The question was why you get to decide for the planet.
I don't. Like i've been trying to say, freedom of speech is not the same for every single person. For example. If I talk to an extremist religious guy, I'm not going to tell him his religion sucks.
1: That would very likely be offensive, thus probably not allowed.
2: I'm not the bitch, or narrow-minded person you think I am. If people treat me and others with respect, they don't have anything to fear from me.
We've been saying all along that you get to decide for you but no-one else because everyone chooses their own level of what's offensive to them. No-one, you included, gets to decide for the planet.
Yeah, have I said anything else? There are certain things to certain people that are offensive. Those people will have to point that out. As I pointed out that I find it offensive, if people dislike something and say that's gay, because they don't know what they are saying.
If you cannot discuss without denigrating others' intelligence - particularly after pages of gibberish, personal attacks and lip-service reading - you do not belong here.
I did this once, I already told you to infraction me for it if you want. But if you don't stop bringing it up, it's useless.
Which. Isn't. Freedom. Of. Speech.
Dear Xenu, what about this aren't you getting? Limiting something denies freedom of it. If Islam is banned, you don't have freedom of religion - the sentiment "They still have it, they just can't be Muslim" is nonsense.
Dude, you're free to go where-ever you like, you're a so-called free man. Does that mean you can walk into the Oval Office without appointment? Of course not. This doesn't mean you're not free. There are boundaries, as with EVERYthing in life.
Since the start of this was you insulting the intelligence of people who can construct a reasoned, logical argument and at every turn you've managed to abuse and insult others, you've just talked yourself into your own prison cell.
No, I insulted 2 times: 1: People that use 'Freedom of speech' as an excuse to insult people without repercussion. (At least, they think)
I may well have done. My personal experiences aren't relevant because I'm not using my personal history, fuelled by emotion, to construct an illogical argument to destroy the freedoms of society.
If your family left you because some guy called you a fag, they're not much of a family. Your issues seem to stem from something deeper than people saying mean things about homosexuals and more from people's dislike of homosexuals. How much do you think they'll like them if they're told to never be mean about them again or face prison? I'll give you a clue - it's "not that much".
You're good at exaggerating, but let's stay with the facts shall we? What illogical argument? That I think FoS is limited? That, for some reasons I think Romney should be locked away? Yeah, that may be illogical to you, but you don't know everything. You don't know me.
Limiting speech is Limitation of Speech. No limitation is Freedom of Speech.
Once you limit it for one reason, you have precedent for anyone else to limit it for any other reason, some of which you might not like all that much.
As stated before.
For once, towards the Close of Day Matilda, growing tired of play and finding she was left alone went tiptoe to the telephone, and summoned the Immediate Aid Of London's Noble Fire-Brigade...