The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
I have nothing against what others choose. It's their life and they can live it however they want to.

Therein lies the problem. It's not a choice.

And some other things. Why is pink associated with homosexuality? It's just a color. It's mildly feminine, if at all. Can't we just accept it as a color?

You answered your own question. :lol:

Edit: On a mildly interesting note, the Rainbow flag associated with LGBT associations has a different meaning for every colour.

Pink: Sexuality
Red: Life
Orange: Health and Wellbeing
Yellow: Sunlight and joy
Green: The Natural World
Turquoise: The Arts and Magic!
Blue: Peace
Purple: Spirit

I remember learning that years ago, had to look one or two up though.
Christian people I have a question. How is it possible for god to love all, and exclude gays? If he made everyone than why did he even make gays? Just to hate on them?
God hates no one.
And I believe homosexuality is taught as being a negative act in the Bible: Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,
-1 Corinthians 6:9 (NKJV)
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
-Romans 1:26-27 (NKJV)
Many Christians think otherwise, though.
Hahaha Matthew wrote that quote hmm. He adds in the and no not just to hate on them part just incase someone asked this very question I see lol.

I get he makes everyone than says be free and live, but he obviously knew the whole gay thing could go down than. So why can't he just let them live? If he didn't want gays at all he would of just made no free will and designed it to be impossible to like same gender. Also what the hell is gods views in trannies? Not quite man, not quite woman. Looks like he didn't plan for that one lol.

I think transexuals are covered here: Deuteronomy 22:5
New International Version (NIV)
5 A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.
What about people who have a gender change? Or if they have many female'/male characteristics (long/short hair, make up, etc)?
God hates no one.
And I believe homosexuality is taught as being a negative act in the Bible: Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,
-1 Corinthians 6:9 (NKJV)
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

....and fans of anime, Twilight, Senna, Gran Turismo... As well as people who enjoy their booze a little too much, or swear etc etc.

All you do by quoting these passages is show how Christians (or more accurately, the Catholic church) pick and choose what bits of the bible they decide to follow. For what ever reason.

You must be able to see why atheists get so frustrated by Christians quoting from their book.
What about people who have a gender change? Or if they have many female'/male characteristics (long/short hair, make up, etc)?

I think gender change is wrong, but it is a very complex issue. Denying your gender is a sin IMO, but then there's the issue of healthcare. Why should we interfere with Gods own creation? It all about your own personal stance.
It's really hard for me to agrees these issues, because I have just newly began to study the Bible itself.
....and fans of anime, Twilight, Senna, Gran Turismo... As well as people who enjoy their booze a little too much, or swear etc etc.

All you do by quoting these passages is show how Christians (or more accurately, the Catholic church) pick and choose what bits of the bible they decide to follow. For what ever reason.

You must be able to see why atheists get so frustrated by Christians quoting from their book.

Many Christians have many different stances of morals in the Bible that has led to splits in the Church. Your beliefs are based on your opinion through study.
And why argue with Christians if you do not wish to read from the Bible from which is the foundations of their beliefs?
I think gender change is wrong, but it is a very complex issue. Denying your gender is a sin IMO, but then there's the issue of healthcare. Why should we interfere with Gods own creation? It all about your own personal stance.
It's really hard for me to agrees these issues, because I have just newly began to study the Bible itself.

Why does God make some people have the body of one gender and the mind of the other then?
Why does God make some people have the body of one gender and the mind of the other then?

I doubt people are born that way. People's orientations are probably dependent on what happens during early childhood. For example, there is evidence that having an older male sibling can increase your chances of being gay, or it could be because of a lack of a relationship with one's father. There are also stories of lesbians that were molested as children, could this have instilled a fear of men?
Personally I think gays, cancer, ADHD, etc all come down to chemicals. All of these things are relatively new (after 1950). Years ago how many gays did you hear of? Yes they probably didn't say anything as much as they do now, but there's no way there was millions of them and only a small few were willing to except it. Cancer same thing. I guarantee you have or know someone who had/has cancer. It's crazy the amount of people who get cancer, but again years ago barely anyone got it compared to now.

All these things have got to be from chemicals in everything. Our food can't even be qualified as real anymore it's just all chemicals to fake taste, chemicals to fake color, chemicals to keep it from going bad. Chemicals for everything. Than we have all these animals that are pumped with steroids to make them bigger so when we cut them up they can feed more, but those steroids unfortunately do have the same effect on you once you eat them. Your body turns them into estrogen. It does the same thing with all the chemicals in food and does the same thing to anything in plastic. Go read the ingredients in food you own and tell me it doesn't contain some ingredients you have no idea what they are. Or think about the amount of stuff that comes in plastic.

Soy is another thing that is super cheap so they put it in everything. Soy protein if you are a guy stay away from as it will promotes more estrogen. Again tho check some of the food you have and soy will probably be an ingredient. In Thailand they drink more soy milk than regular milk and feed it to little babies instead. They also have one of the highest transgendered population out there. Strange that a product like soy which promotes estrogen the female hormone in men is ingested by thousands and a large number now decide they want to be woman instead of men. With all the estrogen in them they pretty much are women already.

Can all this be 100% the reason for gays, no. However having all these chemicals in everything than having some that your body turns to estrogen must play some sort of roll in it.
Oh crap.
Personally I think gays, cancer, ADHD, etc all come down to chemicals. All of these things are relatively new (after 1950). Years ago how many gays did you hear of? Yes they probably didn't say anything as much as they do now, but there's no way there was millions of them and only a small few were willing to except it.
Would you really feel like coming out in a world full of Bible-bashers who would not only ostracise you if you were gay, but also if you had sex outside of marriage?
Oh crap.

Would you really feel like coming out in a world full of Bible-bashers who would not only ostracise you if you were gay, but also if you had sex outside of marriage?

No of course not, but there is literally millions of gays now. Millions and you only heard of a few. There is just more of everything now.
Personally I think gays, cancer, ADHD, etc all come down to chemicals. All of these things are relatively new (after 1950). Years ago how many gays did you hear of? Yes they probably didn't say anything as much as they do now, but there's no way there was millions of them and only a small few were willing to except it. Cancer same thing. I guarantee you have or know someone who had/has cancer. It's crazy the amount of people who get cancer, but again years ago barely anyone got it compared to now.

All these things have got to be from chemicals in everything. Our food can't even be qualified as real anymore it's just all chemicals to fake taste, chemicals to fake color, chemicals to keep it from going bad. Chemicals for everything. Than we have all these animals that are pumped with steroids to make them bigger so when we cut them up they can feed more, but those steroids unfortunately do have the same effect on you once you eat them. Your body turns them into estrogen. It does the same thing with all the chemicals in food and does the same thing to anything in plastic. Go read the ingredients in food you own and tell me it doesn't contain some ingredients you have no idea what they are. Or think about the amount of stuff that comes in plastic.

Soy is another thing that is super cheap so they put it in everything. Soy protein if you are a guy stay away from as it will promotes more estrogen. Again tho check some of the food you have and soy will probably be an ingredient. In Thailand they drink more soy milk than regular milk and feed it to little babies instead. They also have one of the highest transgendered population out there. Strange that a product like soy which promotes estrogen the female hormone in men is ingested by thousands and a large number now decide they want to be woman instead of men. With all the estrogen in them they pretty much are women already.

Can all this be 100% the reason for gays, no. However having all these chemicals in everything than having some that your body turns to estrogen must play some sort of roll in it.

I disagree. I think it's all down to your mental attitude. Your sexual orientation is decided by mainly yourself and your surroundings while growing up in my opinion.
As for cancer etc, I think it's down to excessive stress. There are some people who stay super healthy with dieting and exercise and end up ill, while some people stay really unhealthy while being relaxed and happy and end up having little problems.
Stress is like everything else, it is good in moderation. Too much will make you ill, too little will make you ill. Too much stress leads to distress, which puts your body under lots of pressure.
Personally I think gays, cancer, ADHD, etc all come down to chemicals. All of these things are relatively new (after 1950). Years ago how many gays did you hear of? Yes they probably didn't say anything as much as they do now, but there's no way there was millions of them and only a small few were willing to except it. Cancer same thing. I guarantee you have or know someone who had/has cancer. It's crazy the amount of people who get cancer, but again years ago barely anyone got it compared to now.

I couldn't really bare reading anything more from your post than this. I shall state that I do not know anything about the subject you're discussing. So it's probably ridiculous that I'm even posting this.

But you don't think there's another part to the "lot-less-everything-back-in-day"-thing you're going with has a thing to do with ridiculous spread of information nowadays, we were less people as well. Couldn't your ancestors perhaps have had ADHD, died from cancer, been bisexual? They just didn't know about the syndromes/diseases/didn't have public sexual relations with men due to the notion that you marry a woman and foster children and there was no other thing. I think the percentage of homosexual/bisexuals, etc has been almost static during our existence, and it has just been more evident to the increased tolerance of society. And I think people are born in the way they are, not really affected by the environment, though in some cases it clearly does. (Sorry for how conflicting this sounds)

We get to hear about cancer and how to prevent it almost every day, we go to school or work with someone that perhaps is dyslexic or has ADD or ADHD.

As mentioned, stress is a factor, our food (as you mentioned) is another one, perhaps how some people exercise less to why for example cancer is more prominent.

I'm sorry for posting this in one way, since there's so many things wrong with what I posted and the irrelevant nonsense.

No of course not, but there is literally millions of gays now. Millions and you only heard of a few. There is just more of everything now.

Well... There are more of everything now. New people are born every day. Including heterosexuals and... pretty much everything.
No one is just born with anything. Your parents genes will have a great influence in what diseases you may end up with when your older etc. What your mom eats also has a huge roll on how the baby will turn out. If she smokes crack the baby will literally come out addicted to crack. So if she eats lots of foods high in chemicals which will raise her estrogen and put lots of stress on the body this has to have an effect on the baby. The baby is taking in everything the mom eats.

If you did read all of my post I said I don't know if 100% this is clearly the reason why, but changing the hormone level will affect the brain.Could be other things as well, but to just be born with it has to come from the parents. I'm seriously the only one who thinks chemicals may have a roll in this? It could be lots of other things too like how you grow up and maybe it's different for each gay person.
No one is just born with anything. Your parents genes will have a great influence in what diseases you may end up with when your older etc. What your mom eats also has a huge roll on how the baby will turn out. If she smokes crack the baby will literally come out addicted to crack. So if she eats lots of foods high in chemicals which will raise her estrogen and put lots of stress on the body this has to have an effect on the baby. The baby is taking in everything the mom eats.

If you did read all of my post I said I don't know if 100% this is clearly the reason why, but changing the hormone level will affect the brain.Could be other things as well, but to just be born with it has to come from the parents. I'm seriously the only one who thinks chemicals may have a roll in this? It could be lots of other things too like how you grow up and maybe it's different for each gay person.

You are describing homosexuality as some sort of disease.
You are describing homosexuality as some sort of disease.

Lol I was afraid something like this would come up because it is quite the touchy issue. The "normal" would be man like woman and vice versa. The man like man or woman like woman is breaking the pre-programmed mold going against evolution and the want to procreate. It's just like people with cancer or an extra finger. Doesn't mean anything is wrong with you as a person or that other should treat you different, but there has to be a reason to why this would happen. I'm looking at it from a science point of view.
Lol I was afraid something like this would come up because it is quite the touchy issue. The "normal" would be man like woman and vice versa. The man like man or woman like woman is breaking the pre-programmed mold going against evolution and the want to procreate. It's just like people with cancer or an extra finger. Doesn't mean anything is wrong with you as a person or that other should treat you different, but there has to be a reason to why this would happen. I'm looking at it from a science point of view.

Ok I understand your point. 👍
I think that gay people are Okay and I think they should be allowed to do things that straight people can, yet I still don't think it's right (morally). I know I'll get hated on for saying that, but keep it in mind that I wouldn't express these views in the real world unless I was specifically asked.
Oh and another thing I heard somewhere that 10% of the world is gay. That means that 10% of GTPlanet is gay too. :lol: :D
I think gender change is wrong, but it is a very complex issue. Denying your gender is a sin IMO, but then there's the issue of healthcare. Why should we interfere with Gods own creation? It all about your own personal stance.
It's really hard for me to agrees these issues, because I have just newly began to study the Bible itself.

So what if it's a sin? Last time I checked, the US isn't a theocracy.
So what if it's a sin? Last time I checked, the US isn't a theocracy.

I'd take it even further and say that people don't even have "proper" genders. Sex is biological, it's a property of the body, like hair color. Dying your hair is no different than changing sex in principle (though it isn't received the same socially, obviously). The only issue with a sex change is that other people might not be comfortable seeing someone they know changed so radically.

While I do think sex change is completely OK, the often given reason "I was not born with my proper sex" makes no sense to me. As I said, I don't see a reason to think that there is a proper sex. I also think both sexes are equal. If you're a man and you want to be a fashion model, be a male fashion model. If you're a woman and want to be a body builder, be a female body builder. Why waste time and money with surgery?
I'd take it even further and say that people don't even have "proper" genders. Sex is biological, it's a property of the body, like hair color. Dying your hair is no different than changing sex in principle (though it isn't received the same socially, obviously). The only issue with a sex change is that other people might not be comfortable seeing someone they know changed so radically.

While I do think sex change is completely OK, the often given reason "I was not born with my proper sex" makes no sense to me. As I said, I don't see a reason to think that there is a proper sex. I also think both sexes are equal. If you're a man and you want to be a fashion model, be a male fashion model. If you're a woman and want to be a body builder, be a female body builder. Why waste time and money with surgery?

That would be ideal, but the world doesn't think that way. I would love to just go to the doc tell him I want steroids and become very muscular with super nice abs all year. Unfortunately steroids are illegal to buy for purely aesthetics, yet I can go to plastic surgeon and get fake muscles and the fat sucked out. How does that make sense at all. I am not allowed to take something and than work as hard as I can for the body I want, but I am allowed to become a fat slob than pay someone to suck all the fat out and have them insert fake gel muscles to have me appear larger and fit. Nothing to do with gays just pisses me off so much.
I personally don't care about sex changes because it doesn't affect me. I don't want one, so I won't get one, simple as that.
I personally don't care about sex changes because it doesn't affect me. I don't want one, so I won't get one, simple as that.

Fair enough, though what I was getting at was that some people are probably just being pressured into doing things that they don't need to do because they are confusing reality with society's perception of reality. Gender rolls are invented. They are imaginary. It's an issue that goes beyond sex change as well. Some people choose to give up doing what they want to do only because they think it's wrong/unnatural/improper when it really isn't. It can be related to race, gender, age, whatever. I'd think that if true, it's a problem that anyone who is interested in others' well being would like to see solved.
Ok I understand your point. 👍
I think that gay people are Okay and I think they should be allowed to do things that straight people can, yet I still don't think it's right (morally). I know I'll get hated on for saying that, but keep it in mind that I wouldn't express these views in the real world unless I was specifically asked.
Oh and another thing I heard somewhere that 10% of the world is gay. That means that 10% of GTPlanet is gay too. :lol: :D

Wouldn't surprise me if it was a higher % on GTP, to be honest.

As for sex change, gender identity and physical gender are different things. It is similar to how sexual orientation and gender are different; one is in the mind and the other is physical. I have some transgender friends and they do see themselves as the gender they identify with. From a psychological stand point, it is quite an interesting thing.

So what if it's a sin? Last time I checked, the US isn't a theocracy.
Tell that to my aunt and uncle :indiff:

A lot of people will bring up the fact the country was built mostly by Protestants, and how we have "In God We Trust" etc. What they don't seem to get is that separation bit.

That would be ideal, but the world doesn't think that way. I would love to just go to the doc tell him I want steroids and become very muscular with super nice abs all year. Unfortunately steroids are illegal to buy for purely aesthetics, yet I can go to plastic surgeon and get fake muscles and the fat sucked out. How does that make sense at all. I am not allowed to take something and than work as hard as I can for the body I want, but I am allowed to become a fat slob than pay someone to suck all the fat out and have them insert fake gel muscles to have me appear larger and fit. Nothing to do with gays just pisses me off so much.

Cool story.
I've always thought those who try and control other's behavior (A father controlling a son or daughter in particular) are more likely to feel threatened by gays. Turns out I'm not the only one sees it that way.

I've always thought narcissistic people in particular are not likely to accept gays since their more likely to desire control over others & are prone to jealousy over other's commodities.

"Homosexuality," Plato wrote, "is regarded as shameful by barbarians and by those who live under despotic governments just as philosophy is regarded as shameful by them, because it is apparently not in the interest of such rulers to have great ideas engendered in their subjects, or powerful friendships or passionate love-all of which homosexuality is particularly apt to produce."
Quoted from another forum (source)

In 1991 an article made by Simon LeVay, professor in neuroanatomy by the MIT in Boston, implied that partner preference is genetic. There are a core of cells in the hypothalamus (INAH-3 ) is said to be smaller if your prefer a male (sexual) partner. In context, you could say that the INAH-3 is smaller among homosexual men, than the INAH-3 among heterosexual men. This also goes for homosexual women; A homosexual woman has a bigger INAH-3 than a heterosexual woman.

The INAH-3 is developed already at the stage of an infant (based on the level of testosterone produced) and therefore you are born with your sexuality, and homosexuality should therefore be observed as a normal variant to heterosexuality. This testosterone production in such an early stage of your life is also said to determine whether you end up with a female or male structure of your brain. So to imply that there's no such thing as "bisexuality" is wrong. As a matter of fact, neurologists with a psychology orientation imply that 25% of all the worlds population probably is bisexual and that roughly 10% of every male that is born is homosexual.

And here is where the social environment starts to play its role. Due to the norms of today's society homosexuality is frowned upon and thus oppressed by people having an "alternative sexuality". A man can be perfectly homo/bisexual, but learnt in an early stage of his life that homosexuality is wrong and "unnatural" and thus he lived his entire life completely believing that he's heterosexual. He even ended up married to a woman and had kids.
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