The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Really? Can you name one way in which someone's homosexuality negatively affected your life?

Thats my theory in it... If its not harming anything else or yourself (which being gay doesnt) then no one should have any right to interfere with that.
No one cares about your opinion if you won't even give a single reason for why you have it. It's totally meaningless. This place is for discussion, not random spewing of hatred without any conversation.
No one cares about your opinion if you won't even give a single reason for why you have it. It's totally meaningless. This place is for discussion, not random spewing of hatred without any conversation.

Okay then, I hate gay's because their gay :)
Ok, to prevent this thread from going any more off-topic, I'll just say I hope you're aware of the legal implications of what you're saying. You have pretty much guaranteed that the police will get involved. I'll let the mods deal with it, though I really wish they didn't have to.
Okay then, I hate gay's because their gay :)

You aren't helping your case here. Hate is a powerful word and I fail to see how someone being gay would negatively impact your life.

Unless you are just profoundly ignorant and thus can not let something that is different go, so you must mock it and fear it.

And what right do any of you'se to say that gays aren't wrong? So your saying ****in another guy up the ass hole is right? That's not how it works 👎

I don't give a flying **** what anyone thinks because this is my opinion and no matter what you small minded motha****as say will change it because I don't listen to ass rammers.

Oh the profound amounts of irony.
You know what? I'm done, you are all taking me far too literal. I'm not actually gonna kill a person based on their sexual preference, I'm just voicing my hatred for them.

I'm over this, goodbye 👎
Wo wo wo most hate going on in a thread ever. If a gay person did something to you personally that made you upset than your beef is with that person only. That person who happens to be gay is the one you hate. It's impossible to hate all gays for it.

Who cares what gays do they don't give a **** what you do. I'm not into banging dudes and hate it when gays hit on me, but they can do what they want. As long as it doesn't effect me than what business is it of mine to say they can't do something. When they hit on me and know I'm not gay it's slightly offending, but I just try to take it as a compliment.

Gay people are just people who happen to like the same sex. I don't know why, some sort of hormone imbalance for what ever reason has made them do that, but it doesn't mean they are no longer a human and something is wrong with them. If someone happens to have cancer which is not their fault you wouldn't hate them for it.

The gays can't get married thing is so dumb too for the points I already listed. Not everyone follows the same or any religion and you can't force that on people so being against Christian beliefs is a irrelevant argument. I guess if they wanted to get married in a church than it may be a problem, but other than that they should still be able to go down to city hall and get married right out front if they want. Gays are here to stay wether you like it or not. Better get used to it soon and put the past behind you.
And what right do any of you'se to say that gays aren't wrong? So your saying ****in another guy up the ass hole is right? That's not how it works 👎

Personally, I'm not gay and performing the act that you mentioned in your rant seems pretty F'd up to me (because I am straight), how is that wrong? The reason you gave on why that is wrong is "thats not how it works." This is not a legitimate or logical reason on why it is "wrong." Give me one reason on why a guy+ a guy is wrong, while a girl + a guy is right. That just doesnt make sense, we are all people. Hell, **** a donkey for god sakes! (if it is consensual, of course. I imagine it would be hard ro get consent from a donkey)
If your reason is "it says in the bible" than here is what I am going to say: In America (sorry if you dont live in the US) there is freedom of religion. If your religion believes that it is wrong to be gay, and someone is gay and practicing that religion, then MAYBE we have a case. If someone is gay and their religion/non religion finds nothing wrong with being homosexual, then discriminating against that person/people who are gay is like discriminating against someone for their religous beliefs. Again, I say, in America we have religious freedom which means you CAN'T DISCRIMINATE AGAINST PEOPLE FOR THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. I rest my case.
I aplogize for my remarks, I've thought about my actions and I am in the wrong. I'm a bit drunk and angry due to a death in my family, but thats no excuse. To be honest I can't believe I wrote what I did, I've never been anywhere near a gun and I don't own one...anyway I hate myself now but I promise to never tarnish this website again.

Once again, I'm sorry.
Well, that's quite a turnaround...
I'd be willing to discuss the subject further when you're feeling more up to it. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
Well, that's quite a turnaround...
I'd be willing to discuss the subject further when you're feeling more up to it. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

Yeah, I have a mixed personality. Drinking doesn't help my problems but I can't seem to stop. Anyways I don't expect forgiveness but I am sorry. And even after everthing I said, your sorry about my loss? Your a better person then I am..

Anyways I'll probably be banned soon but I don't mind, I deserve it. I just wanted to right my wrongs first.
Not at all. Admitting you're wrong is the most important thing anyone can do. My only goal is to try to get people to be honest with themselves, to look at the world logically so they can become better people. There's no way I can be any part of that if you are banned, so I hope you aren't.

If you're capable of having an intellectual discussion, and I'm sure you are, I would love to have one with you. In the future, I'd recommend avoiding this site when you're feeling on edge, but it's an honest mistake and I can't fault you for it. Get some sleep, and hopefully we can talk soon.
Not at all. Admitting you're wrong is the most important thing anyone can do. My only goal is to try to get people to be honest with themselves, to look at the world logically so they can become better people. There's no way I can be any part of that if you are banned, so I hope you aren't.

If you're capable of having an intellectual discussion, and I'm sure you are, I would love to have one with you. In the future, I'd recommend avoiding this site when you're feeling on edge, but it's an honest mistake and I can't fault you for it. Get some sleep, and hopefully we can talk soon.

Well I think your a better person then me, and you probably are, everyone is. Your a very honest person, I don't know how you do it. I don't mind, I deserve to be banned. I feel at ease, at least, knowing I've took back what I said.

I shouldn't even be drinking in my state but it helps with the pain. Ranting on the internet never helps either, and the fact that police are coming after me now has me on edge. Maybe I'm better off locked away, I dunno.

I doubt we'll talk again but I thank you for your forgiveness.

Goodbye Gtplanet, I'm sorry.
I doubt the police will actually have to be involved. What you said was threatening, but I think it's obvious now you have no real intent to harm anyone. I'm surprised the moderators haven't gotten involved to make some decisions in here yet, but I'll leave it to them when they do. Best of luck to you. 👍
Very sensitive subject. Because I am Christian, I personally do not think being gay is right. I would never express my views in public unless I was asked and I believe that gays should be treated the same as everyone else. It's not so simple, though. If I had a hotel and two gays wanted to stay in it I'm honestly not sure what I would do. I would dislike doing business of that type (my property) with someone who did something I do not agree with.
It seems horrible me saying that but I think that it is justified.
Very sensitive subject. Because I am Christian, I personally do not think being gay is right. I would never express my views in public unless I was asked and I believe that gays should be treated the same as everyone else. It's not so simple, though. If I had a hotel and two gays wanted to stay in it I'm honestly not sure what I would do. I would dislike doing business of that type (my property) with someone who did something I do not agree with.
It seems horrible me saying that but I think that it is justified.

What if you had a hotel and a woman wearing trousers wanted to stay. If the hotel had a restaurant - would shell food be off the menu too?