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For example, if ugly person gets him/herself modified to look more better he/she still carries genes of original ugly him/herself. Offspings will get portion of these ugly genes, not modified look ones. If you have Vauxhall Vectra and put chassis of Ferrari F40 on it, it's still Vauxhall.
Ah, a eugenicist.
At the risk of asking a silly question, are you aware of the history of eugenics and why it really isn't particularly popular any more?
In modern world you can get pretty much everything with money. Is it necessary or not? Legimate sure if somebody pays to somebody who has skills and tools to do the job. Defective? I would use word vain.
I think you're drawing arbitrary lines between what's defective and what isn't.
The woman having the breast reduction is altering herself from her "natural" state, but somehow that's OK because it makes her suffer. So it's clearly not entirely about what's "natural" and what isn't. Otherwise you'd think that people with conditions that cause pain are naturally born that way, and that should be maintained so that they can have appropriate chances in the genetic lottery.
I think you may still have some contradictions in your philosophy here. Let's see if we can't simplify a little.
You're attempting to make sure that "good" genes propagate, yes?
Altering physical properties that cause pain is apparently OK.
Returning damaged cosmetic appearance is OK, as long as it's only to the extent of the original appearance.
Modifying cosmetic appearance to anything other than the "natural" state is not OK.
Are you just trying to select for physical beauty here? I feel like if someone is intelligent and wants to use the wealth they've accumulated by being so to make themselves more physically attractive, that's just that person's genes giving them a boost by another method.
In times past, ugly but wealthy people might have gotten sexual partners by offering them food or shelter. In modern times those things are more abundant but we have cosmetic surgery. Same result, different path to get there. Why should people who are genetically gifted with skills that produce wealth not be allowed to use those skills to enhance their opportunities for procreation in any way they see fit?
Lol. So when you see a drawing of a fictional person and you're attracted to it, what sexuality is that? After all, a fictional person has no gender.
The part of your brain that's attracted sexually isn't aware of whether a person is male or female, it simply sees something that it likes. If you're a heterosexual man, that's likely to be traditionally feminine characteristics. If those happen to be attached to a male, that doesn't make you a homosexual. It makes you a normal heterosexual male that is attracted to exactly the sort of things that heterosexual males are supposed to be attracted to.
If you smell a delicious frying bacon smell that turns out to be human flesh, that doesn't mean that you're suddenly a attracted to eating human flesh. You smelled something that smelled good to you; it just happened to come from a source that is not attractive to you on the whole. The human brain can and does respond to limited information, sometimes incorrectly.
There's nothing wrong with that, and that you think that simply being attracted to a trans girl makes you homosexual betrays just how much of this is based on your own emotional insecurity rather than any objective reasoning.
Seems like a pretty normal looking girl to me. Bit young for my tastes, but given that she's a model other people think she's pretty and I wouldn't disagree. If I were her age, I'd certainly buy her a beer. I certainly wouldn't need two.
Hunter Schafer, if you're curious.
I keep my rights to my own opinions. You may not like them, but please allow me to have them.
You may have them, and I reserve the right to tell you my opinion on them if they're abusive. Deal?