The Middle East

Well - I sure was wrong, or at least I didn't expect Russia and Iran to abandon Assad that quickly.. This has all been pretty shocking and lightning fast. Makes you really question Assad's 2021 election win with 95% of the vote - surely that was legit, right?

If it can happen in Syria, why not Iran? The IRGC is spread thin and weakened. The regular army probably has little interest in propping up the Ayatollah and nobody is going to help Iran. Russia can't and China won't.

What concerns me now is the fate of the Kurds. Turkey is very likely to muscle in now that Iran and Russia have been squeezed out and I'm sure their #1 priority will be ethnic cleansing of the Kurds in one fashion or another. The dream scenario I think would be for the Kurds to have their own state in NW Syria, but I have a hard time seeing that happen. The best outcome is probably some form of representative nation with respect for all the ethnic groups.

edit: ****, Iran is probably going to build a nuclear bomb now...they got no other options.
Russia and Iran had almost completely pulled out of Syria years ago. They only had skeleton crews manning their bases and not nearly enough equipment to mount any counterattacks. They thought the situation was stable. Somehow they completely missed that al-Sharaa had been planning with other rebels and the West. Then again, America missed that the Taliban planned a similar takeover.

If al-Sharaa means what he's said recently and while governing Idlib, the northeastern Kurds might get proper seats in the new government. Syria might become an actual safe place for them that Turkey can no longer infringe on.

Edit: I'm so curious to see how the negotiations will pan out for both territory and the new government. Apparently the US has told HTS and FSA not to encroach on Kurdish SDF lands in the east and some newly captured territory on the west bank of the river. Most of the "captured" rebel territory west of the river is a desert no-mans land so very difficult to assert control. Meanwhile, Israel has captured a couple spots just inside Syria so who knows if that's just a clearing operation or if they want the territory. The map suggests that the Russians still control their air and naval bases on the coast and I don't see any news about rebels challenging that, although they definitely should.

All these parties - minus Russia and Iran presumably - are going to have to sit at the table and hash it out.
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What happened in Syria on Sunday, the previous regime had fallen and I had waited way too long for this to happen. Good riddance it's dead! It's time for a new era in Syria to begin.
Israel as soon as Assad falls: Sends more troops into annexed Golan Heights, takes over more territory, just a "security measure".

Israel one week later:

Netanyahu said Israel would "continue to hold on to [the territory], make it flourish and settle it".
Not that they need any reason needs to be made for the West to acquiesce immediately, but what basis does Israel have to arbitrarily drop MOABs on Syria itself.
Israel as soon as Assad falls: Sends more troops into annexed Golan Heights, takes over more territory, just a "security measure".

Israel one week later:

The US needs to step in alongside the new Syrian rebel leaders and SDF and help them form a government and put a stop to Israel and Turkey being assholes right now. If anybody needs a MOAB to the face, it's Israeli and Turkish insurgents.
The US needs to step in alongside the new Syrian rebel leaders and SDF and help them form a government and put a stop to Israel and Turkey being assholes right now. If anybody needs a MOAB to the face, it's Israeli and Turkish insurgents.
Yes because the USA supporting rebels has been such a brilliant move in the past. If they want to do anything they need to wag the financial finger at Israel and Turkey and stay far away from Syria.
Yes because the USA supporting rebels has been such a brilliant move in the past. If they want to do anything they need to wag the financial finger at Israel and Turkey and stay far away from Syria.
Supporting the rebels and SDF would be a huge boon for the Democratic party and liberals in the US. Drawing the line with Israel and Turkey would benefit them in the same way. The support I'm talking about is basically setting the table for negotiations amongs all parties.

"Turkish Vice President: Israel's actions are illegal and no foreign power should destabilize Syria"

Which is hilarious because while Turkey is saying Israel needs to leave Syria alone, Turkey itself has been bombing all over SDF territory within Syria, especially around Kobani at the northern tip of Syria along the border with Turkey. This is the kind of backstabbing Turkey does constantly and the reason America needs to get aggressive with them.

"Pentagon: Turkish Foreign Minister's Statements on the Need to Disband the Syrian Democratic Forces Are Concerning"

There are only two really serious problems left in Syria as of right now and that is Turkey disrespecting the progress in the new Syria, number one, and also Israel trying to steal territory in the south.

Fortunately, today an American delegation arrived in Syria and negotiations are beginning. Great news.
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I hope everyone here likes Doner Kebab, because we're definitely all gonna be eating it a lot more in 10 years.
The Halal Snack Pack is basically the South Australian state dish. What does eating it more mean, having HSP for three meals a day instead of two?
I hope everyone here likes Doner Kebab, because we're definitely all gonna be eating it a lot more in 10 years.
The Halal Snack Pack is basically the South Australian state dish. What does eating it more mean, having HSP for three meals a day instead of two?
Love it although I associate it with Greece. I don't care what Turkey does, Greek food is Greek to me, including the Americanized lamb kebab.
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"All religious stuff aside, the fact is, people who can't kill will always be subject to those who can."

And now we wait to see what the new rulers have in store for the population and if these events contribute to the continuing migrant crisis.
New rulers are simply extremists. If you're not a Sunni Muslim then you're out of luck.

One of many posts by one of the many extremists/terrorists roaming freely in Syria (screenshot below): "Sprinkle chemicals (meaning chemical weapons) on the mountains of Latakia and Tartous so that they don't say that an Alawite lived during the time of al-Julani."
*Alawites are a Muslim sect and are considered a minority.

Christians aren't safe as well and you can read more here:

As for the Israeli invasion of southern Syria; here's a political commentary by a well-known Lebanese journalist and politician:
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