THE LOBANARO LOUNGE - PCars2 test night Sept 25PS4 

  • Thread starter aerolite
Nice to see you were streaming Bob! I mean Mike!

I think this was my favorite part:

Could you see me giving you a hand gesture indicating I was going for 1st as I went by? I couldnt believe you did that with a minute left in the race :lol:
Nice to see you were streaming Bob! I mean Mike!

I think this was my favorite part:

Could you see me giving you a hand gesture indicating I was going for 1st as I went by? I couldnt believe you did that with a minute left in the race :lol:

I was checking out the livestream last night and LMAO at this as well. So how come we here Mike in this, and some of us faintly in the background, but in your livestreams there is nothing. Is there an option to turn the mic off and on somewhere?
(btw, got a chuckle in the voting form)

On another note, I made the changes to the score sheet and reposted.
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I can't accept second place points cause you messed up Bish, Steve, I think at one time or another throughout the night we all messed up a few times and effected someone else....I know I did. You are just trying to make up for taking me out......I will take second place for that, you friknfrakinfuddlebuster dirty dirty driver you.

If I didn't mess up by being a dik lapping Bish in the banking I would have won the night. Who's a Marroon now? I coulda been Awesome

Ya, there is a way to keep the mic muted, but I think I got more of a laugh listening to my laugh whenever someone bunged up or I overshoot a corner. I had no idea I sounded like that.
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Request granted mike
There's a s... storm brewing, I say Aero took me out into that tight right hander after the long sweeping right in race 1. I gave him room and he hit usual, what a Marroon. A sneaky sneak sneak. I am never at fault, ask X-Rad? I only hit his back end about 15 times and every one of them was his fault? Steve was all over me like gravy on a putine, pushing me here, pushing me there, stabbing me like a curd with his fork. Oh well, good thing there are no IRs here or the pit police would tie you up in twist ties. Lol.

Let's put his dinosaur sized brain (walnut), to rest and you guys call it like it is.........all toung in cheek of course. Wadda youse guyz tink? Is he really the Uber Wanker I know he is?

And by the way, that is my bum, I told you I was going to do it. I think all us BOBs should too.
Your math sucks Lobban, Chris would still have won the night either way! And you really need to get over that incident, I was clearly ahead, had the inside, you should have yielded and stayed wide, wanker, :D :lol:

Screenshot (5).png

Moderators: ignore most things you read in this thread, lol. Especially the Bitter Old Bastards thing!!
Thing is, there is room for two cars to make that corner if one,(you) keeps his line like I did. I think you deliberately turned into me just cause I was gonna put a spectacular pass you. Look at it again with your glasses on this time or clean them for a change. I know your type. A BOB if there ever was one. Clearly you are at usual. And really, how long have you known me? Let it go? Lmao. Not likely, too much fun....
And moderators........ it is all in fun

Ok, watched it a couple of more times..........maybe, just maybe Steve has a point....

Nope, it was all his fault. Lol. Laughed my Aztecs off at the chuckle.

That's the best thing about this Lounge, in the four months we have been alive, there has not been one squabble, rant, rage quit, tyrade or wanker who needed to be kicked.
This is exactly what Steve and I were shooting for. Keep the fun ahead of the seriousness. Different cars and tracks that are a bit underused in the game keeps it fresh till PC2. None of us are here to impress anybody and it's fun to watch the slower guys improve while having fun,(David, love ya Bro, you are the kind of guy we are looking for, you were on the pole all night)!!! Two or three more regular guys, like us, you know, BOBs to fill the room would be welcome. I'm talking non quitters, drama free, sand and ice haters. Guys like us who have a blast laughing at ourselves while being offensive and insulting to each other. I think the racing is pretty good and competitive too, except when Aero drives dirty and pushes his bestie off.

This Monday will be a traditional night, back to the 30 minute races, but next week will be.................... a secret........not Banochbrea, not Mosport, but something never tried before. Something special that might even the field out a bit. Now I have to figure out how, where and what. Pressure is on.
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Is there an option to turn the mic off and on somewhere?

Yes, it's in the system settings somewhere. There is an option for the streamer to allow or disallow other people's chat to be broadcast, but even if the streamer has it set to allow the stream will not hear it if those individuals have their audio settings set to disallow sharing. So yeah, that's why in a broadcast you'll often hear only half of the conversations. Some folks are sharing their audio, while others' are not.
Thing is, there is room for two cars to make that corner if one,(you) keeps his line like I did. I think you deliberately turned into me just cause I was gonna put a spectacular pass you. Look at it again with your glasses on this time or clean them for a change. I know your type. A BOB if there ever was one. Clearly you are at usual. And really, how long have you known me? Let it go? Lmao. Not likely, too much fun....
And moderators........ it is all in fun
To me it looked like mike was doing the same thing he did to me at donington....just a gentle, persistent, constant nudge, calling my attention to the grass that needed cutting. Had mike not steered me overtop of it, I never would had noticed what a shoddy job grounds keeper Willy had done. After I had cut it properly the rest of the field was very happy. Thanks mike. .. oh and after aero had cleaned up that corner you brought to his attention, visibility was much better. Thanks agin mike, very thoughtful of you.
To me it looked like mike was doing the same thing he did to me at donington....just a gentle, persistent, constant nudge, calling my attention to the grass that needed cutting. Had mike not steered me overtop of it, I never would had noticed what a shoddy job grounds keeper Willy had done. After I had cut it properly the rest of the field was very happy. Thanks mike. .. oh and after aero had cleaned up that corner you brought to his attention, visibility was much better. Thanks agin mike, very thoughtful of you.
Gee, I used to like Bear........or should we call him Yogi Lag. When was Donington, about four years ago? Lol.. I blame your wife's Netflix..... How dare she, I would trade her in....wait, don't do it, she will probably get your rig in the settlement and leave you with dirty dishes and the dog house.

I edited my previous post about how much of a wanker Aero is....scroll up a bit to see the amendment.
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Yes, it's in the system settings somewhere. There is an option for the streamer to allow or disallow other people's chat to be broadcast, but even if the streamer has it set to allow the stream will not hear it if those individuals have their audio settings set to disallow sharing. So yeah, that's why in a broadcast you'll often hear only half of the conversations. Some folks are sharing their audio, while others' are not.

While I was browsing through the replay broadcast posted one of the things I looked forward to was hearing the spontaneous reactions/exclamations. It added to the excitement. I wished I could have heard the others in the audio also, it would have made it all the more exciting reliving the experience...the ooow's, the ahhhh's, the OMGs, all the chuckles and laughter and everything in-between. So yeah, if there's a way to turn it on in the setting that would be cool with me.

About the mishaps in-between in all the excitement, I think we know it's not done on purpose. It's just guys being guys trying their darnedest to race/get ahead best possible...and you know **** happens at times, sometimes can't be helped, it all adds to the excitement...all in good fun IMO and we do have a nice good-naturned sporty bunch. I just want to reiterate I do love racing with you guys don't mind I'm hardly in your superior alien racing class suffice it to say one of these days when I grow up I want to be like you. If or when I'm in the winnings, drinks on me. Seriously racing with you guys has been so much fun...the keen racing, the banter et al. It's why I keep coming back. Y'all have got me hooked.
Yeah Steve, like Lessen mentioned the chat audio from everyone else doesnt record. Which is a huge bummer because its what made the series what it is. Imagine if we raced Mondays with no mics, it wouldn't be nearly as fun.

I usually have my mic muted to not record, especially last Monday when I had fans blasting on me because it was so hot (which is the reason I muted myself to you guys, all you would've heard was wind which is extremely annoying for everyone else) The reason you can hear other people talking faintly on Mikes stream is because its either bleed thru from his cans, or coming from his TV.

The only way I can stream and have everyones chat audio to be heard is if we all were in a party chat. The downside of course is theres only 8max allowed in a party. So if we ever have a small turnout again we should just hop into a party, plus the sound quality is much much better. But if we do that you guys have to remember to enable your chat audio to be recorded. When you join a party its one of the options in party chat, privacy settings or something. By default its set to off, so if you turn that on then all of our chat audio will be recorded. Which would make watching the streams much more enjoyable. Although Gutter may single handedly have my account banned with some of his raunchy jokes if it airs on the youtubes
There's an area in the settings that lets your chat be recorded or not. I'm not at my PS4 right now, but I'll find it and let you know how to enable it (it's set to no/off by default). I purposely left mine as no for the exact reason Sam stated! XD
Reminder, voting deadline today at 6pm, (Report #2). Tough choice this week, both cars work really well at "not Bannochbrae". :D

hahaha.........nice try!!
If you ever try out the Vette, just remember to short shift the hell out of it. It is one car that is slower and harder to drive if you take it to redline in each gear.
Off topic, but if you guys like vintage aircraft the Collings Foundation is currently on it's national tour. I'm going next Sunday for a flight on a B-24, then the exhibition is heading to the Mid-West and then hitting the North East US. It might be close enough for a few of you guys up north to see it, and then it's heading SGETI's way.
@GT: was it in Hawaii or did you see it on the mainland? A flight over the islands would be awesome.

It was a hard choice between the 17 and 24. I decided to jump on the 24 because it is the only operational one in the world, so I might never get another chance in one. On occasion B-17s tour around so I might get in one later on. That P-51 training flight would be incredible, but that's some big pile of cash I can use elsewhere.

Why are you still lurking here! Was my pm not direct enough for you, or all the other comments you got from others! Do you just wake up the next day as if nothing has ever happened!

Now please, take SGETI's advice, it was bang on the money, and if you forget what it was then here it is again:
"MOVE ON!!!!!. The bridges have been burned beyond repair. Not even a magical Unicorn could repair. May I suggest selling your PS4 and buying an Xbox, then go play Forza. There is your fresh start you require."

There is no need to waste anymore of anyone's time here by responding to this. If you do not disappear then I will be forced to get the moderators involved!

I sincerely wish you all the best in your new Forza life.
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Why are you still lurking here! Was my pm not direct enough for you, or all the other comments you got from others! Do you just wake up the next day as if nothing has ever happened!

Now please, take SGETI's advice, it was bang on the money, and if you forget what it was then here it is again:

"MOVE ON!!!!!. The bridges have been burned beyond repair. Not even a magical Unicorn could repair. May I suggest selling your PS4 and buying an Xbox, then go play Forza. There is your fresh start you require."

There is no need to waste anymore of anyone's time here by responding to this. If you do not disappear then I will be forced to get the moderators involved!

I wish you all the best in your new Forza life.
But who else would take credit for the BOB nickname???
Steve and I have a buddy who owns a couple of vintage Cold War jet trainers that he gives rides......not for free of course, at 1500$ an hour just in fuel, I don't think I'll be going up anytime soon. Steve knows him very well and I don't think he has been up either.

We are going to try something a little different this week.

The competition yellow will come into play during each race.
Aroung half way through each race, a yellow flag will be called when the leader crosses the finish line for the determined lap. (lap # to be determined before each race),
The leader will slow right down to 50 mph allowing everyone to catch up.
On this catch up lap we will all pit at once as a group.......... This is where it gets interesting........ your pit strategy will determine where you exit the Pits. Take on tires, you will exit near the back, but with fresh rubber. Tire wear will be turned up, to make this a more critical decision when pitting, think you can make it on old rubber and still win? You will have to figure out your own fuel that you will need to finish.....too much fuel and you will lose places. Not enough fuel, well, you might come out of the Pits first, but, will not finish.
After leaving the Pits, we will continue around the track to the last turn where we should all be in single file at yellow flag speeds where the leader will have complete control of the restart, no calls, no three numbers or names.....too confusing. It's our job to be on our toes and be prepared for the start. The leader can start at anytime between the last turn and the start/finish line, remember, no start call, it's the leaders reward for having the best pit strategy. It will be a single file restart with no passing before the start/finish line.

This serves three purposes, one, it will bunch everyone up for closer racing and two, it brings your pit crew into play, sorry Bear. Three, it will feel like a break for those guys who like the shorter races, like two races in one. You all seem to like the different stuff we throw at you each week, well , this is different for sure. If it works, great, we might do it more often, but right now this is a trial......nothing here is set in stone.

Next week is going to be epic, out of this world spectacular. No more hints, well, one more. 4 lefts, 6 rights.
Just dont turn up tire wear too high, us controller users are already subject to faster fading tires than you wheel snobs