I'll try to figure out how to make the club thing, haven't had time to fool with it yet.
Also, so far I've tried a few combinations. The first night was spec karts with weak draft, the racing was very close and very fun but the draft was a bit too strong so it came down to just hanging in second place until the final turn of the final lap and then drafting past for the win. The second night we did full tuning with real draft, the pack got spread out very quickly and it wasn't very fun. The third night I did full tuning with weak draft, this was a little better but we still got pretty spread out and it wasn't as much fun as the first night. So this time we'll try spec (no transmission tuning) with real draft and see what kind of racing that produces, I think it could be the best combination. Yeah, we will run out of gear on a few tracks but IMO that's not as big an issue with karts and it does a lot to keep the pack close and the racing fun. My main goal is to make this fun, and for me fun is battling in close quarters lap after lap, so we'll see what the spec/real combination produces.