The Paint Trading Thread

I'm looking for Color Shifts I don't have. Here's a list of what I have and am willing to trade:

Maziora Seyfert
Maziora Mazeran
Maziora Trapezium
Maziora McKenley
Maziora Matterhorn
Maziora Andromedall
Maziora Plreadesll
Maziora Everest
Maziora Andromeda

Silver Chrome

Matte Brown
Matte White
Matte Light Gray
Matte Gray
Matte Dark Gray
Matte Silver
Matte Dark Silver
Matte Light Red
Matte Red
Matte Light Blue
Matte Blue
Matte Dark Blue
Matte Orange
Matte Yellow
Matte Light Green
Matte Green
Matte Dark Green
Matte Pink
Matte Black
Matte Dark Red
Matte Light Silver
Matte Purple
I'm looking for Color Shifts I don't have. Here's a list of what I have and am willing to trade:

Maziora Seyfert
Maziora Mazeran
Maziora Trapezium
Maziora McKenley
Maziora Matterhorn
Maziora Andromedall
Maziora Plreadesll
Maziora Everest
Maziora Andromeda

Silver Chrome

Matte Brown
Matte White
Matte Light Gray
Matte Gray
Matte Dark Gray
Matte Silver
Matte Dark Silver
Matte Light Red
Matte Red
Matte Light Blue
Matte Blue
Matte Dark Blue
Matte Orange
Matte Yellow
Matte Light Green
Matte Green
Matte Dark Green
Matte Pink
Matte Black
Matte Dark Red
Matte Light Silver
Matte Purple

I have the followings, will take Matte Brown / Matte Light Silver / Matte Dark Green / Matte Pink ?


Matt Black (Different than Matte Black)
AMG Monza Grau Magno

Color Shifts:

Chameleon Blue
Chameleon Orange
Crystal Topaz Pearlescent
Reflex Purple
Reflex Spice

Can only send 5, so 5 for 4 trade? Can trade right away, PM me if you want to go ahead.
I'm looking for Color Shifts I don't have. Here's a list of what I have and am willing to trade:

Maziora Seyfert
Maziora Mazeran
Maziora Trapezium
Maziora McKenley
Maziora Matterhorn
Maziora Andromedall
Maziora Plreadesll
Maziora Everest
Maziora Andromeda

Silver Chrome

Matte Brown
Matte White
Matte Light Gray
Matte Gray
Matte Dark Gray
Matte Silver
Matte Dark Silver
Matte Light Red
Matte Red
Matte Light Blue
Matte Blue
Matte Dark Blue
Matte Orange
Matte Yellow
Matte Light Green
Matte Green
Matte Dark Green
Matte Pink
Matte Black
Matte Dark Red
Matte Light Silver
Matte Purple

Hi, I a Aurora Nuvola Iridescente colour shift paint that I would love to trade for a Matte Orange. Give me a shout, thanks!
I'm Looking for matte brown, Flip Flop Yellow, Chamelon Blue,
Aurora Nuvola Iridescente

I have:

Color Shift:
Chamelon Orange
Crystal Topaz Pearlescent
Maziora Trapezium
Reflex Purple

Silver Chrome

AMG Monza grau magno
Matt Black
Matte Black
Matte Blue
Matte Dark Blue
Matte Dark Grey
Matte Dark Red
Matte Dark Silver
Matte Green
Matte Grey
Matte Light Blue
Matte Light Green
Matte Light Grey
Matte Light Red
Matte Light Silver
Matte Orange
Matte Pink
Matte Purple
Matte Red
Matte Silver
Matte White
Matte Yellow
I have Maziora Andromeda or alternatively a Matte Grey to trade in exchange of a chrome paint
I also have some 110 other paints, but can't be bothered to list them:yuck::yuck:

anyone interested?

Looking for Verde Ithaca, comes on the Lambo Merci LP640.

Preferably 5 at a time, will trade chromes or mattes (yellow, red, grey) or both.

PM with reply.

This stupid ahole scammed me!!!!!!!

He is not to be trusted!!!!!!!!!!

He doesnt keep his end of the deal !!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a deal on the 3rd and still no car back today!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a metalic gold colour is it rare? I am willing to trade, I also dark red matte and 2 colour shift ones, one Is called reflex spice and i forget the name of the other but i think its a blueish one
This stupid ahole scammed me!!!!!!!

He is not to be trusted!!!!!!!!!!

He doesnt keep his end of the deal !!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a deal on the 3rd and still no car back today!!!!!!!!!!!


Contact an admin, don't bring this to the forums.
I'm looking for some colour shift paint. If anyone can help I'm willing to swap high end cars for a large selection. Thanks
Hi, I a Aurora Nuvola Iridescente colour shift paint that I would love to trade for a Matte Orange. Give me a shout, thanks!

Hi, you still need Matte Orange? I could use Aurora Nuvola Iridescente... Or I just got Formula Chameleon Green too, add me if you're interested? psn: LARBEL1
Hi Iv got

Matte Light Gray i think could be dark gray

Matte Orange

Matte Pink

And Matte Purple plus Silver Chrome

and no end of other colours im not lookin for any thing in particular but if its in game any fluorescent type of colour would be more then welcome lol 👍
I'm looking for Iris Red Pearl (honda Fit W'01) , Deep Pink Metalic (mitubishi Colt 1.5 sport X version '02), or any other pinks!

I'm not too sure what I have for paint but I have some rare race cars with 0 miles.
To all pros out there, I have a question. I admit I'm totally new to this, though I'm an old-timer. (still have all GT games since GT1 in pristine condition).

But I just started GT5 on Wednesday, and had a look at the paints etc. Everyone keeps talking about "Chrome Silver" paint. I'm assuming that if applied, this makes the car look totally chrome.

I had a "Chrome Orange" in my list. It didn't look like a full chrome finish with an orange tint. It just looked like a "normal" bright orange paint, though very cool.

I applied it to my M3, knowing well that it would now be gone forever, but I was wondering, was it something so rare that I should I have kept it to trade with, seeing as I've never seen it mentioned? Or is it something so common, it's not worth anyone's bother.
looking for mazorias. i can offer.

silver chrome
matte dark blue
matte blue
matte white
matte black
matte purple
matte pink
matte orange
matte light green
matte green
matte light red
matte red
matte light silver
matte dark silver
matte gray
amg monza grau magno
chameleon orange
chameleon blue
reflex purple
crystal topaz pearlescent
azzuro nuvola iridescent
looking for mazorias. i can offer.

silver chrome
matte dark blue
matte blue
matte white
matte black
matte purple
matte pink
matte orange
matte light green
matte green
matte light red
matte red
matte light silver
matte dark silver
matte gray
amg monza grau magno
chameleon orange
chameleon blue
reflex purple
crystal topaz pearlescent
azzuro nuvola iridescent

Hi ,

I can give you:
Mazoria andromeda
Mazoria mckenley

I want:
crystal topaz pearlescent
chameleon orange
I'm looking for Iris Red Pearl (honda Fit W'01) , Deep Pink Metalic (mitubishi Colt 1.5 sport X version '02), or any other pinks!

I'm not too sure what I have for paint but I have some rare race cars with 0 miles.


I can spare 1 x Iris Red Pearl and 1 x Deep Pink Metallic - and I have no trades pending. What can you give me?

Besides, I am looking for Chrome Silver chips. I have these Matte's to swap: 1 x Matte Silver, 1 x Matte Pink and 1 x Matte Light Blue.

Can someone hook me up with Maziora Trapezium? I think I've got all the other color-shifts and know that I've got all the mattes. I'll trade 2 for 1, whatever you need.
Looking for as many bright red paints as I can get, trying to get my 66 car garage (& growing) all red, excluding the racers that can't change colours! Below is what I have in stock, number owned are all 1 unless stated:

Brilliant Black
Rosenholz (gray with purple tint)
Serbia Black
Coral Turquoise Metallic
Chaste White
Sunburst Yellow
Electric Orange
Live Oak (teal green)
Imola Orange Pearl
Goodwood Green Pearl Effect
Gris Metallise (gray metallic)
Glacier Silver Metallic
Misty Turquoise Metallic
Turchese Farfalla (sky blue)
Grigio Chiaro Metallizzato (gray metallic)
Pacific Metallic
British Silver Metallic
Barbados Blue Metallic
Saleen S7 Silver
Racing Green
Strat Blue Mica
Pale Rose Metallic Opal
Captivate Blue Pearl
Jaune Italien (yellow)
Saturn Black Metallic
Thunder Silver
Pack White
Jade Green Mica Metallic
Mocha Brown Pearl
Interlagos Blau Metallic
Ceruleanblue Metallic
Super Silver III Metallic
Cubanitsilber Metallic (silver/beige metallic)
Spark Silver Metallic
Sand Beige
Off Black Mica
Super Black
Gris Bleu (gray/blue)
Matte White
Callaway Special Yellow
Blu Oceano
Fantasiagrun (lime green)
Light Beige
Arancio Atlas
British Racing Green
Grigio Titanio (titanium silver)
Argento Nurburgring (silver)
Neptun-Grun Metallic (green metallic)
Ural Gray
British Racing Green (lighter shade than above BRG)
Topaz Metallic
Sarajevo Whie
Monterey Blue (CPM)
Crystal Topaz Pearlescent
Matte Dark Gray
Cascade Blue
Palladiumsilber Mettalic (silver metallic)
Liquid Silver Metallic
Vert Eau Limpide (light green)
Bianco Avus (white)
Nuovo Grigio Ingrid (gray)
Noble Green Pearl
Arctic Silver Metallic
Trophy Blue
Scotia White
Light Gold
WR Blue Mica
Greenish Yellow Mica Metallic
Colmarblau (blue)
Speedway White
Patriot Blue Pearl Coat
Aquamarine Blue
Sand Mica
Texas Gold
Cameo Ivory
Cizaeta Canary (2 in stock)
Mark II Black
Reflexsilber Metallic
Bianco Monocerus (white)
Premium Passionate Orange (3P)
Blu Scozia
Tonic Blue Metallic
Gun Gray Pearl (M)
Gun Gray Metallic
Feather White
Sunshine Yellow
Polar Silver
looking for mazorias. i can offer.

silver chrome
matte dark blue
matte blue
matte white
matte black
matte purple
matte pink
matte orange
matte light green
matte green
matte light red
matte red
matte light silver
matte dark silver
matte gray
amg monza grau magno
chameleon orange
chameleon blue
reflex purple
crystal topaz pearlescent
azzuro nuvola iridescent

I have Mazoria Plreadesll, I want matte light green. Available to trade now. Going to bed in an hour so if after that can trade tomorrow morning.
Looking for as many bright red paints as I can get, trying to get my 66 car garage (& growing) all red, excluding the racers that can't change colours! Below is what I have in stock, number owned are all 1 unless stated:

I have 3 or 4 reds(2 x monza red, and a couple other shades) I can send you tomorrow for matte dark grey and one other if you're interested.