy to homosexuality and suddenly you are on topic and this is precisely how homosexuals feel.
For the record, my stance on polygamy is the same as homosexuality: When we are discussing consenting adults it is not anyone else's business.