The Oscars controversy surrounding the lack of diversity

  • Thread starter A2K78
For every Adam Sandler, there's a Tyler Perry.

In the US the demographics are not 1:1 when talking black white. So in the US, for every Tyler Perry there should be, roughly, 5 Adam Sandlers.

(and a fred armisen, maybe a jackie chan, etc.)
Great to see her get a nomination, and not just because she is Irish.
#OscarssoIrish:sly: I should probably watch Loving. Right up my alley although it'll probably be Hollywoodized and I'll end up hating it anyway:mad:
"Unnecessary when referring to a meritocracy".

(also "An old, old wooden ship from the Civil War era")
The ship has sunk

Also 1,000% this. If we are judging on merit and then include a clause that we must take a minority, then we are effectively singling out the individual and any nomination could be seen as a participation reward.