The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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Don't feel too bad about it, Raptor65. It has happened to us all. ;)

@antihero: Thanks. I'm looking forward to see more photos taken with your great camera. 👍
Here is my latest. Took it on the way to church tonight. Only modifications are the border/background and a little curves adjusting. :)


This is the low quality version (only 63kb). You can see the full quality version on my deviantART page (over 500kb).
Nice purple sky.

I just think that the horizon lacks a bit of sharpness and it's a shame that it's so noisy, don't you agree? I guess a tripod and a bit more time would have done the trick.

But in the end, I like it. I really do. 👍
Well, here's my latest desktop picture. :dopey: So you know what it is, it's a picture of my digital camera's lens. I think this is a really really clear picture, makes for a good desktop too. :P

*Click for full image*

Ever heard of Cold Mountain?? There was a little movie and a book that carried it's name. Well, here's the reall thing.

Sorry about the quality but at the time i was without a digital camera, so i had to use some old 35mm.

BTW-I suck with computers so if somebody could somehow get this picture to show up in a post instead of a link, please help. I don't know what to do. I see people with these huge pictures posted and don't understand how they do that. It says that my pictures are too big even though they're like 3x5in. pics. Ugh, i don't get it.
Nice purple sky.

I just think that the horizon lacks a bit of sharpness and it's a shame that it's so noisy, don't you agree? I guess a tripod and a bit more time would have done the trick.

Yes, it is a shame that it's that grainy, and yes if i could have stood out on the bridge
with my tripod it would have turned out much better.

But in the end, I like it. I really do. 👍

Thanks! :D
Raptor 65, when go you to create a post hit the go advanced button underneath the regular quick post section of the thread. When you are in you can type your text in the box and to add a picture go to the little add picture icon above the text box. It is yellow with some brown mountains. It is on the bottom row of bars on the right side. The picture has to be stored on a webpage so you type in the http://location of your picture. You have the pictures on your website or album, or whatever that is. Open your page in a new internet window and right click the picture you want to host. Next right click on the picture and choose properties. Select the URL address and copy it using CTRL + C. Switch to the window with your GTP post in it and paste that URL into the space on that add image area. You can remove the http:// that shows up before you paste the URL. Paste the URL and choose OK. Now it should show up. Just to post or save post.

Step 1 -

Step 2 -

Step 3 -

Step 4 -

It's a picture. The barrel distortion is all kinds of crazy, but other than that it's not bad. Not the greatest quality either, taken with an older 1.3MP Fuji.

Thanks Cardude2004!!! You're awesome!! Thanks for spending all that time making that post, you're the best!!!

Anyhoo, this is the real Cold Mountain, located in North Carolina.
Here's a pic of a little lizard that was in the middle of the trail, he was nice enough to hold still and let me get a picture of him.


Hole in rock with water in it.


It looks like Borneo but it's actually the Blue Ridge Mountains, Jones Gap State Park in S.C.


Man this is so aweome, Now I can post more than one pic!! I would've never figured that out, thanks again Cardude2004!
Raptor 65 -I don't think your host is working. They must not allow hotlinking from your album, which means they don't allow linking to a picture from another website. Most websites allow hotlinking, but this one must not. I think you might have to host them at it is a free service. They give you the link and you just copy it into the url line of the forum just like last time.

This is just a test to see if his image will work to hotlink -

I can't get it to work either. I just get an indented square with a white square inside it with a red X where the picture is supposed to be, like the picture is incorrectly loading.

I saved your picture and hosted it at imageshack. Here is the result -



After you choose your picture at imageshack and choose host a few seconds later, when it is done loading, you will get a page with a whole bunch of links. You can choose the correct one for your need, but I copied the last one, the direct link. You won't be able to access these links again, but if you want to have the link to post somewhere else you can just host it again and it will give you a new link. Both pictures will still be out on their server so you don't have to worry that your old picture is gone.

Here is what the link page looks like -

This is a pic a took a few weeks ago before they shut off the fountain for the year. Feedback welcome :)
I can't see your picture here, TB. I had to go through your signature link to see it.

I think a longer exposure time wouldn't had done it any harm. ;)
(I hate these kind of past sentences... they never sound good to me.)

Was it taken with your K-M DiMAGE Z2?
I can't see your picture here, TB. I had to go through your signature link to see it.

I think a longer exposure time wouldn't had done it any harm. ;)
(I hate these kind of past sentences... they never sound good to me.)

Was it taken with your K-M DiMAGE Z2?
1. Pics shows up fine on my end. :odd:
2. I would have tried a longer exposure, but without a tripod...
3. Yes, it was with the Z2
Thanks for the thoughts DiabolicalMask 👍
This is a test. Please let it work

Someone tell me if it doesn't.
Looks good on my end, but I'm not the one having problems with them. Mine show up for me as well, but not for others.
Raptor 65 - Your's works on my end. TB, I can't see your picture, I see and advertisement, don't host from your album. We have all discovered that it doesn't work. Most of the time it shows up as an advertisement, and sometimes as the correct picture. A whole thread was created with your problem as it's subject in the Questions Forum. You can put your picture in your album, but you have to put a link to your album and we go to your album to view it. If you want a picture in the forum you have to host somewhere else.

Raptor 65, you don't need those image tags though if you use the button to insert pictures. You can just insert the picture using the button and you don't need any tags.
I have a theory. If I am correct, this picture should work :fingers crossed:

If not, please let me know.

Here is a picture I took of my friend Chris. We took it in the parking lot of the mall. :lol: Only modification was a slight curves adjustment.

Nice Raptor, same to you Integra. I love that gray gradient color in the background, weird that you would get that naturally. Looks good with the empty space.

I have a bunch to post but unfortunately I messed my computer. Ill have to put up with 56k and a cheap laptop for now.
It had more of a blue tint to it before the little curves adjustment.

Thanks for the complients though. 👍
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