- 30,111
- Bratvegas
- GTP_Liquid
By trying to reduce sexuality to mere numbers you're undermining the beauty of sexuality, which is that everybody likes slightly different things. In fact, that goes for choice in general.
Hear, hear.
By trying to reduce sexuality to mere numbers you're undermining the beauty of sexuality, which is that everybody likes slightly different things. In fact, that goes for choice in general.
Originally posted by rjensen11
That's just nonsense! People who are homos are because they're weak of mind and think they've been abused and become afraid of commiting a relationship with the opposite sex, so they seek for comfort of someone of their own gender. Just another reason why doctors are trying to make up medical excuses to ring in the $$. Homosexuality is a sickness created by societies. Honestly, it's not natural, it's something made up by societies, do you see animals being queerish? I've never seen a queer animal, and I'll be damned if I ever do.
And that's probably why you don't understand. You have no interest in sex, so how did you come to reason about what sexual preference is better anyway?I wish to be asexual, which I pretty much am, but I don't personally understand why somebody would want to be heterosexual or homosexual when bisexuality is obviously better.
Dunno if this has been posted here, but saw it last night:
Gay Marriage - Legal in 6 U.S states.
Having sex with a HORSE - Legal in 23 U.S states
I think the point is that 27 States haven't taken to time to make it illegal, rather than having laws protecting bestiality. If you want to come up with some State laws proving the contrary, I welcome that.
If we are discussing legal issues, then you are correct, but personal belief for Christians would come from the Bible by definition.Lord VoldemortI say it is a genetic predisposition. As I don't believe in God (I'm part of the Tao), I don't feel like the Bible should have any say in this whatsoever. But that's for a different thread, and that is my humble, unswayable opinion.
I hate to break it to you, but nearly everyone thought they were well educated at 13. Nearly everyone found out they were wrong.Hopefully this won't make anyone despise me, but I am a homosexual. I'm 13 years old, and I came out when I was 12. I think I'm well educated about it all, like safe sex, public opinion, etc.
You don't vote. You're 13. Which is good, because you have another five years to learn there is more than two parties, so you don't have to compromise on one issue to make sure your most important issue is represented.Why do I vote Democrat? I'm conservative with financial things and money, but liberal in my ethical viewpoints. I can't bear to vote for someone who thinks homosexuality is wrong.
It is good that you recognize you are generalizing, but I doubt you would find generalizations about homosexuals to be as easy to ignore. Just as a word of advice, describe it as religious fundamentalists or extremists. One, you don't unjustifiably generalize an entire group/region (California is not close to the Bible Belt but voted down marriage rights for homosexuals, yet no one generalizes Californians) and you include all religions that are opposed to homosexuality due to their belief system (try being a homosexual in Iran and you'll wish you were in the Bible Belt).If we are discussing legal issues, then you are correct, but personal belief for Christians would come from the Bible by definition.
And I'm almost positive that how the Bible, or whatever text you find holy, affects your view on homosexuality is definitely for this thread.
I hate to break it to you, but nearly everyone thought they were well educated at 13. Nearly everyone found out they were wrong.
The cold truth is that the Bible belt is, in general, a close-minded group of people about homosexuality and about many other things. Again, this is a GENERALITY, so just because you live in this stretch of land doesn't mean I have put you with the masses. You all are smart enough to know what I'm saying.
They always try to justify it by saying "You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks on you" is too vague or is out of context. Yet somehow "You shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination" is not open to any interpretation. It clearly means being gay is a sin.
In our modern classification system, all insects have at least six legs.Ahh... Fundamentalism. The worst excuse for bigotry one can use.
The old testament also tells you not to eat 4 legged insects... Try interpreting that.(It's only an insect if it has six legs, for those who missed out on that biology lesson. Aged 7.)
All that considered, it still doesn't make eating insects/getting a tattoo/being gay a sin, regardless of the biblical interpretation.
Plenty of societies around the world consume insects as part of their normal diet and in order to survive. Just like plenty of people are gay simply because they are.
Roger the HorseNicely put, although an argument for why getting a tattoo isn't a sin would win you BONUS POINTS!
The Religious Right dislikes both abortions and homosexuality. But who has fewer abortions than gays? -- George Carlin
The Religious Right dislikes both abortions and homosexuality. But who has fewer abortions than "men"?--- George Carlin
Men does not have abortions.
Zoom!Zoom!Men does not have abortions.
Men does not have abortions.
Dennisch"gay" is man or woman.
"gay" is man or woman.
99.99% of the time gay refers to men and lesbians refers to women. (gay used to mean "happy" and nothing to do with sex) Note that the quote doesn't say (which is my point) "... but who has fewer abortions than homosexuals?" because there is no way of comparing how many abortions homosexuals have had.
P.S The first quote is just as dumb as "believe in homosexuality" is not the same as "believe in Easter Bunny". I love ice cream is not the same as I love my wife.
homosexuality would included bi-sexual which can breed.The George Carlin quote is simply pointing out that the religious right which is vehemently opposed to abortions are also opposed to same-sex relationships. When according to common sense the homosexuals of course are having no abortions because they can't breed, so therefore it is interesting that the religious right are not for same-sex relationships more.
When someone states I don't believe in homosexuality is not referring to it existence but instead doesn't believe it should be promoted,encourage or practice. The same with adultery. I don't believe in adultery means I believe in being faithful to my spouse. Even if I mess up and commit adultery I still don't believe it should be promoted or encouraged.The other quote right here "What do you mean, you "Don't believe in homosexuality?" It's not like the Easter Bunny, your belief isn't necessary." -- Lea DeLaria
This quote is just pointing out that your opinion of whether or not if homosexuality is real or pertinent is not necessary for there to be homosexuals. However the Easter Bunny wouldn't exist without your belief, since it is an imaginary character that exists in an ethereal plane. I don't follow how you are negating the quote by saying your love for ice cream is not the same as your love for your wife, it appears to just be a red herring.
"Here's the issue," says Pastor Reshetinsky, a large-boned man with a slight moustache, tells me. "In a real democracy, my freedom and rights are limited by the freedom of someone else."
In his opinion, freedom of speech for sexual minorities is a violation of what he considers his inalienable right not to have to hear something he finds offensive.
"You can't do everything that you want to do, because there are people who have the exact same rights as you do," he insists.
The pastor goes on to accuse a worldwide conspiracy of Masons, New-Agers, postmodernists and financiers of various nationalities, of imposing ideas that are not "characteristic for Ukraine" on the nation's children.
ScouserInExileSaw a poster on the side of a bus today. It simply said:
"Some people are gay. Get over it"
Sums it up quite nicely, I thought.