Meh. If you consider not being an :censored:hole to one group a slippery slope to not being an :censored:hole to anyone, I suppose so.
Most people would have considered that the whole point. It's basically
the Golden Rule.
No, it just means perhaps choosing where you have it in a way that isn't obviously trying to stir up hatred.
If I wanna run a three day rock concert, I probably don't want to put it beside the old folks home. Or a church. Or a preschool. It doesn't mean that these people are intolerant of rock concerts, some of them probably like rock. But on the whole it's not their thing and I should consider how much I want to impose on them.
Maybe it ends up that for a number of factors the best place to hold it is beside a church on the weekend. Maybe that's fine. As long as the decision was made on what best for people, and not because I want to stick it to the churchies on my one opportunity to blast them with metal in their place of worship. That's not cool.
Being tolerant of something is not the same as liking something. Muslims (and other religious types) can tolerate gays just fine without necessarily liking what they do. Gays should be treated equally, but at the same time you can't remove other people's rights to their own opinions. If a group of people feel that homosexuality is wrong, forcing a parade through their suburb is unlikely to convince them otherwise. It'll just reinforce the idea that homosexuals are a bunch of pricks, and rightly so.
I will not support a movement that attempts to change other people's minds by promoting antagonism between them. That never works.