The Last of Us Part II

  • Thread starter Techy
The ending got spoiled for me,
but it makes me want to play it even more b/c I can't seriously believe the choices made, character/creative director-wise on its outcome.

Hiding the rest of my comment in spoiler tags. Didn't share any specifics, but just in case others want to remain unaware of anything centered around the end.
The ending got spoiled for me
Oh no, this has me both concerned and extremely curious. :nervous:

Sadly, it will be impossible to go into the game with a completely open mind with all the talk about the game before hand, even though I avoided spoilers. But I suppose that's the point, the first game was shocking and dramatic as well... but likely in a totally different way.
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I'm sure the controversy surrounding the game will make some want to buy it even more. I tried the original, & was looking forward to the story, but the gameplay put me off bigtime: I didn't get very far at all. This one looks amazing from a graphical point of view, but I personally find the violence in it stomach churning. So, it's not for me.

Good luck to all those who are gonna give it a go, you'll certainly be in for an "interesting" ride (I've seen most of the spoilers by the way).

:boggled: :crazy: :confused: :drool: :eek: :( :ill: :irked: :mischievous: :odd: :ouch: :rolleyes: :scared: :yuck: :lol:
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Alright just finished TLOU Part 1, got that story fresh in my mind now. After all these years I still love that game and its story so much! It'll be hard for Part 2 to even get close to it I think but lets see, hope I'll be surprised. Installing Part 2 now but probably won't start playing untill tomorrow, the actual release date. :) Only fair to the rest of you as well I suppose. :lol:

Got an email from meanwhile confirming that it was indeed a mistake that I and some others here in the Netherlands got the game 3 days early. They asked to keep everything quiet untill after the release date. But seeing as there are already some spoilers out I'm guessing some people just don't care. ;) Luckily I still haven't seen anything. Just a short ad on TV yesterday, looked the other way as soon as I saw it. Really don't want to see or hear anything of it yet untill I play it tomorrow. :D
I'm watching someone play right now that got an early code from the devs. He's only about an hour in but it's already cringe-worthy. I'm not even trying to lean into it. I never played the first one either.
I’m confused by performance after having played for 30 minutes or so.

Gameplay graphics look kinda lifeless compared to the six years old remaster. Voice recordings sound too distant and vague. Framerate feels sluggish compared to an almost two years old open world multi-platform game with crisper visuals (RDR2). PS4 Pro fan is also having a field day drowing all the silent moments in noise.

I feel like I’m playing a dumbed down PS5 game... Sigh.
Amazing game GG ND :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

No spoil :cheers:








I've not looked into it in detail, but I hear people are review bombing the game or giving it low scores out of anger.

I'll give it a go after work, see what all the fuss is about.
I've not looked into it in detail, but I hear people are review bombing the game or giving it low scores out of anger.

I'll give it a go after work, see what all the fuss is about.

It's kinda crazy. Metacritic removed a good 2000 user reviews and the score dropped even lower. It's sitting at like, 3.4/10 right now?

I feel like a lot of people are review bombing, but looking at social media in general, there's quite a lot of people that aren't that happy with this game
Imagine releasing a super depressing (for the sake of depressing) game in a time where such is rather unwelcome.

We get it game, humanity sucks.
Imagine releasing a super depressing (for the sake of depressing) game in a time where such is rather unwelcome.

We get it game, humanity sucks.
Surely this cant be why people dont like it though? The first game was depressing as hell, everyone knows that going into Part II.
I'm sure the controversy surrounding the game will make some want to buy it even more. I tried the original, & was looking forward to the story, but the gameplay put me off bigtime: I didn't get very far at all. This one looks amazing from a graphical point of view, but I personally find the violence in it stomach churning. So, it's not for me.

Good luck to all those who are gonna give it a go, you'll certainly be in for an "interesting" ride (I've seen most of the spoilers by the way).

:boggled: :crazy: :confused: :drool: :eek: :( :ill: :irked: :mischievous: :odd: :ouch: :rolleyes: :scared: :yuck: :lol:

Lol hehe, i haven't and ill probably try it later on on discount.
For part 1, well if you stick to it, it opens up a bit and there's some fun stealth combat, exploration but it is a little slow sometimes with linear ' exploration', or platforming.
I prefer the human enemies maybe, but once you know each infected's abilities it's fun too, although they do get a little on my nerves hehe.
I've not looked into it in detail, but I hear people are review bombing the game or giving it low scores out of anger.

I'll give it a go after work, see what all the fuss is about.
Butt-hurt beta-males who can't deal with a world in which homosexuality exists.
I've gone into it with an open mind and just finished what I believe to be the prologue and the first of what will be major story moments.

I really like it so far. It does feel slightly colder than the first game but we'll see if anything changes.

Two shout outs so far. One is the attention to detail, there are many cool easter eggs and nods to the previous game too. Second are the accessibility options that some have touted, I can't remember the last time I saw so many options.

I do feel some people are review bombing this for the sake of being complete sods.

Lastly for those who gave up on the original, I do find it fair, it took me 3 attempts to get into the rhythm but when I did, it clicked. I found the moment I got the shotgun and had a proper defence, it all snapped into place. I say this in case anyone is mulling it over.
Butt-hurt beta-males who can't deal with a world in which homosexuality exists.
Sorry but if you're literally going to call people homophobic for not liking a game that you enjoy then I think you're just about as beta as the people you claim to be against.

Little harsh there but seriously, that is one of the most ridiculous arguments to make towards people.
Quick thought on the ending after watching most of the story.
The ending is terrible. Regardless of what happens between Abby & Ellie (which has other concerns & questionable plot holes), the final ending scene is Joel & Ellie making it apparent their relationship deteriorated so badly after the truth came out, she barely forgave him. This isn't the wrong choice for Ellie, you can understand her view. The fact that NaughtyDog brings up this as the very last moment in the game before going back to Ellie leaving the farm, highlighting that entirety game happens right as they began trying to rebuild their relationship, does nothing but make me feel even more sorry for Joel. Not sure if the flashback was intended on Ellie reflecting how much Joel cared about her, but doesn't make a lot of sense given she clearly cared just as much to make two attempts to avenge his death....

All I can think is that if this was the first game, the story would stand a lot stronger on its own. But, I can see why it's probably going to get a ton of backlash from fans who are genuinely pissed at the story more so than the people who are using the leaks to divebomb it.
People are review bombing the game because of a certain story act happening at the relative beginning of the game. Bold move from ND there. I hated it too. They could have moved the story in SO many other ways. A shame really...
I've played for a good few hours today and I love every moment of the game just as I did the first game. It's got emotional scenes, that's for sure. Still not seeing what people have been upset about but maybe I've not seen those particular parts of the game yet.

Game is beautiful looking, too, maybe one of the best I've seen on PS4 Pro.
For me The Last of Us part 1 was quite a disappointment for me. Just a good game and that's it, not an excellent game by any means. It smelled a lot of bought out very positive critics. Smoke and lots of overhype.
And this part 2 seems to be the same.
I bought the first one but I didn’t play it for more than an hour. It never really stuck with me, just not my preference in terms of games. So I think this is a no go for me.

All the 10/10 ratings are pretty laughable though, especially when you compare to the user scores. This is why no one with a brain takes reviewers like IGN seriously.
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