THE LOBANARO LOUNGE - PCars2 test night Sept 25PS4 

  • Thread starter aerolite
Race day!!

So something a bit different again tonight because we will be taking the Radical SR3-RS to Mojave. Just like we did for the races at the coasts a few weeks ago we will have to do the same thing for Mojave. I've just cut and pasted most of the info from that night.

There are a few places with no practice or qualy for racing, as soon as you start the session you are at the race start, so they are rarely used. The Mojave tracks are one of these.

**The problem is the no practice/qualy before a race. So we will wait for people to join (will send out invites a little earlier, 7:45), and a short time after 8 we will start a short practice race. If you are not in the room when we start, just wait for the practice race to end, then join. We will then wait for at least 5 mins so more people can join. Then we run another practice race and repeat that process. We will do this as much as time allows. The last time we do it, with hopefully all in the room, we will use that as the qualifier. If anyone misses any of this then you can still join at any time but will start at the back.

Race 1 will then be a rolling start so we can get in position from the race we used as qualy. The rest of the night will be reverse order as usual.

Only need max 10 litres of fuel for the races tonight. No pitstops here.

We will guide you through all this, it's pretty easy. The SRM guys did this for Mojave and it worked out well.
The main thing is **

See you all tonight!

This sounds like it's going to be loads of fun like the last time. Looking forward to it.
Right because when someone isn't around for months and then tries to start fresh, you laugh at them. I'm still unsure of what I did in the first place to make you feel this way. And not explaining certainly doesn't help the situation. Look, I get it. I ****ed up somewhere along the line. You guys know me, it most likely wasn't intended and that's why I don't know what I did. What does a feeble racer looking to be with familiar faces have to do to get a chance at a fresh start? I'll do it ten times over and then some.
What the?.?... Did he seriously try to pull a Thorva?

It was a good try though, have to admit. Poor thing, I kinda feel sorry for him seeing he wants to get back in good graces. Wondering if he couldn't be given a second chance. (Soft heart. Can't help it).
.....That having been said, I bow to Aerolite's superior detective skills nonetheless.
@DP: I'm probably stepping out of line with the crew (especially since I'm new with them), but I've raced with you a couple of times in the past and have seen your posts on various forums and about various topics. I'm not the type to shine someone and play nice face to face then back stab them later. Here's what I've noticed, and you can either take it at face value or just think I'm a dick, but it's cool either way you want to receive it.

You come across as a know-it-all. We could say the Earth is round and you'd disagree and argue that while it's spherical, it's not truly "round". You also seem to know how to best run someone else's league series, and criticize what they do and offer "advice" (critique it) even when your opinion wasn't asked for. There's a fine line between open dialogue and offering suggestions and being an overbearing jerk. Unfortunately, your reputation falls to the latter.

Running with Lobban and Aero and the others has been a breath of fresh air for me and many others. We have close racing, but mainly it is fun and has ZERO drama. That's how it should be, and that's the way I'd like to see it stay.

Please take this to heart, and understand that I have no personal animosity towards you but I think this kind of plain speech will hopefully get the elephant in the room discussed.
No reason to discuss it. They can either be mature and give me a chance or move on.

Secondly, I don't even know you, nor have I posted those kinds of things in this thread or the PITS thread so with all due respect, where are you coming from?
No reason to discuss it. They can either be mature and give me a chance or move on.

Secondly, I don't even know you, nor have I posted those kinds of things in this thread or the PITS thread so with all due respect, where are you coming from?

Well, you know me. And I could not agree more. MOVE ON!!!!!. The bridges have been burned beyond repair. Not even a magical Unicorn could repair. May I suggest selling your PS4 and buying an Xbox, then go play Forza. There is your fresh start you require.
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Secondly, I don't even know you, nor have I posted those kinds of things in this thread or the PITS thread so with all due respect, where are you coming from?

Actually DP you've had plenty to say in the PITS thread.

After watching multiple races I can't be silent on this anymore, it just makes me cringe every time and I'm sorry.

@Lessen you can't just blurt out "green green green!" when they're on the main straight. Take a "lessen" from FIA WEC when they go green from a safety car. Just like how you are heard by everyone in the lobby, they have the race director in every car's radio and he announces that they are going to green at the end of the lap and counts down from 3 (or 5) which gives everyone a proper headsup as to when green is. It should help out the starts a lot, just trying to help.

I think this is just one example of what Gutter is referring to.

Perhaps you should create your own league since you have so many ideas? And maybe a few guys here would jump on board? Although I'm not sure how big the turnout would be if the league coordinator himself quits half way through the race each week.
Just letting you guys know I may be online but will probably not be able to race. My PC I use GIMX on has officially had PC diarrhea so I'm attempting to fix it for tomorrow's SRM night since it seems to be taking forever.
*cough cough*

PM No.1
How did you go about putting it together? How did you pick the tracks? I noticed most are used in career. Why not use ones that weren't?

For one we should go to La Sarthe no matter what. But also, can anyone think up a series/season and who do you pitch the idea to? I remember hearing multi-class tossed around and was hoping it was LMP2+GT3

*cough cough cough cough*

PM No.2 received 1 day later
morning with fog or heavy fog? It's near impossible to see ahead and in real life they would not allow a race to be held under heavy fog conditions. I like morning but why so much fog? Once at Zolder was enough, it's also at Hockenheim and Road America. Overkill much? :P

*cough cough*

Edit: for clarity's sake, the person in question had been quitting races for less than 2 months at this point in the club.
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Have a back up laptop, I may be able to join you and will take my grid penalty in whatever races I get into. If it doesn't work I'll take the hit next week.
Awesome evening guys,

Was nice to race with some new folks and old friends! Sorry for any little bumps I might have given anyone, haven't been in the rig in months let alone racing with real people.

As always my sides are sore from listening to all your bickering and banter :lol:
Enjoy being bitter old bastards.

That's the thing though, they are bitter old bastards (looking at you Lobban) but that's what makes these folks the best I've met in my online racing endeavours! Keep on keeping on boys!

See ya around!

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