Fingers crossed for that ! :-)
Does GTA IV contain and online mode ? - If not, I think we're still fubar :|
That's it, I've had enough ofslowing down for dombasses. Continuously people will go off track and then jump out right in front of me, or cut me off when I'm already overtaking them, or do a slide and then jump back on the racing line in front of me. And every time I hit the brakes and I suffer for their mistakes.Not any more, if they be an idiot in front of me, I'm not slowing down for them any more.
Come on, chaps... we all know that there are plenty of morons online, but that doesn't justify this sort of abuse. In my short time playing GT5i've had a few encounters with that downsyndromed moron too, at the same place. he is the cheapest, dirtiest driver ever. he took me out a lot of times, and when losing he just quits. just like that.
👍Come on, chaps... we all know that there are plenty of morons online, but that doesn't justify this sort of abuse. In my short time playing GT5online, I've had several frustrating experiences, so I can sympathize with your annoyance at these drivers, but please - try to keep your comments civil 👍
Tonight on suzuka a****aka (CA) (silver GTR) was continually coming just on the inside of corners and using you to keep him on the track by forcing you off and using you as a buffer.
GT5 was my first real foray into the world of online gaming at all (OK, other than Tiger Woods '08 - only a couple of times) But - was I ever disappointed! There certainly is no "gentlemen's agreement" in place - no scruples at all...And, if you ever get fortunate enough to dodge the flying automotive missiles hurled about, and miraculously wind up about to actually WIN the race, there is about a 90% chance that the dolt/host suddenly shuts it down, because his array of vehicular weaponry failed him and he has unfortunately found himself in LAST know, the old "If I can't play my way and win, then I'll take my ball and go home" losers we all knew as growing up...
Come on, chaps... we all know that there are plenty of morons online, but that doesn't justify this sort of abuse. In my short time playing GT5online, I've had several frustrating experiences, so I can sympathize with your annoyance at these drivers, but please - try to keep your comments civil 👍
Come on, chaps... we all know that there are plenty of morons online, but that doesn't justify this sort of abuse. In my short time playing GT5online, I've had several frustrating experiences, so I can sympathize with your annoyance at these drivers, but please - try to keep your comments civil 👍
I don't want to be rude but when i play online i want to have fun and more of a challenge than GT5 P, NOT be pushed off or Blocked by a idiot that has a car as wide as the track and yes i understand blocking is allowed but not zig zagging across the road like a moron.
Erm, yes... don't we all...I don't want to be rude but when i play online i want to have fun and more of a challenge than GT5 P, NOT be pushed off or Blocked by a idiot that has a car as wide as the track and yes i understand blocking is allowed but not zig zagging across the road like a moron.
How can anyone race online at Suzuka (and Fuji even)? There is very little room to move, sand all over the place (where all the jerks can easy throw you into), and only 3 laps (for 16players).
PD should make the Fuji and Suzuka races 10 or more lap long. This way all the jerks would avoid it or give up after a couple of laps...
sigh... This is one AWFUL thread to be reading about!
for one: everyone seems to be nagging!
and two: these people are still unavoidable!!
FACE IT! there's a 9/10 chance that you will race against "ruFF ryders"... and it's just TERRIBLE to see one of those jack asses get a poteum finish!! now are you going to stoop to their level or tough it out?? the saying comes to mind:
"Don't hate the player, hate the game!"
And in this case, it's TRUE! I mean, how many of you guys have been penalized after someone crashes into you?! It's definitely a bug that needs to be fixed... But other than that, I still find victory in any race to be manageable. It all depends on the driver.
And before I go, let me leave you with a quote from a Jet Lee flick...
"Learn to adapt!"
Fun is not the victory, but the racing.
"If you're not in it to win it, why RACE?"
Fun is watching those nuBs pile up in front of you as you're making the pass.![]()
Hah! I pwned him/her tonight.OFFLINE (--) is back...
that downsyndromed moron