The Lucid Dream // Dreaming Thread

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What's your most common anxiety dream?

Jealousy. Usually somebody taking my wife away.

I have many warped dreams, usually the side effects of Prozac. Just 2 days ago I was dating Miley Cirus and killed her father who wasn’t Billy Ray.
I had a dream the other night. I traded my Focus for a big ol' Jeep Wrangler. Then, I was in my grandmother's house for some odd reason.
I had a dream the other night. I traded my Focus for a big ol' Jeep Wrangler. Then, I was in my grandmother's house for some odd reason.
Weird... I had a dream last night that I was in my grandmother’s house as well :odd:

There was a large cupboard with a handwritten sign on it saying ‘Keep out! Private documents and heirlooms’ on it. I decided to have a look inside and take some pictures on my phone - the cupboard was like a larder but it contained a safe, lots of old folders full of documents, and loads of games and collectible stuff from my childhood. There was even an Airfix model from the 1960s of a spaceship and it was called ‘Touring Mars’, which made me think that this is where I must have subconsciously got my GTP nickname from :lol:
Last night I had a very vivid dream that was quite powerful.

My Uncle died last year and my cousin (who I grew up with) died in 2010. I have fond memories of when my cousin and I were 5-6 years old and we used to play in my Uncle's loft - there was a huge train set that my Uncle made, and he also (unbelievably) made his own version of Scalextric (he actually made the bits of track himself). The wooden beams in the loft were adorned with strange pictures including one of the Pyramids... it was many years later when I discovered where those pictures came from.

Anyway, last night, I dreamed that I was in my Auntie and Uncle's old house, but I was alone and the attic door was open, so I decided to have a look to see what was up there. To my amazement, the Scalextric track was still there, albeit partially incomplete, along with other toys and other stuff from our childhood. Being the 21st century, I took some pictures and a video on my mobile phone. But as I panned around the attic taking the video, I could see on the screen that my cousin was there, playing with the Scalextric, and yet I could also see that behind the screen he wasn't actually there. I woke myself up calling out to him...

I've had many dreams like that - I guess you never really get over losing someone you love, and I don't know whether such dreams are comforting or frustrating... I'll say they are comforting in a way, yet it took me some time to get back to sleep last night.
I had a good dream last night. Me and my best friend moved in together and invited all our friends to celebrate. The next day, it was her birthday and we made her a Frozen Castle cake (she's a Disney freak [as am I]).

I believe that dreams like this mean good things will happen in the future :)
A recurring theme in my dreams isn't exactly lucidity but I find myself in places which I have never been to before which feel so familiar within the dream. The feelings are so strong. Memories of experiences, adventures and activities in this place. But it's bizarre because, they're places I've never been to before so how can I feel so attached and nostalgic for them?

They're mostly a blend of real-life places from where I grew up. Obviously the descriptions themselves aren't going to mean much to you lot reading this but just to give you a sense of what I mean, one of the recent places I had a dream in was a mixture of:

The main road from Connah's Quay to Northop
The inclined curve between the trees on the road between Queensferry and Hawarden
The four-way traffic light junction between Northop and Sychdyn
The junction roundabout curved approach heading towards Brychdyn

Quite forested, wide, not too urban but not devoid of houses. And it felt like a real town, a real place that I had been in, grew up in, laughed in and cried in. And it's not like "Oh, it's familiar because these are places I know", it feels like a completely different place, nothing to do with my actual home region yet somewhere with which I an intimately acquainted.

But it's not always a blended conceit based on real-life places. Some of them are completely fictional towns, cityscapes and urbane hillsides. And yet, for that brief time I find myself there, it's as though I've never been anywhere else for my entire life.

The effect of feeling like I've lived there doesn't wear off, either. Of the dream locations I can remember, I can still remember how each one made me feel. I can still remember not only what I did in that dream, but memories of things I had done in that place before the dream took place. When I start dreaming about some of these places, I'm dreaming with preloaded memories within the dream itself of times I have been there before when I absolutely have not had a dream in or about that location before.

It's actually quite upsetting sometimes to wake up from experiencing what can feel like an entire life's worth of memories for it to not be true. It doesn't help right now given my current unemployment situation, as well as covid giving me nothing to do and leaving me utterly at the mercy of boredom.
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I get really bummed when I have dream about being in America, only to realise that I'm still in bed. It sucks, and makes me even more determined go there - even though LA is a 13 hour flight away...
I get really bummed when I have dream about being in America, only to realise that I'm still in bed. It sucks, and makes me even more determined go there - even though LA is a 13 hour flight away...
Might not be the best time to go there right now. :P
This morning in my dream I was dating a young Mariah Carey. She didn't sing, thankfully, and she wasn't a diva. She was actually really sweet. We even smoked some weed together. But then I got lost in a maze-like hotel (a recurring theme) and couldn't find her again.
Yesterday I had a nightmare. Trump was at a local river swimming and started drowning. I rescued him (no, no mouth-to-mouth thank gawd) via chest compressions and then he guilted me into being his friend and going golfing at some resort where I had to laugh at his bad jokes. I haven't been so glad to wake up in like....ever?

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This morning is spent several weeks in a dream dating a really pretty twin.
One twin approached me at a market to tell me her sister was interested in meeting me for a date. We hooked up, got to know each other and it was really nice. We also played a crazy football match against loads or random dream people too.
After all the time we spent together, I woke up missing her and I can’t even remember her name. :(
Bit of a tangent here, but anyway...

I have a selection of recurring dreams or at least themes that I seem to dream about repeatedly, and one of the most vivid is the dream where I return to the office where I used to work before embarking on my academic career.

It is mostly an anxiety dream that occurs close to the point where I need to look for a new job (like now for example), and I've had it so often that I even have dreams where I wake up and realise that it was a dream, but then go into the office and say to myself that this time it is real because I just had a dream about it, only to then wake up (for real) and realise that I don't work in the office.

Anyway... my current work is investing millions in new infrastructure, and the new campus opens next summer... and here it is...

... and the joke is, it looks almost exactly like the 'office' that has haunted my dreams :lol: :ill: I think my brain would explode if I end up working in this new building - even if my job was radically different to my original office job - but it is funny to think that academia has now changed to the point where this kind of open plan building is now normal, and working life in a university now so closely resembles an private sector office building that one can barely notice any difference!
Occasionally I have dreams in which everyone knows me, seems to know what I am thinking, and converses with me telepathically. Has anyone else had a similar dream?
Just woke up from an afternoon nap.

In the dream I was driving my mum’s car through tiny villages on the way to somewhere. My mum and daughter were passengers. Strangely, the brake pedal kept getting random things stuffed behind it and when I’d reach down to pull it away, my arm would get tangled in it; usually a blanket or something.

The weirdest part by far was having actual memories in the dream that don’t exist in real life. Actual memories, of things I hadn’t ever done, but has memories of doing. Freaked me out a bit.
I don't know if I've documented it here or not, but as a kid I had a history of sleep walking and talking in my sleep. I assume I've grown out of sleep walking for the most part these days, as no one has told me I've been sleep walking lately... lol.

As far as talking in my sleep, it's common for me to wake myself up from a dream talking or even yelling.


Sometime around a week ago I woke myself up by yelling "PLEASE!" as I apparently yelled in my dream. :lol:

In this particular dream I found myself on vacation at Disney World (which I've never been to, nor had the desire to go) with my mom's side of the family. A small group of us were snacking on the road trip food leftover like chips and cheese dip in our hotel room. Before I knew it we were walking through the hotel and out to the parking garage where we would place our luggage and prepare to leave the hotel.

Here the catch, you have to drive up to a window to place your hotel keycards as the official way of checking out. But, there was a line of maybe 15 cars ahead of us. I recall randomly there would be gaps between the cars where other cars had been as if they left the line. I don't ever remember seeing this happen though. They were there and then gone and back and gone. It was weird.

We never moved until the very end of the dream. All cars were gone except for use. We pull to the window. We checkout. We didn't leave though. My dad (who was the driver) gets out the car immediately and starts walking. He doesn't say anything. He just walks. I yell for him to stop. He doesn't. I pleaded some more before letting out a loud "PLEASE!" in desperation.

And that's how I woke up.

Evil haunts my subconscious.

The dream passed unremarkably until at one point I was stood before a huge hall.
This hall was located in a seemingly regular place in a town and had no special features about it. However, this hall was a jail. That I knew for sure.
The upper eves of the prison where wire mesh, exposing the area above head hight to anyone looking in.
Upon looking in I saw a chain of inmates strapped to the ceiling. From those at the top were more, dangling inescapably from the highest. As the chain of people descended all were tightly strung to the man above.
The hall was mostly empty other than the tendrils of bodies dangling from the rafters.
All of the men there were alive. Many were missing limbs. Most seemed to be strung under the chin and harnessed around the waist.
As I looked on at this baffling sight, it was evident that the lower members of the chain, clearly starved, were taking bites from the people higher up that they were strapped to.
For the first time in my life I felt sick at the thought of cannibalism. Those strapped to the higher ups had no choice but to eat their flesh to survive. This explained the limbless bodies at the top, wracked with grief and agony.
The chain of bodies extended at least 6 men tall.
The overall feel from the outside was that this was just punishment for their crimes, to which I was not privy in my dream.
All told, I woke rather disturbed and sicked. There are no words that I can put down without writing a full novella to explain the wildness of this dream.

I often have Prozac dreams and I sometimes drink a lot which affects my subconscious. In this particular instance I was neither under the influence of alcohol or did or feel like a Prozac dream; it wasn’t lucid.
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In the past few years, I started getting Dreams that's nothing more than Imaginary episodes of TV Shows being played out in my head.

Though for this, my brain decided to come up with it's own show (unless this exists and I just unlocked a very repressed memory). It was a kids show with 4 main characters, not much on the details except 1 was a Panda and 2 were some kind of Canine though they were husband and wife. Can't remember the 4th one. They had the ability to fuse with each other for a limited amount of time.

The "Episode" that played out was about rattling noises going around where they live and the Panda and 4th Main Character investigate because the Husband Canine was busy trying to finish something for his wife. The Rattling was from mechanical Snakes, and the Panda and the 4th had to fight them but the Panda was a coward and ran off though the 4th wasn't paying attention.

I never saw the conclusion as I woke up immediately after the Wife Canine arrived.
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I used to have a recurring dream that I was working back in an insurance company I worked for before moving into academia. I had the dream so often that I even started to have dreams where I was convinced it was real because I could remember that I had so many dreams about it, but I'd say to myself 'now it's actually happening, it doesn't feel all that weird'... only to then wake up and realise that this too was a dream.

Anyway, for the first time in a few years, I had another one of those dreams a couple of nights ago - complete with the 'this is actually happening this time' moment. It seemed to go on for ages too, and was very vivid and detailed, so much so that I actually felt a bit confused when I woke up. A key theme of these dreams is the building itself - an all-glass 'modern' 1970's building next to the Commonwealth swimming pool in Edinburgh, in which we only had access to certain parts of it, and my dreams often involved being in parts of the building that were strange or new to me... the dreams are never threatening, but I always considered them to be a result of anxiety about my job/career, and would often get them near the end of a contract, which in my line of work has been quite frequent in the past (not sure what the latest dream says about that, but hey...)

By sheer coincidence, I just saw a post on FB from my old friend who I used to work with in that company/building, and some events company is organising a night inside that very building, and my friend is planning to go... I truly believe that if I were to actually go back to that building, it would completely freak me out, especially if we're allowed to go wherever we want. In some ways, it might be a weird disappointment too, but on the other hand, I am quite intrigued to go and, quite literally, "live the dream" - though I realise that is not exactly what that phrase is intended for...
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I had a very vivid dream last night, part of which I'm sure I was half-awake for.

I was with a friend (who seemed to alternate between my cousin, @homeforsummer (:lol: sorry...*) and random people) in a ramshackle pub in England, and we'd been asked to play a gig, and I reluctantly accepted despite not having had any time to prepare... it was meant to be an impromptu jam, and all I had was an acoustic guitar and a belief that my friend was a far better musician than me.

Before we got to play, however, I needed to go to the toilet (ironically, this is usually a very clear indicator that you actually really do need to wake up and go to the toilet...), but when I got back from the loo (fortunately having not pissed the bed IRL), I found my guitar on the floor, with two strings snapped and the neck broken. I was furious, and despite encouraging words from my family (who were also present), I did a Pete Townshend and smashed my guitar to smithereens, thus (ironically) ensuring that I couldn't play the gig.

* I blame seeing your article on Twitter with you in the big Merc too close to bedtime
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Last night I had a weird dream about hell, I remember I dreamed about assaulting the very gates of hell with a group of people which I think were angels, slaying demons of all sorts and kinds. Then a winged shadowy figure approached, I immediately knew it as the devil himself. He was preparing some kind of spell and suddenly my stomach churned. For some I reason I knew that the spell was primarily aimed at my comrades to make them suffer.

I tried to hit him with my sword but the blade did not hit anything but the dark mist he was made of. I regretted this whole operation and told him it was just a joke and that I want to apologize for my misbehavior, but he only replied in an incredibly deep slightly regretful voice that I have engineered a whole lot of trouble now. In a blinding flash he then unleashed the spell and I woke up sweating.

Not sure why I dream stuff like that since I'm an agnostic. I don't think about religious concepts at all.
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Not sure if my bedtime cheese and crackers might be responsible, but last night I had a series of vivid dreams, one of which was semi-lucid and highly emotional, and the others were quite memorable.

Here's a brief summary of what I remember:

  • Visiting my old primary school only to find it derelict and occupied by people using it as a camp
  • Meeting a friend who wanted to see my old teddy bear (that he damaged IRL when we were about 8 y.o), and me handing him over reluctantly and full of instructions on how to handle him properly
  • Spending a whole afternoon with my (late) cousin Richard and having a great time/laugh, only to then become aware that it was a dream and feeling distraught as the dream ended. I then 'woke up' crying inconsolably, but I believe this bit was actually part of the dream as well...
  • Driving through a suburban estate where a street party was being held, with an outdoor restaurant completely blocking the street. Upon getting out of the car, a waiter showed me a barbecue and offered me whatever I wanted (a steak or a grilled red polse sausage) provided I didn't inform the police they were blocking the road.
  • Being in my old high school music room, and finding a cupboard full of my own clothes. When I tried to put on my North Face hoodie, I found one of the sleeves blocked with rubbish.

There was at least 2-3 more that I can't recall, but dreams where I meet my cousin are quite regular (but still relatively rare, like 3-4 a year). I always love dreams where I meet Richard again, and they are always very pleasant - but I always have the same moment when I realise that it's a dream, like I know something can't be right about us being together any more. I am genuinely sad when these dreams end and I always wish I could keep them going for a bit longer... at the very least, however, it's always comforting to know that Richard still means as much to me as he ever did, and I always love seeing him again, however briefly.
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This morning I woke from an apocalyptic dream.

I was at a small stadium where a football match was on. I had my class of students with me watching.
Something in the sky appeared like the moon, but it was falling towards Earth.

There was a ground shaking impact and I knew we had very little time until a thermal wave obliterated everything. I gathered the kids and ran around looking for a basement to avoid what I thought was coming.

After a while I found a basement car park outside of the stadium but now I’m alone and what’s coming is a tsunami wave and not a heat wave. I found what seemed to be a hotel room and braced for the wave.

After the wave subsided I pinched myself to check that I was dreaming, I went back outside to survey the aftermath and that’s when I woke up.

My heart was going well too fast and I’m sure one of these dreams is going to put me in hospital one day.
Had a hyper realistic dream this morning. I woke up in my bed but my room was full of tall pine trees, I could not tell where their base was. The bizarre part was a giant inflated balloon of Mario (Nintendo), that was circling my bed. It was like something out of a Macy’s parade. It had a creepy smile with a frozen facial expression lol

I could tell in my dream that it was some sort of evil entity taking on such an appearance so I interact with it, thinking it’s harmless. I never thought I’d say this but the huge inflatable Mario had a sinister dark presence. It was also able to float through the dense forest that my room was. I was too awake and aware and decided to nope my way out of this dream and woke myself up.
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I got up at 7.30 this morning but went back to bed for another short blast of sleep, and had a powerful and vivid dream in that time.

My family arrived for a family get-together, and some of us were out in the back garden, despite looming clouds on the horizon. I said "It's going to rain within the next minute!", and sure enough, only 10 seconds later, the first big drops of rain started to fall, and everyone quickly moved inside.

I went through to the living room with a view onto the street infront of our house and by the time I got through, the road and pavements were soaking wet. My sister commented about how the rainfall could beat the storm that flooded another town in Scotland a couple of years ago, and my cousins agreed.

With everyone now sitting in the living room, my younger cousin opened with an anecdote about an episode of "The Big Bang Theory", and how they discussed a Romulian snack from Star Trek called 'Rickenbacks' (or something like that), but the story kind of fell on deaf ears.

I replied to say, "Strangely enough, I was going to mention both "The Big Bang Theory" and a story about a woman I used to work with called 'Reichenbach'...", but interrupted myself to say... "...but firstly, hello to Grandma, and hello everyone!" which got a small laugh.

I then started to tell the story about when Ms. Reichenbach, a German girl, tried to order a taxi in Glasgow over the phone (which I've also mentioned previously here. After the first part where I mention her first name (in the dream), my Grandma and Auntie were standing by the door, as if waiting to leave to use the restroom. Everyone laughed at the first half of the story where she struggled to tell the phone operator her first name, and my Auntie said "Can you wait until we get back if there's any more?", and I laughed and said "Oh yes, there's much more to come!", and so they both left the room.

By this point I was a little bit confused, and was realising that however lovely it was to see my Grandma so well and happy, there was something not quite right with the scene. So I went over to my cousins and said to my older cousin, "How come Grandma's here??", and he looked back at me without saying anything. It was at that point I realised that it must be a dream because my cousin shouldn't be there either. My Grandma died in 2001, and my cousin in 2010. I was immediately angry at myself for questioning it and not just playing along, and then I became very upset before waking up.

It's quite incredible how vivid and realistic it was, and however upsetting it was, it can really feel like you've spent some time in their presence again. I've had many dreams about my cousin and they are almost always pleasant, but this one shook me up a bit.

In hindsight, there were so many things wrong with the dream - firstly, the back garden and view from the front window as the rain started was my childhood home where I lived until I was 11, and the rest of the 'living room' scene was in my parents' house where they lived until 2003, so none of us have been in either place for many years. Interesting, however, that the locations were roughly accurate for the people involved though.