- 3,194
well shoot,.... I though we were gonna jump from gay men to lesbianism,... but since that seems to be a much easier topic for a guy like me to exploit,... can I assume this thing is dead?
Why not? Christians and other religious parents do it every day. No one bats an eyelash at the concept of Sunday School, where young minds too inexperienced to filter ideas for themselves are rigorously and purposely made to fit a given set of beliefs. Why is that not forcing a lifestyle upon a child? Sorry, Pako, but that's one you haven't thought far enough through. Why would a kid raised by caring, supportive homosexuals be inherently more confused than any other?
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
well shoot,.... I though we were gonna jump from gay men to lesbianism,... but since that seems to be a much easier topic for a guy like me to exploit,... can I assume this thing is dead?
Originally posted by neon_duke
Red Eye I don't know if you're trying to be humorous or not but whatever it is, it's failing.
Originally posted by Gil
You will find that if you take a stand around here and don't adequately defend it...you will be called on it.
If you're trying to "stir the pot". You'll get called on that too.
We won't just let you jump to an easier to defend position.
It's not in our nature.
But why is that different than, say, a Christian couple adopting that baby? Is it just because you define Christian as 'normal' that it becomes acceptable? Why would not the same child say "My parents are Fundamentalist Christians, they knew that but decided to adopt me without my consent, and I will never be able to change that"? That child will be forced into the knowledge of his/her parents' religion, like it or not; exactly the same as being forced to recognize his/her parents' homosexuality.Originally posted by Pako
The fact is, until our children can become of age to think for themselves, to make their own conclusions, it is our job to raise them as we see fit. Once they are of age where they can decide or question their moral actions, then that is where we must step out and let them make their own journey. In the case of education of religion vs. "My parents are gay" is a huge difference.
Example: Let's say at age 12 they can decide "This christian God is not for me." On the other hand, at age 12 they are forced with the knowlege of "My parents are gay, they knew they were gay but decided to adopt(or some other means) without my consent, and I will never be able to decide otherwise."
But I don't see the difference. As adopted children (assuming they're infants) they have no choice, either.I hope you can see the differnece. As birth children, they have no choice who their parents are...it just happens, it's the merricle of life.
Why? A child has only the example it sees. I don't understand why they are different just because you are religious and not gay. If two gay people are committed to each other and their adopted family, and have a reasonably stable, loving and supportive home life, then why is that not a good example of how to start a family? It is to me.These are two fundimentally different aspects of life that are far from being able to be compared. Now if the approach was to teach the child that homosexuality was OK, then we could have a comparison, but that is not the issue here. The child would have no normal example of relationships to use when starting his/her own family.
Pako, I respectfully have to tell you I think you are wrong. You seem to be operating entirely out of your preconceived notion of what is 'right', rather than from an abstracted method of thinking which can be applied universally. You are free to teach your children the morals you uphold, but you're not free to assume that they are inherently more correct than any others (always remembering the prohibition against violence, theft, and falsehood).I am making the assumption that we both have the same idea of a normal relationship. If not, then we have different definitions of normal.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Are you guy's saying that you COULD accept homosexuality? You just elect not to because your loved ones are straight?
You seem to be operating entirely out of your preconceived notion of what is 'right',
Originally posted by lotus350
Why do you think I stay away from you lot
I'm just here for the read
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Are you guy's saying that you COULD accept homosexuality? You just elect not to because your loved ones are straight?
But here again, you are kind of missing my point - I'm not asking you to change your morals. I'm not asking you to be gay. I'm only asking you to see that it could be acceptable - not just tolerable - for someone else to be gay. I'm glad to hear you have decided to love your son unconditionally. I know plenty of people who are not willing to say the same.I realize that all my opinions regarding this issue is due in part to my own moraity. I choose not to change my morals for the sake of accepting someone elses decisions. As long as I have my set of morals that I live by, my opinions in this matter will be unaltered. Here's a question for you though: If for some reason you have to put the care of you daughters into the custody of someone else and your choice was a straight couple or a gay couple, while all other aspects were equal, who would you choose and why?
Tough isn't it?
Originally posted by neon_duke
*snip* In response to your question: all other aspects will never be equal, even speaking theoretically. There would always be one set of potential guardians I would like more than the other, based strictly upon personalities and my impression of their potential as parents - neither of which are based upon sexual preference. I would not seek out the gay couple nor avoid them - I would choose whichever couple I thought could provide the safest, most caring, intellectually stimulating environment for my children. It would be a tough decision - but not made tougher by the homosexuality of one couple.
Originally posted by milefile
Holy cow...
I go away for a few hours and have two whole pages of posts to read I'm glad to see the discusion has maintained steam. But it will be a little bit before I can sift through all of your thoughts and respond.
I now have plans for tonight besides rubbing my wife's neck
Originally posted by neon_duke
A child has only the example it sees.
For a very personal example, we are very open about nakedness in our home. We do not go out of our way to make a point of being naked, but we do not make a point of concealing our nakedness either. For some families it would be utterly shocking, purely on moral grounds. What is the harm? I harbor no sexual feelings towards my children and my wife and I conceal our sexual activity (though not our affection). We feel it is a healthy way to raise our children, whereas it would be condemned as sinful by some others.
Originally posted by neon_duke
For a very personal example, we are very open about nakedness in our home. We do not go out of our way to make a point of being naked, but we do not make a point of concealing our nakedness either. For some families it would be utterly shocking, purely on moral grounds. What is the harm? I harbor no sexual feelings towards my children and my wife and I conceal our sexual activity (though not our affection). We feel it is a healthy way to raise our children, whereas it would be condemned as sinful by some others.
Originally posted by Gil
1. The best gift you can give your children is to love your spouse. You are the example of a loving relationship to them. You teach your daughters what a good father/husband is supposed to be. Your wife shows them what a good wife/mother is supposed to be.