Um...that car is a lot more cooler and not to mention more aerodynamic than the ointment tube? Plus the length of time it takes to heal the wound with the ointment is not comparitively as fast as that car.
(Rolling Thunder carries two ICBMs in its fuselage, as well as a detachable tank-like vehicle; it was one of the best G.I. Joe vehicles ever if you disregard the problems with scale, as the ICBMs would be roughly the size of two and a half men...)
HMS Queen Elizibeth, the greatest warship produced in WWI, and still reigned supreme in WWII before being decomisioned in 1948. Also for several years it was the worlds biggest floating structure.
Well it pwns any toy boat even if it is a wooden aircraft carrier.
It's there, it's probably just not loading on your machine. That happened to me earlier with the photo-fu image. I thought there was nothing there, but then when I hit "reply" to look at the code, sure enough the pictures were linked.
I had them all at one point too, but I left one at my aunt's house when I was younger and it disappeared. It was the black chestpiece one, thus rendering the rest of the pieces useless.
FACT! Granted, Voltron was radically patronistic, but no where near as bad as Power Rangers. And why do they need a new type of power ranger every 6 months?