The Poem Corner

  • Thread starter RACECAR

I see nothing but black,
Yet I feel depression,
Every single crack,
That exists in this condition.

I feel the pain of others,
But yet not the relief,
The grief of mothers and fathers,
As their sons loose their belief.

I feel every message hit thier meat,
With it reading;
"You now shall not retreat".
More than just a meaning...

I feel as the carcase drops to the dust,
But yet its a must,
To survive never the less.

And so I as i try to relieve,
With a gun to my back
You must believe,
Dissapear goes the black.
Hello there, this is my 1st and 2nd poem. and 1st post on here, please be nice :)


Capitalists come hither,
To denounce their rights,
All they can do is slither,
To corrupt their Piers.

Crush and

It is said,
“Peace is power”
All we can do,
Is Run.

Cannibals come hither,
To destroy our way of life,
Do they ever consider?
The children and the wife?

Pain and strife.

Capitalist Cannibals come hither.

Theres my 1st. Now heres my second :)


Why do they lie?
When will we know the truth?
When will they die?
What’s the topic in question?

Life; Death; Love; Hate,
Can anybody tell me my fate?

Time to act is now,
We must know the truth,
What is the truth?
Does anybody know the truth?

Is the answer worth knowing,
Underlying corruption infects the truth,
Why would I want to know the truth?
Is it fate?

Life; Death; Love; Hate,
Who wants to know their fate?

In the shadows of life,
All we see is media driven lies
Trying to govern our fate

Government crashing,
Out of control,
Is this our fate?
Or is it another lie?

Time to act is now,
Drive them back form whence they came,
Why are you still reading,
All I say is my own.

Abolish the lies fear and hate,

Bring peace love and harmony.

thanks, and hope you like my work :)
Atheist's End.

So this is it,
And so it all goes,
Time to admit.
Your sins and foes.

You got one last moment,
To get out everything youv'e commited,
Before he takes you to the extent,
Of everything you fear and unexpected.

So what do you do?
Confess everything? Start believing?
Or just sit there and continue,
To wait out for your sentancing?

Now you realise you are at a dead end,
As god dressed in black nears,
You try to defend,
But it does not appear.

And so you sentence is read,
By the "fag" you so called,
And he confirms your dead,
With a rising fist and a hall full of appulled.

Off you go down six feet under,
In a spike filled coffin,
You scream but no-one stops to ponder,
What might have been if you started offerin',

Your sevices to the almighty one,
The one that condemmed you,
Instead you were a con,
and now, you continue,

To suffer.

Waiting, for what?
Apocalypse? The end of mankind?
Bought on by ourselves, pollution and disrespect
The melting of the ice
The rising of the Water
The demise of the land
And the demise of human-kind as we know it
Atheist's End.

So this is it,
And so it all goes,
Time to admit.
Your sins and foes.

You got one last moment,
To get out everything youv'e commited,
Before he takes you to the extent,
Of everything you fear and unexpected.

So what do you do?
Confess everything? Start believing?
Or just sit there and continue,
To wait out for your sentancing?

Now you realise you are at a dead end,
As god dressed in black nears,
You try to defend,
But it does not appear.

And so you sentence is read,
By the "fag" you so called,
And he confirms your dead,
With a rising fist and a hall full of appulled.

Off you go down six feet under,
In a spike filled coffin,
You scream but no-one stops to ponder,
What might have been if you started offerin',

Your sevices to the almighty one,
The one that condemmed you,
Instead you were a con,
and now, you continue,

To suffer.
I like the way you organize your rhymes. Nicely done 👍
Hello there, this is my 1st and 2nd poem. and 1st post on here, please be nice :)


Capitalists come hither,
To denounce their rights,
All they can do is slither,
To corrupt their Piers.

Crush and

It is said,
“Peace is power”
All we can do,
Is Run.

Cannibals come hither,
To destroy our way of life,
Do they ever consider?
The children and the wife?

Pain and strife.

Capitalist Cannibals come hither.

Theres my 1st. Now heres my second :)


Why do they lie?
When will we know the truth?
When will they die?
What’s the topic in question?

Life; Death; Love; Hate,
Can anybody tell me my fate?

Time to act is now,
We must know the truth,
What is the truth?
Does anybody know the truth?

Is the answer worth knowing,
Underlying corruption infects the truth,
Why would I want to know the truth?
Is it fate?

Life; Death; Love; Hate,
Who wants to know their fate?

In the shadows of life,
All we see is media driven lies
Trying to govern our fate

Government crashing,
Out of control,
Is this our fate?
Or is it another lie?

Time to act is now,
Drive them back form whence they came,
Why are you still reading,
All I say is my own.

Abolish the lies fear and hate,

Bring peace love and harmony.

thanks, and hope you like my work :)
great job :) I was not sure if you were rhyming yours or not so try to decide what you want to use before going to work. other then that, nice job 👍 hope to see more.

your opions are tainted.
your views full of hatred.
you fuel my anger.

you say the war is not yet over.
so you send more over.
and all you do is hover under cover...

you shout your orders...
fire more morters!
all from under your bunker of lies...

you sever our ties.
wispering your little white lies.
when you speak, all i say is my goodbyes...

soon enough everyone dies.

I hate writing poetry on the fly like that.
Hey poetry fans. this is my 3rd poem. i was inspired to write this after my parents decvorce earlyer this month, its based on my feelings towards my father.

Lies and hatred

You lied, you lied,
Why did you lie to me?
If in life we lie what do we have?
Search your heart for the truth

From time to time,
In yester-year,
We shared our moments.

Moments that I now know are hollow,
Hollow like your honour,
Betrayal is the only language you speak,
Contributing and feeding the hatred.

You do nothing for yourself by lying to me,
“Future contact” you quoted,
The only future we have is apart,
Are you devoted?

Time has passed since you departed,
But your departure opened the rift,
Separated us further,
Further from the lie that we were living.

You have manipulated and twisted me,
No longer do you have parental control.

Did you ever possess the power over me?
I don’t think you do.

Letters on a page,
Shouting over the phone.
Guaranteed your “busy”,
But isn’t it right to spend time with your blood?

Blood ties are severed,
Relationship diluted,
Furthermore you lied.

The rest I don’t mind,
But the lying hurt the most,
How could you betray me so?
Lie to your own blood relation.

Will this make a difference?
I doubt it,
Too busy,
What were you expecting from me?

A letter of congratulations?
Something nice?
But everyone gets
What’s coming to them.

It’s Causality.
Causality my friend.

Today im your sacrafice,
and yet you wont even notice,
Because you will just live on your life with no advice,
On how to confess.

I look up to you,
And you give me a smirk,
"*****" I think as I continue,
To watch death lerk.

The flames make contact with me,
Pain rips through my feet,
I make no sound like he,
Who has no fear of his burning meat.

I feel like an animal,
I go through pain,
Just to yeal',
In more profit for the mondain.

Now the flames get to my waist,
And I look up to the sky,
Thinking of all the people I faced,
And those to whom I lie.

I then look at you,
And you just smile,
And then I decide to,
Admit one more denile,

I shout, "I never wanted it like this,
It is not due!!",
And then the flames reach my kiss,
That was my way of saying "I love you"

But, alas, my sacrafice took that away...
My seventh,Wasted

"it was all a lie all this time, I knew this love wasn't real, it was a sadistic thrill for my fate to be sealed. my life was wasted, I'm frustraited over the fact all this time I was hated. I was not meant to live, to be in that crib, my life I'm perhaps willing to give. I have no place here, no more time to waste here, my life's end is near and I no longer have fear. so I was right all along, I wasn't wrong, no one cares and nobody is there. I have waited, wasted my patience, it no longer makes since because my life has been Wasted."
Hey poetry fans. this is my 3rd poem. i was inspired to write this after my parents decvorce earlyer this month, its based on my feelings towards my father.

Lies and hatred

You lied, you lied,
Why did you lie to me?
If in life we lie what do we have?
Search your heart for the truth

From time to time,
In yester-year,
We shared our moments.

Moments that I now know are hollow,
Hollow like your honour,
Betrayal is the only language you speak,
Contributing and feeding the hatred.

You do nothing for yourself by lying to me,
“Future contact” you quoted,
The only future we have is apart,
Are you devoted?

Time has passed since you departed,
But your departure opened the rift,
Separated us further,
Further from the lie that we were living.

You have manipulated and twisted me,
No longer do you have parental control.

Did you ever possess the power over me?
I don’t think you do.

Letters on a page,
Shouting over the phone.
Guaranteed your “busy”,
But isn’t it right to spend time with your blood?

Blood ties are severed,
Relationship diluted,
Furthermore you lied.

The rest I don’t mind,
But the lying hurt the most,
How could you betray me so?
Lie to your own blood relation.

Will this make a difference?
I doubt it,
Too busy,
What were you expecting from me?

A letter of congratulations?
Something nice?
But everyone gets
What’s coming to them.

It’s Causality.
Causality my friend.
very deep stuff. I Really felt this one 👍
My seventh,Wasted

"it was all a lie all this time, I knew this love wasn't real, it was a sadistic thrill for my fate to be sealed. my life was wasted, I'm frustraited over the fact all this time I was hated. I was not meant to live, to be in that crib, my life I'm perhaps willing to give. I have no place here, no more time to waste here, my life's end is near and I no longer have fear. so I was right all along, I wasn't wrong, no one cares and nobody is there. I have waited, wasted my patience, it no longer makes since because my life has been Wasted."

👍 Awesome piece.
I have a feeling I may of dragged this one on a bit:


I fight for it everyday,
Yet why do I feel like im the only one who does?
I don't do it for pay,
But just because,

I care for our right,
We should not go into confrontation,
But instead take a peaceful flight,
To the liberation of the human condition.

Everyday I see it,
The media whipping up a storm,
Filling us up with fear and like a nit,
It sucks the Freedom from the norm.

Everyday i see this take place,
Cops thinking they are above the law,
Where they can beat the innocent's face,
And not pick up a judges's claw.

Everyday I watch this,
Leaders screwing up nation after nation,
Yet everyone will dismiss,
The idea of rebelling against the politician.

Everyday I am a witness,
To the unfair trade of the modern age,
The poor are given no relief of distress,
Yet the rich can rip out every single page.

Maybe you commit these acts?
Without even knowing,
One day it will kill not an exact
Number, but perhaps a following?

National votes?
I reject,
I will just be contributing to the undevoted
Puppets that say they will make an effect,

For Freedom.
here are two poems i wrote tonight, kinda not in keeping with some of my other work (as in they rhyme). the first was written second, and second was writen first... so my inspiration grew as i wrote the first one!

A twist of fate

A glance,
From afar,
Should I leave this to chance,
Oh, isn’t this bizarre.

Who would have thought,
That a glance would have such an effect
I’m quite distraught,
Will we ever connect.

Your are so beautiful,
Your eyes piercing,
My soul is bleeding,
Can I leave this to chance.

Courage; where’s it gone,
I can’t leave you be,
My feelings can’t be withdrawn,
Why can’t you see.

Step by step,
We grow closer,
Fate shines down on me,
You keep glancing; we grow ever nearer.

Your circle has been penetrated,
You don’t turn away,
Oh no; I’m going brain-dead,
This must be some sort of display.

“He..” words are lost to me,
Is the room full or empty,
I can’t see beyond you; I’m blind to a degree,
I cannot understand why.

I must be out of my mind,
“Can I have your number?”,
“Would you be so kind”,
If neigh I shall bury myself in eternal slumber.

“I’ve got to go”,
“What so soon?”,
Say it isn’t so,
But it’s only the afternoon.

My chances are dwindling,
I’m feeling hollow,
Our love is kindling,
In my self pity I shall wallow.

You’ve gone,
I’m alone,
Sorrow fills my heart,
All I have is your number,
The question is, what’s your name?

Heres the second :)

The pain of love

In life we all strive,
To accomplish one thing,
To feel alive,
The one thing that makes us sing.

What is it,
That one thing,
Without it we want to slit
The wrists, or hang from a string.

I shall answer thee,
It’s another beings presence,
Wouldn’t you agree?
To be a metaphorical ominpreance.

To share a moment,
That will last forever in your heart,
To fill the soul to the extent,
That you don’t want to be apart.

Forever filling your consciousness,
Blurring all of reality,
Infecting you Sub consciousness,
It becomes a formality.

My body writhing inside yours,
We are one,
Suddenly roars,
The deed is done.

It’s all over,
Could it have gone any faster,
Don’t you want more.

What; anew,
When; now?
I can’t handle the pain,
You can’t disavow.

Now. Your Presence enchants me,
I can’t imagine being without you,
You cant disagree,
Anyway that’s my angle of view.

I’m going to ask,
The one question that’s on both out minds,
The answer I request,
Too late,
I’m asking..

Will you marry me?
You know the comment I gave to you on msn about you being like wine.

You truly have came on leaps and bounds.
Anyone care to read a 14 page long shrinklet poem about Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire?
here are two poems i wrote tonight, kinda not in keeping with some of my other work (as in they rhyme). the first was written second, and second was writen first... so my inspiration grew as i wrote the first one!

A twist of fate

A glance,
From afar,
Should I leave this to chance,
Oh, isn’t this bizarre.

Who would have thought,
That a glance would have such an effect
I’m quite distraught,
Will we ever connect.

Your are so beautiful,
Your eyes piercing,
My soul is bleeding,
Can I leave this to chance.

Courage; where’s it gone,
I can’t leave you be,
My feelings can’t be withdrawn,
Why can’t you see.

Step by step,
We grow closer,
Fate shines down on me,
You keep glancing; we grow ever nearer.

Your circle has been penetrated,
You don’t turn away,
Oh no; I’m going brain-dead,
This must be some sort of display.

“He..” words are lost to me,
Is the room full or empty,
I can’t see beyond you; I’m blind to a degree,
I cannot understand why.

I must be out of my mind,
“Can I have your number?”,
“Would you be so kind”,
If neigh I shall bury myself in eternal slumber.

“I’ve got to go”,
“What so soon?”,
Say it isn’t so,
But it’s only the afternoon.

My chances are dwindling,
I’m feeling hollow,
Our love is kindling,
In my self pity I shall wallow.

You’ve gone,
I’m alone,
Sorrow fills my heart,
All I have is your number,
The question is, what’s your name?

Heres the second :)

The pain of love

In life we all strive,
To accomplish one thing,
To feel alive,
The one thing that makes us sing.

What is it,
That one thing,
Without it we want to slit
The wrists, or hang from a string.

I shall answer thee,
It’s another beings presence,
Wouldn’t you agree?
To be a metaphorical ominpreance.

To share a moment,
That will last forever in your heart,
To fill the soul to the extent,
That you don’t want to be apart.

Forever filling your consciousness,
Blurring all of reality,
Infecting you Sub consciousness,
It becomes a formality.

My body writhing inside yours,
We are one,
Suddenly roars,
The deed is done.

It’s all over,
Could it have gone any faster,
Don’t you want more.

What; anew,
When; now?
I can’t handle the pain,
You can’t disavow.

Now. Your Presence enchants me,
I can’t imagine being without you,
You cant disagree,
Anyway that’s my angle of view.

I’m going to ask,
The one question that’s on both out minds,
The answer I request,
Too late,
I’m asking..

Will you marry me?
two nice pieces, if slightly unorganized but great work :) 👍
define unorganised ? Thanks for the compliments dude.. and thanks bee... all i can do is write what comes to me, and if people like it, so be it!

Remember you heard Alexei here first!

you knock me down
you pound me to the ground
you dont stop 'till i'm down
so deep i cant be found
so hard i cant make a sound

you told me it would all be fine.
but you beat me if i step out of line
you told me things would be devine
but my emotions are lower then the deepest mine

please let me up, for i cant breathe
your weight is choking me
all your rules
your tools you use control the fools

that voted for you...

you knock me down
you pound me to the ground
you dont stop 'till i'm down
so deep i cant be found
so hard i cant make a sound

you told me it would all be fine.
but you beat me if i step out of line
you told me things would be devine
but my emotions are lower then the deepest mine

please let me up, for i cant breathe
your weight is choking me
all your rules
your tools you use control the fools

that voted for you...

I like the way you describe the topic of the poem, but it kinda falls apart in the last verse, which is a shame really because the first 2 verses had a nice tempo to it.

The way you describe it though like I said, I like, good job!

you knock me down
you pound me to the ground
you dont stop 'till i'm down
so deep i cant be found
so hard i cant make a sound

you told me it would all be fine.
but you beat me if i step out of line
you told me things would be devine
but my emotions are lower then the deepest mine

please let me up, for i cant breathe
your weight is choking me
all your rules
your tools you use control the fools

that voted for you...
you rhymes have a good flow to them. awesome 👍