Do you really think high school bullies get put in jail for getting someone that's gay to kill him/herself? They get a reprimand and it gets forgotten. Someone that gets bullied will not have the strength to defend him or herself...
The right to ignore them? That's a joke right? Do you know how many teenagers yearly commit suicide because of bullying? Yeah, ignoring is really effective!
Why do I get the feeling that you have some form of personal, emotional attachment to this issue?
You obviously don't know how much words can hurt someone, do you?
You realize you are in a forum with members from all corners of the globe, a very diverse membership. And it is a forum centered around a video game, a car video game. Despite our differences, we all fall into one or more of three categories; gamers, nerds, car geeks. All three of those come with stigma that is fun for mean kids to poke fun at.
Yes, many of us know what it is to have hurtful words said to us. Some also know what it was like to be beat up for being a nerd, being small, being ugly, or being uncool. And some of us know what it is like to be the only person in a room not being a bigot.
If my voice got heard Romney would've been imprisoned for his ridiculously stupid comments and accusations. BUT I know how far I can go...
Why would you have him imprisoned? His words reflected his religious upbringing. Is that worth imprisonment?
I am unfamiliar with this concept.
Yes, but you're comparing cursing AT someone to saying you're homosexual. That is by no means comparable. I can't choose to be gay or not, BUT they can choose to be arses or not.
It is to people brought up and taught their entire lives to think that homosexuality is a choice made by sinful people. They think you did choose to be gay and act the same as they would toward anyone they deem to be sexually deviant and openly proud about it.
If all you want to say is that you wish people could use a little more decorum then do not make statements like you made about Romney being imprisoned. If you did not wish to argue about freedom of speech then perhaps you shouldn't have responded to the first freedom of speech comment with a dig at the intelligence of those who defend it and argued what it really meant. You dove in and started this discussion by arguing against freedom of speech when if you had been careful about what you said and its meaning you would have said that you weren't suggesting limiting speech but asking that they not be rude.
Your words even had those who agree that it should be a law saying they agree with you about that.
If you don't think it should be a law then say so and stop withe the hyperbole about wanting people imprisoned. If you think it should be then be prepared to argue against freedom of speech as a guaranteed right.