This thread keeps getting bumped way too often.
The way I see this subject, is that there's a severe change in human personality and thought in todays utterly braintwisting society. I'm seriously shocked that essentially only 15% (first two poll choices) are against homsexuality and the rest are either totally OK with it or lax about this subject. This is not normal to me at all.
I think the internet has a huge part in this human behaviour change, since it's infiltrated with with all genres of porno, as well as television/films of course. I think exposing growing kids to this type of "truth" imbeds into their heads quite alot. I think if this poll represented a wider demographic of ages, you'd see a huge difference in votes towards homosexuality being unaccepted.
But I have another theory what might be happening and some might find this rediculous, but whatever. We have a disturbing shift towards processed foods, chemical fertilization and insecticides in agriculture, toxic synthetic additives in many foods, inconcievable hormone and anti-biotic injectios in animal meats , massive exposure to toxins in households, plastics, atmosphere, watersupply ect. What am I talking about you ask?
Well if you spend some time getting a bit indeapth into to health/nutrition science of the human body, specifically to the impact of the hormonal system due to what we put into our body and what we're exposed to getting absorbed into the cell tissues, which then has detrimental effect on the "natural" rythem of hormone output.
There has been a tremendous rise in estrogen/testosterone imbalance in middle aged men/women in the last few decades, more so in developed countries. The science has many theories about it, and it's likely a combination of some of the ones I listed above. The biggest contributing factor is the practices used in commercially raised animals, and the completely unnatural way they're raised - completely confined space, almost no movement, overfed therefore creating unnatural fat deposits and reduced testosterone levels, no exposure to natural sunlight thus removing the extremely important UV radiation and vitamin D needed for healthy growth, inferior feed wich most of the time consists of genetically modified grain based ingredients, hormones and anti-biotics being injected to increase the size and reduce the vulnerability to disease and infection, stress increase due to confinement and handeling... all in order to get the biggest and best space usage for the most profit.
What does this produce? A meat that has fundementally changed from organically farm raised animal meat. In natural farming enviorment, where cows graze on grass, chickens and pigs run around get unaltered mostly fresh green food and they get natural movement and sun exsposure. Now when the difference is examined, the difference in staggering. The benefical omega fatty acids balance are hugley different, the fat/muscle ratio is different and the hormone in the blood tests are far different. These are some seriously ill animals that are being put on dinner tables.
It's hard to understand why it's not more widely accepted and researched, and why this is essentially not being looked at much closer and acted upon. But nutritionists are certain this is the single most contributing factor to todays epedemic of illnesses and hormonal changes in humans.
This also counts for fruits, vegetables and grains in many countries, wich are laced with sythetic substances in order to get bigger crops. For money of course with no real research behind these structurally changed foods that end up loosing taste and and shape.
Then you have the epidemic of processed foods, for the "convinience" of todays society. A infinite list of additives, preservatives and a slew of sythetic things added to everything, which is disguised so well most people don't taste the crap they're ingesting. Many of these "ingredients" have shown a change in metabolism because their effect on hormone glands.
Ok I don't want to go on as this is starting to come off as a nutrition lesson, so back ON topic to explain what I'm trying to say... Ingesting and being exposed this unnatural lifestyle has been shown to to lower testerone in males/females and increase estrogen in males/females. Now due to this I believe this will bring out the "femine" side in some males. Now don't get excited, this does't mean that males are acting like females (although sometimes... ya, this certainly holds true) but brain chemistry has changed in a way that makes many (too many) have feelings for their own sex. That's right, you heard it here first. For someone to admit they're OK with it, even if you lead a "normal" straight life, seems a tad creepy to me ... which is 85% according to this poll! I'm telling you this is not normal! A far cry from how this type of poll would turn out a couple of generations ago, let alone throughout all human history.
We are as far away from "natural" ways of life, not even mentioning the incredibly insane world that we have created in the last 50 years. But as smart as humans are, we have also created many many problems with the general health of all people. Obese kids, massive spike in cardivascioular disease, cancer, phycological and neurological conditions (sexual orientation ), the list goes on. What are we missing, well probably what I've explained, it may take a while for medical reseach to understand that all these drugs, and medical interventions just cover up the problem, but don't get the to root of the cause. We need alot more fair research on what we're doing wrong, and to focus alot more on prevention and spend less time stirring up concoctions in labs in hope to "fight" the illness when it could almost certainly be prevented. In relation to homosexualism, there would be no "mixed feelings" about sexual orientation, guys want girls, and girls want guys, and would hopes the others to be the same.
I'm not saying that gay tendencies NEVER existed in history because we know there are some stories about it, but for sure not anything close to what we're experiencing in todays world. At this point I'm ashamed to be a human looking at this 85% of peeps being OK with it, but I'm obviously not gonna take these results serious, this is such a small amount of people here... which leads me to think... how many gay simracers are out there? I'm sorry if I have offended any of you "human rights" folks. This poll would have been at LEAST the reverse in "the good 'ol days", but probably more like 95% to 5% against homosexualism. It's NOT normal, nor is it cool.