I'm probably going to get shot for saying this but I like it. You won't be mistaking it for anything else and in such a competitive market segment, that's important. I'm sick of seeing Rangers, Hiluxes and Tritons all the time. They've garnered a certain image here in Australia and let me just say that it's not the most favourable. Particularly Ford Ranger Raptors, bought by men who are one-dimensional and have no intent of ever taking them off road. Unless you consider driving down a gravel road on the odd occasion off roading. Whenever I see one, I think "oh look, another moron" who just HAD to get the Raptor to show off in front of his mates. The dick measuring means soo much to these dim-witted fools and they're absolutely insufferable for it. I don't think the Tasman will perpetuate this attitude as it goes about it's business in it's own way, distinct from the rest.