The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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nah, you just don't take enough pictures. Plus your camera doesn't allow enough adjusting of the settings
nah, you just don't take enough pictures. Plus your camera doesn't allow enough adjusting of the settings
My camera just sucks. Way too grainy, even at ISO50...
You're right. Mine was taken from a moving car, because there was no time or place to stop.

By the way Raptor65, I really like the quality of your photos. What camera do you use?

I use a Nikon 5400 5 megapixels.
Here is some more photomanip I did.





That looks cool. But how about opening another thread for that kind of stuff?
That looks cool. But how about opening another thread for that kind of stuff?


I was thinking about doing that but I was waiting for someone else to say something in this thread about it.

[edit] Can anyone think of a better title other than "photo manipulation thread"?
Integra Type R
[edit] Can anyone think of a better title other than "photo manipulation thread"?
Don't think there is a way around it. :dopey:
Leave it. It's fine as it is.
I liked that. A lot.

The contrast itself was well spotted and the lighting is just perfect.

My latest. Minimal editing...colors, levels, and a warming filter.


I think it turned out pretty good considering I took it from the backseat of my dads truck. :D
nice pic r, the green is sex to my eyes.

just noticed gtp had a photography forum - which seems home to a few good photographers.

a few of mine



Nice, antihero.

Are those straight off the camera or were they lightly manipulated?
What camera do you use, by the way?


theyre off of my 3 week old nikon d70 (amazing camera).
Middle two were straight off the camera, first and last had a bit of coloring added.
A picture I took tonight. I started off trying to take some long exposure shots of head/taillights and I thought I'd try to get one low to the ground. After very little success, I decided to actually put my camera on the ground (still on the tripod, but turned sideways). Very minimal editing (cropping and levels etc...)


What do you guys think?
The golden-like reflections gave the picture a cool (actually, it's warm) effect.

It would have been perfect if the camera was focusing some point further away, imo.

Great shot nonetheless.
Well, the car in the background (where the large glow in the top right is coming from) was about 100ft away. The reason it looks so close is because it was a long exposure shot. ;)

Thanks for the compliments :D
that's awesome but like DiabolicalMask said (this is constructive criticism of course) It seems to me there's a little too much ground in the picture. It kinda makes it look like the ground is the focal point of the picture. I don't know if that's what you wanted but I think the long exposure of the cars passing should be the main point.

Other than that, it's an awesome picture. I love what the light of the on coming car does to the view of the road and how it creates the shadows.
damn that is an awesome picture!!! You must have a huge zoom lense in order to get that close. All my attempts at taking pics of the moon have failed.

I'll say it again, Holy crap that is awesoeme!!!!
:drool: That's an amazing picture, Diabolical Mask! Like Raptor said, you must have a mega zoom lens.

that's awesome but like DiabolicalMask said (this is constructive criticism of course) It seems to me there's a little too much ground in the picture. It kinda makes it look like the ground is the focal point of the picture. I don't know if that's what you wanted but I think the long exposure of the cars passing should be the main point.

Other than that, it's an awesome picture. I love what the light of the on coming car does to the view of the road and how it creates the shadows.

Thanks for the criticism. :)

Glad you liked it. That's 12x optical zoom for ya!

Still, bear in mind that this picture is cropped, not resized. The moon was not that big tonight.

I'm now waiting for one of those big, low, yellow moons... :D
yeah, that'll look awesome. Post it if that chance ever comes along.

BTW-God I feel like an idiot! A real stupid idiot! My dad and I went hiking today in the Smokey Mountains (N.C) and it was the typical pictruesque (sp?) fall scene. Beautiful leaf color, foggy, it was wonderful. I took a lot of kick-ass pics and to make a long story short i accidentally deleted them!!!!!1 Every one of them!!! I was so pissed!!! Sorry i can't share them but i still have them in my head, oh well. There'll be a next time, hopefully, and I'll be sure not to delete them.
That sucks Raptor. Nothing like ruining a good group of photos over a stupid mistake.

Nice pic DiabolicalMask. I've been having a hard time getting a good one of the moon; But i'm waiting to pop my moon cherry when I get some eerie cloud cover with a long time exposure.
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