Except the one you vaguely admitted to - you used the words wrongly.
No, I used them superfluously. They didn't have any addition to the sentence. Except the fact that other people might make jokes about overweight people when those people are actually there. (Which Danny pointed out).
Because it might explain why I called you names?
And again you're hurling names out instead of discussing the point
Yeah, 'cause discussing the point is useless with you here. You don't want to understand what I say anyway.
It's also the name of a bird and the slang name of people from a nation. You've decided that there's no form of offence in there. Why do you get to draw the line for the whole planet, again?
Simple. Basic intention of the usage.
If you think it's illogical that private individuals should determine the rules for their private property, you do not understand logic.
I stated multiple times... He can set the rules. But when there are rules not set, or not clearly worked out, than the logical conclusion: it is allowed. If Law didn't state that I couldn't steal... Stealing would be allowed.
We can only read what you type. If you mean something other than what you type and have to explain it three times, the shortcoming is with what you type, not anyone else.
No, you guys read something I hadn't typed, that's the difference. (Which I already said 3 times as well.)
And now you're muddying the issue again by confirming you wrote a conditional despite denying doing so.
You seem to misunderstand my usage of the word absolute. What I meant, is that my sentence did NOT mean, any other thing than it literally said.
We can only read what you type. If you mean something else, type something else - don't type something wrong and abuse other people for your faults.
Not my fault. I typed a bit of superfluous text, which you and some other people immediately took your opinions from. Not my fault.
I have. Myriad times, using no difficult words of any kind.
Yeah right. Keep telling yourself that if that makes you feel better.
So why did you insult GTPlanet and me? Neither has insulted you. Why did you insult Dennisch with a post I had to remove when he didn't insult you either?
I already apologised to Dennisch. And yes, he had insulted me in a way. Not going into details.
Nope. That's why this forum exists and is generally a pleasant place - people recognise that the opinions they express are distinct from them and we discuss the opinions, sometimes a few times. Sensible people can think silly things - that doesn't make them silly people.
Imo, it does make them silly people.
There was no assumption. Supporting the limitation of speech supports the limitation of speech - it's precedent, as explained and ignored multiple times, for further and further limitations until simple being homosexual is illegal.
Sigh, ffs. Learn to read. Being homosexual is NOT an opinion, it's a fact!
This is gibberish. If you're comparing yourself to Martin Luther King, delusional gibberish.
Finally you get the point. I'm trying to make changes to this world, whether you agree with them or not, I couldn't care less. I want people to stop using the word gay in a wrong way. That's something I want to achieve. It doesn't matter who I am, or what I am.
Nope. Something to which history has been witness time after time. As soon as freedom of speech or thought is limited, people are oppressed. Once one group is oppressed, others can be oppressed by precedent.
If you say so... You seem to forget that at this point there are a lot of people not allowed to speak freely yet, including homosexuals in specific countries. You seem to forget that the oppression comes from the will to have power, nothing else?
Because I don't want what to?
"If you walk into my house and request I don't smoke because it offends you, not eat a beefburger because you're a vegan, or change the TV channel because you think Rupert Murdoch is evil and should be in prison, I'll scoot you straight back out again. And I no more smoke than I engage in homophobic behaviour."
You don't want me to do those things, fine, you made a rule about it. However, this is not your forum, nor is there a rule that forbids me stating my opinion, or making a request.
No, I'm telling you that the only standard of behaviour you can ask people to adhere to is the one in the AUP, because this is a private site with private rules.
Wrong, there is nothing about being able to ask people to change their behavior, as long as it doesn't collide with the AUP.