The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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Your pics are great man!! I really love that 4th shot!! It's perfect. And such clarity even with the Kit lens!
I went out and wasted gas to try to take some nice pics. Out of 20 one these 2 came out halfway decent. The rest were out of focus bad!! No more AF at night even if there are lights to focus on!!!

Messin around is PS

300mm at the moon :?
@ Integra....I am not sure if I have said this before, but damn you are talented with a camera ! Beautiful shots!

@ star - I love the finish on your acoustic..great look!
ITR: :eek: Those are gorgeous!
Speedy: I love the moon shot 👍

I wish i could go out and take some pics, but i'm ill :( That's why all my pictures have been indoors.
ITR, I'm loving all those pictures, but #5 is absolutely amazing!

You're making good use of that 300D and it seems to suit you really well. 👍
Great stuff guys. About my absence, I've got around 23 hours of school each week right now and I'm usually just too tired to whip out a camera or photoshop to fix up my older stuff.
That might be a little too hard. I say we stick with colors for the time being. Or maybe household objects? Tables, glasses, crystal (glass not alcohol :P), doors, chairs, you name it.


Slightly edited in photoshop :)
What should the next subject for the photography competition be?
There a lot of great suggestions in the "Subject Suggestion" thread you made.
But I agree with ITR. For now, maybe 2 more of the colours subject. 👍

Here's something from me:



This last one didn't turn out the way I wanted, but still...
still learning how to use the camera.. this is my pitbull terrior, hollywood[still a puppy] & my jack-russel terrier, Diamond :) i was messing with apeture & lighting, which there wasnt much to work with..

these are all thumbnails, and i had somehow turned off the noise-reducer in the camera.. so there's a few that are really bad cause of it :(
I like the second one of your pitbull terrior. I like it mainly because the dog is cute, not exactly because it is photographically correct, although the main way to learn is through trial and error.
I like the second one of your pitbull terrior. I like it mainly because the dog is cute, not exactly because it is photographically correct, although the main way to learn is through trial and error.

Agreed 👍

I've been trying to take photos of my cat in the evenings, and they don't look very good. They're either too dark or too blurred.
Agreed 👍

I've been trying to take photos of my cat in the evenings, and they don't look very good. They're either too dark or too blurred.
Switch to manual mode, put the ISO as high as you can, and set the aperture to as large as you can (lowest number). Your DOF will be shallow (particularly depending on how far you're zoomed in and how close you are to the subject, however I wouldn't recommend zooming in at all while shooting in such dark settings; every little movement your hand makes is exagurated the further you zoom in), and your image will probably be noisier, but...

General rule of thumb for shooting while holding the camera: Try to keep the shutter speed around 1/80, and no lower than 1/50 (and that's if you have a really stable hand). Now, of course, if you're using your flash, you can disregaurd what I said for the most part.
ehh.. sometimes the flash makes pics look crappy.. thanks for the input burnout :)
Yeah, thanks for that :) I'll give that a try later.

I'm new to changing the apeture and ISO - i never used to have the option to change it :lol:. I usually have the camera in manual mode now anyway, because the auto mode annoys me.
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