The New Black List ;_;

  • Thread starter PSTC555
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Nothing ONLY experience... if you're clean driver, your problem..ONLY my experience says DIRTY ESpanol
Nothing ONLY experience... if you're clean driver, your problem..ONLY my experience says DIRTY ESpanol

So all British and Spanish drivers - regardless of whether you've raced against them or not - must go on the black list because you've raced against some and they've not raced clean?

Are you aware of just how utterly retarded that sounds?
Off-topic i know, but that's a hell of a username :D

I laughed when I saw it.

Less so when I saw it attached to a weaving white Integra with a penchant for automotive buggery.
I would like to nominate about 1000 people I saw last night. :ouch: I seen one GTP user with a GTP_tag, it was GTP_AdotF and everyone time it looked like we'd get close either the host quit or my connection crapped itself :irked:
Please don't add me here if you see me "quitting" races, because I never quit, even when I'm in last, just my connection has hissy fits evry once in a while. I also tried to give as much racing room as possible, but how can you give someone room when they are forcing you off the track? Anyway, I can only remember 2 names because they were standout dodge'em karts.
Roburone, couldn't hack being passed so just rammed people instead, watched him do it a number of times.
oveRRun, may have started with a capital O, can't remember, but same reason as Roburone. I play PAL version.

Also, a friendly warning, watch out for thaisin, not a dirty racer (he made one mistake that forced me off track, such is life), but as soon as I passed him in his Audi R8 (I was driving a Tuned Evo X), I could not lose him! He must have been a pretty fast driver, who probably also made good use of slipstreaming.👍
Add Guestsomething to this list, I've raced against him twice tonight and each time he purposely ran myself and others off the track
castortroy1234 (BE) various cars.

Likes to brake test when your slipstreaming him, also likes to slideswipe you as he goes passed. Quits the race both as host and ordinary racer if he's not winning, and that can be as late as the finishing straight!

He clearly doesn't need the money!
Was just about to start breaking for the first corner at HSR, some guy in a Elise, was gaining, I did a 1 block move, maybe a tad late, not sure, hard to judge in rear view mirrors. Anyhow was only like 1-2 seconds and he hit the back of me, he completely lost it. Came last in race and I finished first (Don't happen often) Anyhow, at full speed is a 1 block move classed as unfair driving?

I mean he had enough time to break and move. So I thought.
Was just about to start breaking for the first corner at HSR, some guy in a Elise, was gaining, I did a 1 block move, maybe a tad late, not sure, hard to judge in rear view mirrors.

Why the block move?

Is it illegal that that guy tries to overtake you?

Blocking is one of the most unfair things to do.

"But they do it in F1!!!!!!!",..............tough.....this is GT5P!

stay on your line.👍
Even a one block Move?

I think it's more unfair that due to the "Catch Up System" a Lotus can make up a 10 second deficit on a lap to have a chance to over take me in the first place.
Moving( and staying there) to take a more defensive line into a corner is one thing.
Actually blocking someone is Questionable????
Moving( and staying there) to take a more defensive line into a corner is one thing.
Actually blocking someone is Questionable????

Well I moved what appeared to me a tiny fraction before he went off line, but I knew what he was going to do, I was out wide, he was right behind and was going to move to the inside any time soon, I did it just before he did.
Cuicuz EU A. Twice in one race broke in front of me causing me to slam into the back of him giving him a speed boost
I hope the next update makes all races Pro handling and won't allow either ASM or TCS. Hopefully that would get rid of the idiots.

Blocking whilst legal does tend to cause more problems than the positions it saves as it will always lead to a blame game of who was at fault.
Last time I checked moving once to cover a line is legal, it's when you move multiple times on the same straight is when it becomes classed as 'blocking'. It might be against the spirit of the game but it's a technique used by the pro's.

But just remember only one move.. ;)
Why move at all ? Just stay on the racing line and let those people come off the line to go round you. The guys I overtake who stay on a predicted racing line as I slip stream past them are the guys I consider to be good racers. If I see them coming up behind me at drafting speed I'll stay on my line and hopefully leave them plenty of room to pass.
These kind of back and forth battles are the ones I love. Sometimes you can overtake and be overtaken again by the same guy twice in one lap. When it happens cleanly then it's really game on!!
Nothing ONLY experience... if you're clean driver, your problem..ONLY my experience says DIRTY ESpanol
Doesn't have sense, I'm spanish and I've playing GT since the first one, and I think I'm a clear driver in the way I can.. (because I still need practise, I just bought my PS3 two days ago, so the errors I've done are only brake a bit late).

I was sad the first day because the first spanish that I meet, was the first one that ram me off the High Speed Ring with his NSX when I was 1st with my EVO IX just because he didn't want to lose.... but that doesn't mean all the spanish and british are dirty drivers.

PD: Famine, have we raced together?, your name sounds me familiar, I'm still "Aero-R", I mean still because on a few days I would like to change to GTP_Aero-R =], I'm just practising now trying to put on gold the ones I've still on silver.
I'm not sure. I've done a couple of online races before, but the majority was last night. I don't recall seeing your name, but that may have been because I was concentrating on the crap drivers :lol:

Why the block move?

Is it illegal that that guy tries to overtake you?

Blocking is one of the most unfair things to do.

"But they do it in F1!!!!!!!",..............tough.....this is GT5P!

stay on your line.👍

I agree. I do it in LANs, I do it online. There's always the next corner - it's not worth the effort to block a clearly-faster car.
Why move at all ? Just stay on the racing line and let those people come off the line to go round you. The guys I overtake who stay on a predicted racing line as I slip stream past them are the guys I consider to be good racers. If I see them coming up behind me at drafting speed I'll stay on my line and hopefully leave them plenty of room to pass.
These kind of back and forth battles are the ones I love. Sometimes you can overtake and be overtaken again by the same guy twice in one lap. When it happens cleanly then it's really game on!!

Eggy,will you marry me?

Why move at all ? Just stay on the racing line and let those people come off the line to go round you. The guys I overtake who stay on a predicted racing line as I slip stream past them are the guys I consider to be good racers. If I see them coming up behind me at drafting speed I'll stay on my line and hopefully leave them plenty of room to pass.
These kind of back and forth battles are the ones I love. Sometimes you can overtake and be overtaken again by the same guy twice in one lap. When it happens cleanly then it's really game on!![/QU
Respect to you Eggy, why cant everyone be like us clean racers who at the end of the day the best driver wins, no cheating.
Also all those 'racers' who are complete and utter numptys will you please stop quitting the race when you are hosting as it spoils it for everyone else because the race then stop, especially when the leaders are about to cross the finishing line. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, PLEASE DONT QUITT AND LET THE RACE FINISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why move at all ? Just stay on the racing line and let those people come off the line to go round you. The guys I overtake who stay on a predicted racing line as I slip stream past them are the guys I consider to be good racers. If I see them coming up behind me at drafting speed I'll stay on my line and hopefully leave them plenty of room to pass.
These kind of back and forth battles are the ones I love. Sometimes you can overtake and be overtaken again by the same guy twice in one lap. When it happens cleanly then it's really game on!!

100% right. Nothing to add...
Yes, I'd agree. Stick to your line and try to get your place back later.

By the way, HSR 600PP is a mad house of Tuned Clio's at the moment so I'd steer clear if you want a halfway sensible race.
I only quit if i have been pushed of the track or into the wall and there is no way getting back to the front,i apologize to the GOOD CLEAN racers if i messed up their races,i am just so sick of racing bad drivers.How do you know if you are a host?

It was nice racing with you 'Tired Tyres' last night
Why move at all ? Just stay on the racing line and let those people come off the line to go round you. The guys I overtake who stay on a predicted racing line as I slip stream past them are the guys I consider to be good racers. If I see them coming up behind me at drafting speed I'll stay on my line and hopefully leave them plenty of room to pass.
These kind of back and forth battles are the ones I love. Sometimes you can overtake and be overtaken again by the same guy twice in one lap. When it happens cleanly then it's really game on!!
Yeah, if only it was that easy. At the start of the Fuji races where you have 12 cars going into the turn at the same time, staying on your racing line costs you the race pretty much. I braked early so I could enter the turn without ramming others from behind, but little did I realize I would be the one getting rammed from behind.

I've had a few good battles with GTP'ers. I always love wiggling my racing line on the straightaways so the person drafting has to move with me. But I didn't realize that was termed "blocking" and not fair, so my apologizes to whoever I've blocked. I will refrain from now on! :D
You are the host when at the beginning of a race on the loading screen you are number 1 on the list of racers an know what ya mean about the bad drivers who use you as a 'braking point' at corners. Fair cop on you BMfan
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