- 27,387
- Toronto
- NewAesthetic
- SlipZtrEm
1: There should be made a list of what is considered offensive, not just personally for me.
Then congratulations, someone will find "being gay" offensive. Or, if we're limiting this to just speech, someone will find anything pro-gay (or, on a similar but different note, anti-homophobic) offensive.
2: No, I asked people to limit their freedom of speech from a good will, nothing more. I do think there should be legislation, but I didn't suggest it was ME making that legislation.
So you don't believe in free speech, then? If you believe there should be legislation dictating peoples vocabulary, no matter the outcome, it is suppressing some group of people.
3: Not really, missed the nuances there. I won't insult anyone ever, on purpose.
Except the parts in this thread. Where you have. On purpose.
Those that do, lose my respect and all forms of polite communication. However, it's not me that insulted in the first place.
So "monkey see, monkey do"? That's a dangerous approach to tolerance. It's also a distinctly non-MLK sort of thing to do.
- Yes, there has been quite a bit of insulting, both ways. I do admit that. Even if others won't.
I think you are confusing disagreements with insults. Alternately, you're confusing others' negative, dismissive responses to some of your suggestions or opinions as direct insults on you as a person. They are not the same.
I never dismissed others opinions. On the Freedom of Speech, I agreed to disagree. But there is no arguing with Famine.
I'll agree with you on that last bit; not once has there been a point in history where the idea of limiting speech has brought any sort of improvement to the quality of life. How someone can simultaneously champion for equality while also requesting oppression (of others) is beyond me.
* I'm not asking people to stop using offensive terms. I asked them to stop using the words gay, and faggot in a bad way. This has nothing to do with what Jordan thinks or feels. Be aware, that this is a request, nothing more. If the response had been, even from 2 or 3 people: "We will watch our vocabulary more now you pointed this out", the goal of my post had been made. I'm not making, nor breaking rules by that post.
Indeed, and if I'm remembering correctly, this originally had to do with a PSN outburst, correct? Well, on PSN, absolutely right it has nothing to do with Jordan, or GTPlanet; if you find something offensive on there, there are Sony-related channels to take that up with.
When you raise the same concerns on GTPlanet, however, it then becomes a GTPlanet issue. The irony being we do not tolerate people using homophobic insults such as "gay" pejoratively, anyways. But that has absolutely nothing to do with your feelings on the subject. It just so happens that's how Jordan prefers it.
*Yes, if people intend and purposely use words to hurt people, like I said before, that's wrong.
Then perhaps, to strengthen your argument, you shouldn't intentionally use words to attempt to hurt people, no?
And people, as much as possible should point out that it is wrong. Not start talking about Freedom of Speech like they don't care.
Define "wrong".
Referencing FoS =/= not caring. Quite the contrary. I can't stand homophobic comments in much the same way I was shocked and appalled when I heard a white supremacist group opened a new chapter right in my hometown. Both are two things I absolutely do not agree with. But just as much as it's my right to not agree with their viewpoints, it's their right to have them.