The Monza no chicane one. ~8 - 9 minutes. Very easy to pick up CRB as well. I think it’s 6,300 XP it nets you, if memory serves me well. Try and squeeze in runs of this one every now and then?I want to reach level 50(preferably in my life time), but I also want to enjoy fun competitive races.
I always go back to Tokyo for some reason in that series. See if you can snag a W with one of the unusual Gr. 1 cars (McLaren, Bugatti, Audi eTron).The Monza no chicane one. ~8 - 9 minutes. Very easy to pick up CRB as well. I think it’s 6,300 XP it nets you, if memory serves me well. Try and squeeze in runs of this one every now and then?
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I've been doing the Super GT races, but to be honest I'm just so tired of the chase the rabbit scenarios. I'm tired of coming up on equal cars as if I'm two classes above them, remembering which corners to be careful on because the AI comes to a complete stop right in the middle of the apex.The Monza no chicane one. ~8 - 9 minutes. Very easy to pick up CRB as well. I think it’s 6,300 XP it nets you, if memory serves me well. Try and squeeze in runs of this one every now and then?
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The AI poses no challenge at all, except for the illogical braking, yeah. It’s kinda boring. But when I do those races I turn off the game audio and just listen to some music of my choice. Makes it a lot more enjoyable.I've been doing the Super GT races, but to be honest I'm just so tired of the chase the rabbit scenarios. I'm tired of coming up on equal cars as if I'm two classes above them, remembering which corners to be careful on because the AI comes to a complete stop right in the middle of the apex.
I like custom races. I've had great experiences just cranking the AI to expert with no boost and staging them on a grid start. It's not really tough, but it's enough of an actual race that I enjoy myself as I never have to drop below 80-90ish% of my normal pace to avoid running into them. It just sucks finishing a ten-lap race and seeing absolutely no experience rewarded. The pay-off is just pitiful.
Pretty much I'm bored of running the GT League races, but they seem to be the only good source of exp.😕
Yeah, I like the Tokyo Expressway one as well. Lovely track, albeit slightly more difficult for some people with the walls, hence my recommendation of Monza over it as far as the CRB is concerned. And Tokyo takes 2-3 minutes longer.I always go back to Tokyo for some reason in that series. See if you can snag a W with one of the unusual Gr. 1 cars (McLaren, Bugatti, Audi eTron).
Monza was my go to for grinding money and XP, however after 90+ wins it got a bit dull, so now I find the Tokyo race is a nice change of scenery. Takes a bit longer but you feel like you're going faster blasting through the city streets!I run one of the Gr.1 Monza races every time I put the game on just for the XP and money. Had my 59th win today, I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit I haven't won all of them I've entered.
SETUP FOR CREDIT GRINDINGMonza was my go to for grinding money and XP, however after 90+ wins it got a bit dull, so now I find the Tokyo race is a nice change of scenery. Takes a bit longer but you feel like you're going faster blasting through the city streets!
I dont understand the point of being forced to watch the FIA grid walkIt has probably been said, but being forced to watch the entire grid walk before replays of an FIA race is stupid. I don't want to watch 2min of nothing to check one incident.
Yeah, that is a little odd. I only join them to check tyre/fuel usage. I don't care if I run half a lap behind.People who quit FIA practice races after going off on the first lap. You'll still be getting practice, and you'll still get to race other cars. Why sit in a lobby for half an hour only to quit the race as soon as it starts?
On the flip side, why have only fairly easy trophies and easy platinums? That devalues the whole point of them. A platinum is supposed to be quite the challenge, no?For me, and this applies to all games that do this, it's having to do online stuff to get trophies and, eventually, the platinum. Why am I forced to do online races just to be able to get 3 trophies? Which would then allow me to get the platinum? Online trophies should NOT be a part of the list that grants you the platinum trophy. Another game that did this was The Last of Us. I got every single trophy in that game except the ones for online play. I wasn't interested in playing in any online part of the game (just as I'm not for GTS). So there are a few regular trophies and a platinum trophy I won't ever be getting.
They can have them be available, just don't make them part of the list that's required to get the platinum.
It is. And I have no problems with the platinum being difficult to obtain. It should be. It's a reward for doing a lot of things in the game. But if someone buys the game after the servers are down and there are no more online races being held, they will never obtain the platinum. Yes, they could've/should've bought the game when it first came out, but some people aren't like that. I only got the game a few weeks ago. Also, I'm not THAT interested in online racing. One, because I'm dreadful against other real players. And, two, There are times where I just want to go for a drive and not worry about others racers (real or AI) on the track and just try things out.On the flip side, why have only fairly easy trophies and easy platinums? That devalues the whole point of them. A platinum is supposed to be quite the challenge, no?
For The Last of Us you have a point since it's a game sold on its single player experience. GT Sport isn't. The entire point of GT Sport is Sport Mode, which is online racing.For me, and this applies to all games that do this, it's having to do online stuff to get trophies and, eventually, the platinum. Why am I forced to do online races just to be able to get 3 trophies? Which would then allow me to get the platinum? Online trophies should NOT be a part of the list that grants you the platinum trophy. Another game that did this was The Last of Us. I got every single trophy in that game except the ones for online play. I wasn't interested in playing in any online part of the game (just as I'm not for GTS). So there are a few regular trophies and a platinum trophy I won't ever be getting.
They can have them be available, just don't make them part of the list that's required to get the platinum.
@stpatty has a good point - this argument doesn't fly for this particular game, as it is made as a multiplayer game with single player tacked on.Again, I do agree that getting the platinum should be a difficult task. I just don't like when they force you to play a mode you're really not interested in to obtain it.
That's it. I'm nowhere NEAR good enough to win that many races. That's why I don't do the online stuff. And the one for podiums? Forget that one, too. And the one for number of pole positions.@stpatty has a good point - this argument doesn't fly for this particular game, as it is made as a multiplayer game with single player tacked on.
Now, needing to win 91 races and get to level 50 are fair gripes. At least they aren't updating the requirements for wins/poles in line with the F1 records they were set at.