The New Black List ;_;

  • Thread starter PSTC555
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I think we need to include a few other rules aside from the 1-move blocking. Might I suggest at least 2:
1: If you are coming back on track from an off track excursion (accidental or rammed), you should not do so in an unsafe manner. Wait for drivers coming past, don't sit on the racing line, and give way to people who are still at full race pace.
Countless times someone going 30km/hr comes back on and sits right on the racing line and with no where to go I'm doing something like 150km/hr. Why should I mess up my race for that guy?
2: I believe there is a racing rule in most leagues that you can't attempt an overtaking move from a certain distance back (i.e. You have to be so close to the racer in front before attempting an over-take). Maybe that's too much to ask with such differences in vehicles being raced though.
hey guys
Today at around 11-40 (easter pacific time) US servers on the High Speed ring 700 PP races
3 rounds
Me and my buddy from this forum were trying to drift.. so just a heads up after the drift LOL..
So sorry if we piss anyone off :)

And we did not slam into people when they pass us, we only drifted while no one was around :)
hey guys
Today at around 11-40 (easter pacific time) US servers on the High Speed ring 700 PP races
3 rounds
Me and my buddy from this forum were trying to drift.. so just a heads up after the drift LOL..
So sorry if we piss anyone off :)

And we did not slam into people when they pass us, we only drifted while no one was around :)

"Me and my buddy from this forum" I hope that you are not talking about me buddy..:scared: oh sorrry that ran you off the road..:)
Mugggle(US) is the worst kind of basher, he's fast & has good car control but refuses to make a clean pass!!
I had 8-9 races with him on Suzuka PP700 & never did he pass me or anyone else I saw with out punting them! :ouch:
Mugggle(US) is the worst kind of basher, he's fast & has good car control but refuses to make a clean pass!!
I had 8-9 races with him on Suzuka PP700 & never did he pass me or anyone else I saw with out punting them! :ouch:

I will agree to this.


Noodlerizer, Suzuka PP700. At times in the race myself and a few others were CLEARLY faster. However, Upon passing him he had no problem shoving me in to the wall. Taking a Defensive line around a corner is one thing, But clearly putting somone in to the wall this driver was another.

Mugggle(US) is the worst kind of basher, he's fast & has good car control but refuses to make a clean pass!!
I had 8-9 races with him on Suzuka PP700 & never did he pass me or anyone else I saw with out punting them! :ouch:

I also can attest to this. Oh and theMoose, I think I ran you off the road a couple of times on the suzuka earlier this evening, sorry about taht, however in my defence you were passing me on a corner.
same guy that kept slamming me. drives a white something.


Thank god I am not the only one that saw him... He will get black listest for sure now! Yes he was driving a white car. It was funny how I passed him...It was the greatest out smart move I've ever done...I faked right, and then went left and passed him...he ended up into the wall hard because of his that move he was trying to make...Maybe there is justice in the world.. Anyways I did end up post 2nd place finish...maybe I would have won if he hadn't messed with me. lol
I also can attest to this. Oh and theMoose, I think I ran you off the road a couple of times on the suzuka earlier this evening, sorry about taht, however in my defence you were passing me on a corner.

I was right behind you two and you guy's were having a fantastic Race! I was trying to keep my distance to an extent until I saw you go straight in to a barrier at the chicane, I made my move on TheMoose and accidently Tapped him causing him to spin. I will say tho, The whole Time I was behind you two I almost lost it a few times because I was more interested in your guy's race then my own!

-Sam (SHOspazz92) Red R35 GTR.
"Me and my buddy from this forum" I hope that you are not talking about me buddy..:scared: oh sorrry that ran you off the road..:)

No not you :) me and you had great time untill you ran me off the road LOL :) but its all good :)
I also can attest to this. Oh and theMoose, I think I ran you off the road a couple of times on the suzuka earlier this evening, sorry about taht, however in my defence you were passing me on a corner.

Dude you were so fast the only way I could pass you was to out brake you & pass in the corner (I'd love to try your setup on the Evo X!)!!
I tried to keep low, I don't know if I drifted high or you came down on me but it was obviously not intentional & we had a few good races!
Great fun!!

Basically everything under the sun. Car banging, rear-end slamming, trying to knock rear-ends out, brake-checking.

Yeah this guy was in a race with about half a dozen GTPers last night and he managed to hit us all. Total jerk. Does that mean he goes straight to the black list now that 3 of us have confirmed his irrational driving in this thread?
Yes, mwahahahaaahahaha.

Put him on the Blacklist. Also make sure you add EL_ZISSOU.
Add Gangreen167 (U.S.) bigtime brake checker will do it everytime he can,but man it feels great to beat them after do they do everything they can to wreck you!:)
Somebody kept taking out GTP_SpeedRacer on London just now. :( It's a shame, I was hoping we could lead and battle it out for first.
haha.. for get it you just konw that i'm faster then you....:):sly:

On straights I can always over take you with ease :) even with no wind drag

But since you have a 4wd car, you have a better handling car MR.
But for now, I admit, you are a better driver then me ;) but over take next to me rather then slamming my bumper haha
Watch out for (Daytona Speedway):

FlyingVman - Red Ferrari F430
-frequently coming offline to block, even on straits. Rams in turning.

GTP_BB6 - Yellow Evo Tuned
-same as above, as well as continuous ramming on straits and turns with excessive amount...

It got personal when he kept hitting me. In one single move from myself, he was taken care of. I dont usually drive like that, but I had an opportunity to take down the bad guy, and I did. I went on and won the race :D
I just ran into the same idiot time after time on the Suzuka PP700 a British idiot with the username Hairy Curry 👎 Taking part in this race with a Copen is just silly and to drive the track backwards race after race is just retarded and this fool needs a special bus to pick him up in the mornings methinks ;)

On a different note the first race I had tonight at Suzuka I raced against Loost from GTIRN and he was a perfect Gent all the way through the race with no corner ramming and no cheap shots anywhere 👍 Thats what its all about :) just a shame his lotus had a bit more oomph than my Evo X or it would have been a different conclusion :sly:

Cheers Loost for a great race bud :cheers:
cameron369 (NTSC)

I follow this guy through Suzuka's esses, I don't try and pass him through the esses even though he drives like hes drunk, constantly getting 2 or more wheels on the grass and then darting back onto the road etc etc

I wait for the final chicane and pass him. We enter turn 1 and he slightly bumps me, then he hits me again and again in turn 2, maybe 3 or 4 times until he is by. He catches up wtih another car and makes quick work of him by punting him off into a sand trap
Hey Earth good race today at around 10:15 PM on Suzuka. I have another absolute non-driver Dillz347 driving an Evo X Tuned in White on Suzuka & London, he consistently bumps/punts ANYONE to get in front. He must have done it to me at least 8 times! Some for a total spin, into the sand or just to turn invisible and pass.
Hey GTP_SpeedRacer, sorry for the nudge at Suzuka, dropped a wheel off during braking and lost control!
I honestly feel like giving up online racing,i normally race in the 600 events,
as i dont feel i am good enough to race in the pro's.
It has become like Burnout on steroids,& totally frustrating.

WOLSTA. G.B. Ramming on purpose every race,test braking.
DUKE 04 E.S. Ramming on purpose persistantly.
DOWNMAN. AUS. Ramming on purpose.

These are just a couple of the names i caught.:grumpy:
I now have decided that muggle has pushed me too far. I was attempting to pass someone in the s-turns on suzuka and lo and behold, who comes up behind to shunt me out of the way because I wasn't performing a plowing manouver on the people in front of me. He is the one driver that I will now take out.
On straights I can always over take you with ease :) even with no wind drag

But since you have a 4wd car, you have a better handling car MR.
But for now, I admit, you are a better driver then me ;) but over take next to me rather then slamming my bumper haha

OOHH really little boy, in your little blue smurf-mobile Clio. Well you should be lighter than me, perhaps you should put some more downforce on that big wing of yours. You know those french cars gotta put stupid looking wings on their cars... Just look at Peugeot. I'll just remember to crash myself off the course when I see you coming. So smurf off!
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