The Last of Us Part II

  • Thread starter Techy
At the time of posting, Metacritic says the 3.4 score is based on 26,150 reviews, but there are only 10,099 negative reviews registering. Is that because people are scoring it without leaving a review, or because reviews are being deleted? Maybe it's a bit of both, tbh I dunno...

Even if there is organised "review bombing", I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, & I haven't seen any evidence that's the case anyway. There's just seems to be an awful lot of people who simply didn't like the story, &/or the postmodern deconstruction of their beloved characters which they were forced to participate in (that also ended up rubbing salt into the wound). One reviewer wrote: "My hearth is broken after playing this game. Everyone i’ve loved in the first game they managed to destroy in this peace of 🤬. Waste of money, time and ruined any good memory i have for the characters." I guess that not everybody out their is thrilled to have their 'expectations subverted'.
Yes because let’s ignore the fact that the DLC for the first game explored Ellie’s sexuality and nobody had an issue with it
It's like the biggest issue the part 2 has isn't because of the SJW something.

Some of the biggest problems according to many people is being forced to play as a cold blooded murderer because le sympathy and the lack of cathartic ending.... Quite alot of the story aspects are really forced for the sake of Oscar Bait and because humanity sucks haaard.

Also most people also said that the gameplay and story itself isn't really special and rather cliche, definitely not 10/10 material, but maybe 7/10 for the effort.

(That's all I can say. Further talks is a spoiler.)
It's like the biggest issue the part 2 has isn't because of the SJW something.

Some of the biggest problems according to many people is being forced to play as a cold blooded murderer because le sympathy and the lack of cathartic ending.... Quite alot of the story aspects are really forced for the sake of Oscar Bait and because humanity sucks haaard.

Also most people also said that the gameplay and story itself isn't really special and rather cliche, definitely not 10/10 material, but maybe 7/10 for the effort.

(That's all I can say. Further talks is a spoiler.)
I think if this was a knew ip or if it was the last of us 1 most people critical of this game would not have issue with it
Ahahaha loool

Imagine being such a misery porn that even the "so called SJW" got turned off by the game.

And Abby isn't a goddamn lesbian trans woman, god dammit!
According to the actors who played Abby *Ew Abby* and Dina, if you don’t like the game, you’re a bot.
View attachment 932545
View attachment 932546 *No spoilers in the article*
Yeah not really the best way to handle criticism.
I think a good number of the reviewers are just bombing it as a result of the leaks or the first major event, esp. as the game is barely out & it takes a solid couple days to beat without speed running it.

However, this "bot" excuse is going to fade out fairly quickly when you start getting reviews from finished players. I don't see in any way that the people most upset about the first major event in the game will be happy with its ending & continue to leave negative reviews based on the story. Similar to how Desert phrased it, the story went for a certain approach, and it's definitely one that can easily be accomplished these days (referring to its life lesson on revenge, not the gender politics currently associated with it). But, it's poorly written & rushed ending, and therefore, mixed with the extreme fates of both characters, is the worst mixture for fans' expectations.
Review bombing has commenced on amazon.

Most of the negative reviews are from non verified purchases. There are more verified purchase reviews from the positive ones, but most are still unverified. So, it's impossible to tell if they've bought the game from elsewhere, or if some people are simply leaving positive or negative reviews for 'other' reasons.

User reviews on the PS Store are averaging 5 stars. Is this because those who bought the digital copy are happy with it, or because like Metacritic has been accused of, the Japanese company are deleting them?

In all honesty, it's hard to tell at the moment...
Loved the first game, in the top 3 games of all time for me.

I dont see how they can better the original, in fact I'm almost sure they wont.

Will definitely pick it up just not day one, wait for a price drop and then get it. Will be an amazing game I'm sure.
3 hours in. I'm already placing it at least equal to the original and better in many aspects.

Let's see how it pans out over the whole course.
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3 hours in. I'm already placing it at least equal to the original and better in many aspects.

Let's see how it pans out over the whole course.

That's good to know, I have stayed away from reviews and all sort of information so I dont spoil it.

Cant wait to play it eventually one day.

Bit gutted I didnt get it day one but a full price game is no a priority for my finances unfortunately especially as ACC was already pre ordered.
I never was a massive fan of the original TLOU, but it was a surprisingly awesome multiplayer title and still is. Singleplayer was nothing more than somewhere in between relatively dull and pretty great.

I just finished the new game, and story-wise I find it more captivating than the first game, although it has slightly too much going on. Gameplay is fun most of the time, but the pacing combined with the utter linearity doesn’t inspire a lot of replay value.

TLOU2 is a solid game, but it shouldn’t have come out for PS4. Performance and visuals beg for yet another remaster, and it’ll probably happen on PS5 (hopefully with online multiplayer).
3 hours in. I'm already placing it at least equal to the original and better in many aspects.

Let's see how it pans out over the whole course.
Hours 3 to 6.

Not as strong as the opening. Primarily due to a lot of free-roaming with not a lot of story progression. However, things started to hot up again towards the end of my session. Really liking the combat mechanics in the new game.
Just watched some walkthrough of the beginning 1h30, looks really well made to me from that at least. Acting, dialogue, music, graphics, looks fun too.
It did start to turn intense on story in a bad way if you loved the characters in the 1st game but i don't know, from the little i saw it made it intriguing and not boring. It does seem like there's lots of hate etc in it, oh well. Im sure ill play it later on discount somewhat.
Edit: maybe there's less likable characters, if ever you're stuck with only them for the remaining parts i could see why it be less liked but i dont know more.
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I am chipping away at the game, maybe about 15 hours or so in taking in the gorgeous scenery. Very long game and...

...I absolutely love it. It's depressing and forces the player make some uncomfortable choices, for sure, but for a game that can bring such strong emotions, good or bad, is impressive. The whole game you are never sure what is going to happen to anyone, it's a wild ride.

I reached a part where you are in the theater and Abby pins Tommy and it cuts to a flashback where you play as Abby. I progressed a bit further after that, but it's difficult to play as the person you learned to hate so much in the game for what she did to Joel. However, when you find out that Joel killed Abby's dad to rescue Ellie.... that shakes things up. It's crazy, really, and hard to sympathize with any characters in the game!
The biggest issue with them forcing you to try to care about characters that did what they did is they put it all out of order. She kills Joel and then we have to go through how many hours of survival exploration gameplay before we find out why? All sense of urgency was lost. They should have put those parts before and have Joel getting killed be somewhere in the middle. The pacing is the biggest problem this game has.
The biggest issue with them forcing you to try to care about characters that did what they did is they put it all out of order. She kills Joel and then we have to go through how many hours of survival exploration gameplay before we find out why? All sense of urgency was lost. They should have put those parts before and have Joel getting killed be somewhere in the middle. The pacing is the biggest problem this game has.
I see what you mean, but I don't fully agree. I think the killing of Joel early on set the tone for the game, you felt the same anger as Ellie towards the people that did it. Then to reveal that their motive for killing Joel was more of an eye-for-en-eye thing so that you question Joel's decisions from the first game, was a smart twist. Had they revealed what Abby's motive was at the beginning of the game, I don't think Joel's death would have been as shocking and I don't think hunting down Abby and her crew would have the same sense of revenge from the player's perspective.

I don't feel they are forcing you to like Abby, they are asking you to see from her perspective. I initially hated playing as Joel's killer, but I think it was a very good way of showing you her side of the story, so you learn to understand Abby's motives and to question the morality and choices of the game's main characters. They build up all the hate for Abby then they show you, the player, as Joel in the first game, killed her father for extremely selfish reasons.

In other words, the order of events is laid out in a way to cause maximum speculation and shock value to the player, I think. Perfectly suited for the type of game The Last of Us is. Part of the reason I think the game is so good is that it's not conventional at all, you never know what to expect, but that's the point.
I never played the first so I have a very objective fly-on-the-wall viewpoint. I watched an LP of it though just to know what happens.

Do you follow the gaming industry at all? Basically Neil Druckman is the worst. This is the first time he got to write AND direct a game. He wanted this plot for the first game but they said it was too stupid to have a revenge plot where you play a character that goes cross-country. And yet that's exactly what they do for the sequel. Because he just wanted to do what he wanted, regardless of if it's good or not. It's overly heavy handed in it's approach. By no means do I think he intentionally made a "bad" game. It's more that he did a bad job trying to make a good game.
I never played the first so I have a very objective fly-on-the-wall viewpoint. I watched an LP of it though just to know what happens.

Do you follow the gaming industry at all? Basically Neil Druckman is the worst. This is the first time he got to write AND direct a game. He wanted this plot for the first game but they said it was too stupid to have a revenge plot where you play a character that goes cross-country. And yet that's exactly what they do for the sequel. Because he just wanted to do what he wanted, regardless of if it's good or not. It's overly heavy handed in it's approach. By no means do I think he intentionally made a "bad" game. It's more that he did a bad job trying to make a good game.
I'm a big fan of Naughty Dog, but admit I don't know a ton about the inner workings of the company or Neil Druckman other than he was involved in the first The Last of Us and Uncharted 4, two games I definitely enjoyed. I heard some stories here and there about the writing of Uncharted 4 and Amy Hennig, but dunno Druckman's involvement.

I don't know that it is a stupid plot, necessarily, but maybe a little lazy. At least from my own perspective, it falls in line with my expectations of the characters and the story they told in the first game, though yes, maybe a little too shocking just to be shocking in a way. Maybe it lacks the substance of the first game, but I don't feel disappointed from my experience so far.
Druckman forced Amy Hennig out of the company. He's an ass. He put himself in TLOU2 and
spits on Joel's dead body
That should say something.
This I did not know. Well, if that's the case then... damn. That's pretty crappy.
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