The Last of Us Part II

  • Thread starter Techy
At first I thought the theory of Joel being dead was farfetched. Psh, kill off a main character for a sequel? Nahhh.... but then this is The Last of Us. The most depressing game ever. :crazy:

I just started replaying the first game to refresh my memory and the very beginning when Joel's daughter is killed hit me just as hard as it did when I first played. Something tells me they aren't going to hold back in the sequel, they will make you go through all sorts of emotional scenes, so it's not all that hard to believe Joel is dead or will be.
Finished watching the Sony Conference; guess Naughty Dog is pushing Uncharted this year. Didn't see a single mention of TLOU2, even though a few outlets were expecting it. :(
Finished watching the Sony Conference; guess Naughty Dog is pushing Uncharted this year. Didn't see a single mention of TLOU2, even though a few outlets were expecting it. :(
When they announced it last December they did say it would be a while before we'd see anything else relating to it, I'm expecting an early 2019 release.
The developer interview explained that Ellie and Joel are indeed in game, and that these are gonna be other characters in the story. Its getting extremely exciting, still holding out faith that the game will be released next year (late 2018 of course, it'll probably be 2019 though). :drool:
That would be an interesting theory, but I believe Ellie's mother, Anna, was revealed to have died in the comic by Marlene. Of course, it's possible Marlene may have lied since I don't think Ellie ever saw her mother pass.
Meh, that was interesting but didn't do much to excite me about the game any more. Weird that they show us a mystery character like this, who may be important to the game, in a teaser trailer and completely out of context. Besides looking good visually, it didn't do a whole lot for me except leave me wondering which character won't surprise when I see her in the final game.

In any case, I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel and the emotional roller-coaster that Naughty Dog will inevitably send me on, like the first game.
Meh, that was interesting but didn't do much to excite me about the game any more. Weird that they show us a mystery character like this, who may be important to the game, in a teaser trailer and completely out of context. Besides looking good visually, it didn't do a whole lot for me except leave me wondering which character won't surprise when I see her in the final game.

In any case, I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel and the emotional roller-coaster that Naughty Dog will inevitably send me on, like the first game.
No I think the three characters in that are important, not just the (potential) Firefly lady. They're probably a parallel story line that eventually ties in with Ellie and Joel.
Gameplay looked amazing, graphics looked even better than Uncharted 4!! If that is possible...

The original is in the top 3 games of all time for me, this wont top it but it will still be an amazing game that i can't wait to play!
I have to wonder how their lifestyle has changed between the time after TLoU1 and what we just watched.

It looks like more people gathered up again to have a community. But we don't appear to be against Infected this time around?
I have to wonder how their lifestyle has changed between the time after TLoU1 and what we just watched.

It looks like more people gathered up again to have a community. But we don't appear to be against Infected this time around?

I suspect the Infected will still be a factor in whatever form they've taken in the time gap between the two games.

Part 2 definitely has a more personal vibe to it, and that's saying something when compared to the (quite frankly brilliant) first outing.
@88GTA Thanks for posting that, I was just thinking about this game the other day. So looking forward to playing it. This is by far my most anticipated game.
^ The dog + scent combat mechanic add to the game is so good. I don't know if other games have already implemented something like this, but I'm liking it!
Retro Replay - the Last of Us playthrough​

General chat with the Creative Director + the actors who was involved with the original game, plus some minor spoilers to the next sequel (The Last of Us pt 2), and teaser to the next Uncharted game? :)

Retro Replay - the Last of Us playthrough​

General chat with the Creative Director + the actors who was involved with the original game, plus some minor spoilers to the next sequel (The Last of Us pt 2), and teaser to the next Uncharted game? :)

Just watched it, thanks.
What i love most of the 1st game is that it's more serious, mature than most games that often have goofy parts.
With good acting and directing, animations that support this mood.
Also i prefer the slower gameplay with thoughtfull style and stealth a little compared to too much shooting in uncharted games. Although i wouldn't mind some more action mixed in, which can still be thoughtfull too.
But it does show it's age a little being a ps3 gen game with simpler levels, gameplay, challenge, etc.
There's something about the 1st game remastered that makes me feel a little dizzy.
Maybe it's the field of view, and the 60fps accentuates it, i don't know. But i never feel dizzy in games.

The 2nd game looks amazing of course, especially considering it's on a std ps4.
I'll be happy if the level design and variety in general is higher. And more possibilities and discoveries, maybe more in-depth story even, maybe just from the environment and what you can discover and unveil if you push for it. And more challenging exploration with some puzzles perhaps.

I wonder if this cor19virus wil have an impact on it.
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I'm trying my best to avoid the leaks and rumors. I'm not even sure why they started or how such a huge title could have the whole story leaked out already.
I'm trying my best to avoid the leaks and rumors. I'm not even sure why they started or how such a huge title could have the whole story leaked out already.
A disgruntled employee leaked it. Naughty dog now saying it was hackers but I'm calling BS. People aren't just unhappy about the content of the leaks,but naughty dog have been manually flagging peoples videos for copyright who have discussed it. Videos that dont even discuss the contents of the leak. Now as for the official trailer, they have left out all traces of what caused the backlash.

I'm not gonna give any spoilers, but if you dont like identity politics flooding your favourite games and Christian's being painted as homophobes, then you might want to check the spoilers before you give these idiots your money. Naughty Dog took advice from Anita Sarkeesian, which is the stupidest decision ever, probably.