Originally posted by MildMatt
So I can't add kit to my car, just because I want it to look good?
Believe you me, there's a good chance it doesn't "look good". I think even you can agree that most ricers out there do piss-poor jobs of modifying their cars.
I, along with many people like me, laugh at you, the "enthusiast" [please...look up that word...you can be an enthusiast about anything. You are no more an enthusiast than I.] because you get so worked up and so excited at pointing out 17 years olds in their nova. It's a little sad, and to me, a complete waste of time. I see people like you every day, racing down the M1, in your Vectra, copy of Evo on the passenger seat.
So it's okay if you laugh at older people, but it's immature of them to laugh at you? Pot...kettle...something dark...you know the rest. I'm sure you'll also agree that you're not exactly racing -- well, at least the engine is. I have yet to see a riced up Civic hatch that can keep up with a real stock performance car. And those that can aren't around wasting their time off-track.
Why is having a loud system pointless? It's like saying having a quick computer is pointless. I have it because I want it. I enjoy car stereo. Always will do. I compete, in SPL competitions. Body bulders get bigger muscles, do compete. I get bigger amps to compete. I can't see anything wrong in what I'm doing.
The difference between bodybuilders and "SPL-ers" is that the bodybuilders aren't quite as loud at 3AM (though I'm sure their girlfriends are...). We don't want to hear what kind of monotonous bass beat you like. We'd like it if we hear our own music when we drive by your car. So, please, keep it down. You're not competing right then....
I have the money to buy a very nice car. I can't however justify spending £2000+ a year to get me insured on it. It's a stupid thing to do. I could do it, but choose not to. 2 years time, I will be driving something very nice, but until then, I will choose to spend my money on my car, as and how I please.
Right; I get it; we all do. Total cost is either the nicer car or the lesser car with bonus sounds. Still, if you wanted to shorten the time until you get that "something very nice", you could just not spend on the SPL-competition parts, spend the time learning how to drive well, and then have more money at the end of those few years to buy whatever you wish. I mean, you're just a kid. You think having £2,000 is a lot of money. You think, "I can get some cheap car now, and spend all the rest on other neat stuff!" I won't get into all the details of the importance of having cash on hand, but I'll give you a hint: The idea isn't to get rid of all your money as fast as possible.
Reading one issue of Evo doesn't put you on a higher level than other car enthusiast. It's verging on pathetic when you can't see the other side of the coin.
Not one issue, I'm sure, but many. And that wouldn't do it either. It's a accumulated knowledge gained over time. It's a learned respect of the automotive world. If you have an interest in sound and music, get involved directly in that industry, rather than some trendy spinoff. Don't embarrass by association the rest of the legitimate tuners out there. We all remember what it's like to be an idiotic teenager (heck, to some degree, I'll never not be one), but at least make the effort to get through this stage of you life while offending as few people as possible. The people you really want to offend are much more satisfying to offend when you're older.