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- fps_nilsen
I find it hard to believe that this can be a real discussion. Homosexuals are people them too..
Hahaha no I'm sure the gay ones are focused too. I'm just saying when you are not out fighting the straight ones will be thinking of girls while the gay ones will be thinking of guys. That's fine, but considering it's only guys it gives the gay ones more to think about since they see guys all around them and I would find it weird to shower next to a guy who would be physically attracted to me. So I would prefer not knowing at all someone is gay so my mind doesn't think of all these crazy scenarios.homeforsummerI get it, so while straight soldiers are concentrating on serving their country, all the gay ones are just in it for the other men, right? Rather than concentrating 100% on serving their country like everyone else, they're actually thinking of sleeping with their regiment.
Two things spring to mind: If you're that insecure about your sexuality you worry about gay men thinking of you sexually, then I hope to god you never find out one of your friends is gay.
Second thing: I wouldn't worry about it anyway. With that sort of attitude you'd be lucky for a girl to think about you like that, let alone another man.
TankAss95I actually agree with him. It goes both ways, though. I think that if gays can't talk about their sexual orientation then neither should we.
Having the thought of a gay man taking interest in you in a high risk environment would leave most men uncomfortable and unfocussed. You can call me homophobic or whatever, but that's just me, and I'm sure many feel the same.
So I think leave it out all together. Never say your sexual orientation in the military as no-one really needs to know.
I actually agree with him. It goes both ways, though. I think that if gays can't talk about their sexual orientation then neither should we.
Having the thought of a gay man taking interest in you in a high risk environment would leave most men uncomfortable and unfocussed. You can call me homophobic or whatever, but that's just me, and I'm sure many feel the same.
So I think leave it out all together. Never say your sexual orientation in the military as no-one really needs to know.
Ya that's why don't ask don't tell was a good policy. You can be gay no problem just don't mention it so one knows.
I actually agree with him. It goes both ways, though. I think that if gays can't talk about their sexual orientation then neither should we.
Having the thought of a gay man taking interest in you in a high risk environment would leave most men uncomfortable and unfocussed. You can call me homophobic or whatever, but that's just me, and I'm sure many feel the same.
So I think leave it out all together. Never say your sexual orientation in the military as no-one really needs to know.
I actually agree with him. It goes both ways, though. I think that if gays can't talk about their sexual orientation then neither should we.
Having the thought of a gay man taking interest in you in a high risk environment would leave most men uncomfortable and unfocussed. You can call me homophobic or whatever, but that's just me, and I'm sure many feel the same.
So I think leave it out all together. Never say your sexual orientation in the military as no-one really needs to know.
Source - http://www.palmcenter.org/files/KaplanRosenmann_IDFSurveyReport.pdfIDF StudySocial cohesion was significantly higher among combat soldiers than non-combat soldiers but knowledge of homosexual peers was not related to lower measures of social cohesion. Thus the study found no support for the hypothesis that knowledge of homosexual peers undermines units social cohesion.
Source - http://www.palmcenter.org/publicati..._say_about_impact_openly_gay_service_militaryResearch on openly gay service is extensive, and includes over half a century of evidence gathered by independent researchers and the U.S. military itself, as well as the study of the experience of foreign militaries. The U.S. militarys own researchers have consistently found that openly gay service does not undermine cohesion, and the military has repeatedly sought to condemn or suppress these conclusions when they emerged. Yet no research has ever shown that open homosexuality impairs military readiness. This fact has been acknowledged by the Government Accountability Office and by the Pentagon, which has said in response to evidence suggesting that openly gay service works that its policy is inherently subjective in nature and is the result of professional Military judgment, not scientific or sociological analysis.
Having the thought of a gay man taking interest in you in a high risk environment would leave most men uncomfortable and unfocussed.
Ya the fired part was discrimination, but if it was altered to literaly be don't ask don't tell I think it's ok. Can't have any problems if you don't go asking around or talking about stuff.FamineMy heavens. Such... mindless bigotry.
Oh, yeah, except for the part you'd be fired from your job if it was mentioned at any point (though not, hilariously, for coming out as straight...). And since any population of males - particularly alpha males - will involve repeated references to the sexuality of their peers, the response "Yeah, so what?" is inevitable and a prosecutable offence.
In what universe does "being fired from your job for mentioning your sexuality (but only if it's not heterosexuality)" make sense? Only a universe where being around people you know are gay freaks you out.
I'm just saying for me personally, I wouldn't want to shower and sleep in the same bunk as a gay person
FamineThere's a 50:50 chance that the other bloke is a gay person. There's a one in three chance he's had sex with another man. Would you rather know this or have it come as a nice surprise in the night?
As a teenager being fancied by a male friend may freak the teen out, but within a few years they've grown up and don't care. I should know, because I am that male friend. Naturally it made my friends a little uncomfortable when I came out to them, at 15. But now, they don't care at all, and the topic rarely comes up in conversation. People just don't care.
Lol I didn't mean to start anything with this so sorry to anybody that got offended. I don't think gays would just be non stop trying to hit on all the straight guys and just anarchy everywhere because of it like it sort of sounded. I'm just saying for me personally, I wouldn't want to shower and sleep in the same bunk as a gay person because I would feel that they would want me as a sexual object. The exact same as what I would be thinking if I was showering and sleeping in the same bunk with a bunch of girls. So not mentioning anything or having soldiers ask about it I feel is the best thing to do. Without the getting fired part if someone does find out.
Do you mind me asking how old you were when you realised you were gay? My daughter came out to me when she was 13.
AzuremenJust how old are you? You've come up a lot of scenarios that just... don't compute too well.
As for being hit on by gays, it is kind of fun sometimes because its like "why, thank you, but sorry, I'm with the ladies." It also means you dress well if gays are hitting on you. Well, most of the time. So that is icing on the cake - you're cute and dress well.
The military had a don't ask, don't tell policy and that has worked out so well for them, hasn't it?![]()
shmogt*Everything shmogt has ever said*
Since shmogt is already aware homosexuals in the miliary, I'd suggest some other groups he should be needlessly worried about:
I know this thread has gone on for forever and the points start getting a bit laboured, but it really does just keeps getting better and better. Please let's never close it, I'll cry.
I'd be flattered to have a guy show interest in me...
As for being hit on by gays, it is kind of fun sometimes because its like
Show me a picture and I'll make my verdict.![]()
PeterJBHmm...being dead is a bit of a turn off for me![]()
Christian people I have a question. How is it possible for god to love all, and exclude gays? If he made everyone than why did he even make gays? Just to hate on them?
Christian people I have a question. How is it possible for god to love all, and exclude gays? If he made everyone than why did he even make gays? Just to hate on them?
aroraChristians believe god excludes no one. It's not believed that he made 'gays', it's believed that he gives free will. And no, not just to hate on them or anyone else.
Matthew 5:45