The New King of Racers? FM4

Love the lightiing and Autovista :drool: But is that all really ?Expected rallying ,Le mans,Nigh racing etc..... Still Fantastic Effort by T10 again.
Bogie 19th
Forza 4 Triple Screen....

Yet your Kleenex out....

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

The rims on that Ferrari didn't seem quite right. Almost as if my eyes aren't working.
Except for Enthusia most of the games you mention are specific to a subset of racing. F1 2010 ONLY deals with Formula cars, TOCA mostly DTM cars. FM3/4 deals with a wide range of cars. Moreover we don't know anything about FM4 and it's tracks and options.

If you want to argue FM3 then by all means go for it. But FM4 isn't even finished yet so maybe we should wait till we get some more concrete info before we start talking about what it "doesn't" have.

Only post worthy of replying,and I agree that is all down to actually play the game,I have to disagree in the TOCA bit thought,here is a list of the racing that you are able to do in TOCA Race Driver 3:

List(too big to post)

And as a closing comment I will say that I like FM and FM2,they are terrific games,but I also like other games,the probelm with this thread is the claim of "The New King of Racers? FM4" which begs to be flawed,why:

>Reason 1: The claim of "King of Racers" implies that the game have to stand out in every aspect of racing,following this logic the games fails against IRacing 2.0 in terms of simulation,games like FM have both logistics limitation and feedback limitations(the game have an amount of info and feedback from actual racing drivers and so on,and limitations in programming more physic variables)

>Reason 2: Being in the same category of racers,also implies that it has to be also compared to games like Dirt3,F1 2010 and Shift 2,denying this is like denying the fact that Rally,Open wheel racing and FIA racing aren't within the "Racing" category.

>Reason 3: If this thread was "The New King of Racers? Dirt3" and was allocated in the Dirt section the probable outcome of that will be the affirmation that "Yes,Dirt is the new king of racers",the same can be said about F1 and Shift 2,which brings me to the final bit.

The answer of "King of Racers" differs from person to person,a claim that "FM4 is the new king of racing" will only imply a personal opinion and not a general consensus,why?,because everyone plays and prefers an specific kind of racing game,and therefore the preferences between racing games will differ,which brings me to the claim that this thread is only designed to be like "FM4, FTW,OMG,OMG,OMG,Epic Win",I'm aware that is not all the people who post here but I think that it was the initial intention of the thread's author,having said that I think that this post will probably be overlook,Please take note that I haven't made any GT5 mentions and therefore no FM vs GT should come out from this post,and I haven't violated any AUP and I haven't mention any negative comments about FM4,I like FM4 how is turning out,but claiming that is the best racing game ever is illogical from a reasonable standpoint.
Love the lightiing and Autovista :drool: But is that all really ?Expected rallying ,Le mans,Nigh racing etc..... Still Fantastic Effort by T10 again.

Yup, FM4 only added 2 features. In fact, they are selling it as DLC for FM3, 800 ms points. Pretty slick.

Remember, since FM3, Microsoft has released a new devkit that has more memory which allows dev teams use more of the 360's potential. (i.e the debug software doesn't encroach on the normal limits of the 360.
While I expect Forza 4 may look a little better than Forza 3 I don't expect too much as other games like Dirt3 which are design mostly for the console are looking noticeable better on the PC even though it's just a port. There is only so much you can do with 512mb of total ram.
The claim of 'king of racers' is just that, a claim. Just as T10 said 'definitive' with FM3, just as PD called their GT titles 'the standard'.

We don't know what FM4 will be like so until it releases we are speculating on the claims that it's the 'king of racers'. It very well could be, but until it launches we won't know if we can back that claim or legitimately or not.
I wouldn't call FM3 the definitive racer just as I wouldn't call GT5 the standard either. It's just lingo, PR speak, marketing fluff, etc.
that is funny at :20 & 1:30. you can hit a rewind button if you mess up.... are you for real?

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

Its been in every console title not developed in a vacuum and released in the last 3 years. Are you for real?
This means a key re-mapping:

"Y" will be used for rewind,"X" and "B" for gear shifting,"A" for E-brake,RT and LT for braking and accelerating respectably,"RB" for clutch,back for camera change,D pad for data thing and "start" for obvious is obvious.

I wonder what will be the function of "LB" then.
No one forces you to use it, are you for real?

You can even turn the option off to prevent temptation, are you for real?

This means a key re-mapping:

"Y" will be used for rewind,"X" and "B" for gear shifting,"A" for E-brake,RT and LT for braking and accelerating respectably,"RB" for clutch,back for camera change,D pad for data thing and "start" for obvious is obvious.

I wonder what will be the function of "LB" then.

Hopefully 'A' is the default clutch location on a pad.
that is funny at :20 & 1:30. you can hit a rewind button if you mess up.... are you for real?

Dude when I was in Germany one night I thought to myself "Hmmm, I can stay in the barracks tonight or I can walk over to the Augsburg Oktoberfest and have a good time". You know what that was? AN OPTION. I didn't HAVE to do one or the other, it was my OPTION.

Furthermore you know it won't be available online or in any type of multiplayer action right?

Because I totally didn't say this earlier now did I?

And I would absolutely love someone to say that the rims on this

Look anything like this

They haven't even got the shade right let alone ANY form of metallic shine.

That's really what I'm talking about! The colors (again) seems wrong. More of that - they didn't get surface shaders right. Especially plastic and cloth. It doesn't like it's completely wrong but you didn't believe in them. And those sharp edges of the cars looks way to digital to me.

PS: 1m poly budget only for vista mode, the game looks worse. GT uses same models and engine in-game and that's were cool!
PS: 1m poly budget only for vista mode, the game looks worse. GT uses same models and engine in-game and that's were cool!

You do realise that even that statement is false, right? There've been comparison shots on this very forum, debunking that as a myth.

Anyways: The game's mlooking great, I especially like the smooth shadows and that the cars don't get jagged up by the smoke, and that'S were cool!
You do realise that even that statement is false, right? There've been comparison shots on this very forum, debunking that as a myth.

Of course it's a myth. It's plainly obvious they are entirely different when you play the game, night and day.
But come to think of it, if Microsoft does not support full resolution high quality screen upload or direct data fetch via USB, it doesn't matter how good these screen looks.
But come to think of it, if Microsoft does not support full resolution high quality screen upload or direct data fetch via USB, it doesn't matter how good these screen looks.

Wtf are you talking about? Learn to read more than a few lines at a time before you start accusing anyone.

Anyone tried to export Forza 3 screenies onto PC will know exactly what I mean!
Wtf are you talking about? Learn to read more than a few lines at a time before you start accusing anyone.

Anyone tried to export Forza 3 screenies onto PC will know exactly what I mean!

Tame your rage bro, would it hurt you to wait for FM4 before you start raging out on a forum. Learn to calm
sorry you called me a hater for nothing and I am the one raging?

I am just saying the current file distribution method for XBL wouldn't do this screen justice. And as far as I know it is related to Microsoft's policy, i.e. it might stay the same for Forza 4.